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Everything posted by SilverSwirl

  1. *emerges from the screen of an arcade cabinet*
  2. Whenever feather tea gets mentioned, take two shots.
  3. Hey Rosie! I can't dye my hair or get anything controversial because the retail gods would murder me. I am trying to break free from the retail chains but it's hard.
  4. Here is some of the art. Artist is Ducky Deathly.
  5. I didn't draw it. It is a commission I made with an artist some months ago. I will post it later on. I should be sleeping.
  6. Who wants to see more art of the pegasus? Also, smooth peanut butter.
  7. "Oh my twinkling stars, Fawkes. You did destroy it. I just willed it back into being. I needed a comfy seat to sip tea made from my feathers again."
  8. There was a rippling wind as he sat upon the throne of yarn.
  9. The pegasus yawns and then focuses briefly as the yarn throne of old returns to being. "It has been too long since I sat upon this."
  10. But then again. I vanished for a while myself.
  11. Aria, it has been a Goomba's age since I last saw you!
  12. Signature fixed. I didn't know that would happen with the site changes. Perhaps it is better now. Now for some sketches done during a stream by Tron Bonne Art. Except this one is by Mariela Torres This one is by Tron Bonne Art
  13. I felt the need to come back from the shadows and bake in the heat of Texas sun. Also, I have new sketch things to show of Silverbolt.
  14. Hey everypony! I'm home again! I got a Dreamcast for my birthday and had an absolute blast at the convention! Played Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder with G.M. Barrows, Josh Haber and M.A. Larson in the hotel bar area! Had my inked commission of Silverbolt signed by Tabitha too!
  15. Hey everyone! I go on vacation tomorrow! I'll be staying with family in Texas and going to Nightmare Nights! I shall be back before the end of the month!
  16. 5 more weeks until Nightmare Nights

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