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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. That sounds like a very Canadian way to do business.
  2. Dunno if you have Target in Canada, but they have really cute/good panties and bras for pretty reasonable. I got most of my stripy bikinis from there and they're stupid comfy.
  3. Ugh, how'd Fawkes get out of my closet? I need to invest in better chains.
  4. $170 on a game, like in microtransactions? Yikes. Nah the tough part is going into a stall then trying to get your tail to fit, or taking it off and finding a place to put it long enough so you can keep it clean and pee. The restrooms at the con hotel are usually pretty immaculate, but ya never know...
  5. NICE! I need a new tail. It's a pain in the butt if you have to use the bathroom tho.
  6. Watch the new season of Bojack Horseman. Dew it!
  7. Right? I only work one job today and I'm like omg I have 7 hours off!
  8. I've been jamming to this one. It's kept me awake this week.
  9. I managed to do laundry today. I kept putting it off since no time to do it really. I ended up wearing a shirt to work that was like D:, along with a sports bra I haven't worn in like forever.
  10. Gotta help fix the forum...I'll get around to it when I'm done working 80 hours this week!
  11. You should watch Parasyte next, darling Rocky.
  12. I couldn't get into Code Geass, which is crazy because it has everything that's up my alley.
  13. Oooh, here, have more music. Dinosaur is slackin'.
  14. Autumn is my favorite season, no question.
  15. I just finished Btoooom! So crazy good! I think fall season is coming up fast!
  16. That was a weekend. It was fun, but every night something happened. First night we had a few stalkers we had to shake off, followed by a fire alarm early in the morning. Saturday night we had a room mate that decided to go on a bender and we ended up babysitting him. He wouldn't stay in the room or listen to us; it eventually ended with him in the hospital when he rammed his head into a door. He also bruised my arm and wouldn't keep his hands to himself. We had to find his bag with his car keys; we had to coax one of the people in the "party room" to open the door so we could get his stuff back. One of them eventually regained consciousness long enough to let us in before collapsing again. The room smelled like vomit and had a big keg in the middle of it. Gross. When I do cons, I don't drink or do any "party" activities besides pal around and have fun; I really don't get the crowd that want to take it outside the limits of common sense. So yeah, fun stuff! Would I do that con again? Probably not. Bright side, my little sister got to show off her fursuit and dance around in a box! https://twitter.com/Weezypaws/status/1033765864422682624
  17. IndyFur coming up the day after tomorrow! I have to work tonight, sleep a few hours then work a 19 hour shift, then get home, shower, do some last minute packing and road trip down there. It's gonna be crazy. If I don't respond in the next few months, assume I'm succumbed by karoshi.
  18. LEWD - Lemmings Entering Watermelon Domes. (I just woke up, that's all I got.) Found a new song! Cheesy mouse eating a ...french fry? Sure, why not?
  19. I do that sometimes. Not sleep. Actually, that's all the time, lol. I want to love FFXV. The characters are pretty interesting and the game itself is a marvel, but eh...I dunno why it's not clicking with me. Under the Rose? Under me!
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