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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Hey all, gonna be out for the week in VA for thanksgiving with the folks.  Will check in via mobile, but might not get any long replies in

  2. Hey!  Sorry if I've been holding up any threads, been kind of busy preparing for my new job.  I'll get some out over the weekend, but with the new commute time's gonna be scarcer for me.

  3. It's my birthday!

    1. Ciraxis


      A little late, but Happy Birthday Bluey! I hope you have lot's of dun in the year till the next one!

    2. Noonherb


      happy birthday!

  4. Ugh... came home from vacation with a fever... gonna be a little while longer catching up on RP here...

  5. Hey dude!  Did you need something?  Noticed you were trying to clear out your gallery?


  6. Just got home.  Will try to catch up on RP replies this evening


  7. Back from vacay, will be catching up on threads tomorrow


  8. Going to be away for the Holidays, be back around Monday or so


  9. Mayor's Office Open hours!  Sign up here!


  10. And back from New England!


    1. tacobob


      So, what didja bring us?

    2. Blueblood


      Nothing, I drank all the Whisky the night before I came back down.

    3. tacobob


      Now you'll have to go back! :3

  11. I'll be away in New England until Monday, so I'll be catching up with you all later!

  12. I got my computer back!  I will try to catch up on all my threads this week.

  13. Sorry if folks have been waiting on me for stuff, My laptop is still in the shop and won't be back until Friday or Monday. 

  14. Going to visit my folks for my Mother's birthday.  See you guys in a couple of days!

  15. What better way to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day than a Royal Wedding?  Mini event linked below!  https://www.canterlot.com/topic/24849-hearts-and-hooves-day-a-royal-wedding-open-mini-event/


  16. As you could probably tell from the last blitz of posts I did, I have returned home!

    1. Aisede


      Huzzah, the prince returns!

    2. tacobob


      No, I don't believe you!

  17. Home for the holidays now.  Will still be on, but less time for posting

  18. Traveling home for Thanksgiving, likely to be back Saturday!

  19. Guess who a possible Covid exposure sent home early and back into isolation?  *sigh*


  20. I am going to be on vacation for the next week, internet access will be spotty at best.  Won't be able to post during that time.  See you when I get back!

  21. Come Celebrate the Summer, and enroll new students in the School of Friendship!


  22. Why do I have the urge to turn all the musical artists I'm a fan of into OC's?

    1. Trombone2015


      That sounds like a wonderful idea. 

  23. Changed up my forum signature to something that actually reflects who I am on this site!

  24. Looks like I'm not gonna be able to get any posts out before I get home. Sorry, guys

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