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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Moonlite followed, "so..um..ypur blue?" Darkness shrugged and sighed, "Im used to it, ots ok"
  2. Darkness sighed, thinking she was laughing at him, mocking him Moonlite nodded and followed her
  3. He shook his head in a 'no' fashion. Moonlite smiled as she stayed beside Eleanor, "so whete might this Blue pony be?"
  4. Darkness nodded a bit still not lookibg over to her Moonlite nodded and followed
  5. Moonlite shrugged, "Im not sure" she giggled a bit Darkness looked away, "n..no reason"
  6. Moonlite looked around as the silence drew on, "so...um...wanna do something? Or were we gonna have ice cream now?" Darkness nodded and bluahed as he looked down
  7. Moonlite looked at Eleanor with a warm smile as well, happy to have her, even if she was just a friend. Darkness looked at the Stallion then her, "Why does he make funny faces at ypu?"
  8. Darkness blushed, "th..thanks. Yo..you too" Moonlite smiled at Eleanor as she held the mare warmly, loving hugging her for some reason.
  9. Darkness shrugged with a warm smile Moonlite hugged the mare and smiled, "Im here foe you, if you want me tp be"
  10. He blushed a bit and rested his head next to Storm's Moonlite shrugged, "Dunno guess we just both nevet saw pne another, I've beem here all year," she smiled warmly to her friend
  11. Darkness blushed and slowly wtapped his arms arpund her in a hug Moonlite held Eleanor's hand with a smile (I say hand because im still unsure if its humaniod or pony)
  12. "Im Moonlite Frost, Im her new friend," she smiled, "We have a good amount in common, and you are?" She asked warmly
  13. Moonlite stood by Eleanor and smiled Darkness sighed and looked down
  14. Darkness was still beat red anf couldnt look at her yet Moonlite smiled, "I wpuld love to!" She smiled.
  15. She slowly pulled Eleanor into a more embracing and passionate hug and gebtly rubbing her shoulfer. Darkness spun around ajd blushed and said nothing in embaressement.
  16. Darkness saw she looked away and looked at her, she was a beautiful mare and this thought made him blush. "I always am, especially to lovely mares that need a gpod friend" she said warmly as she stood there and stared into Eleanor's eyes
  17. Moonlite held the mares hand warmly as she lead her into the bathroom amd to the sink, "lets was h u up a little, those tears made a mess" Darkness took a breath so he eouldnt flinch and relaxed as he stared off past her.
  18. Moonlite nodded as she lead the mare to the restroom with a soft warm smile Darkness nodded and bluahed lightly as he slowly lookes over at her
  19. Darkness shook his head, "n..no not r..really" he sighed moonlite smiled and looked at Eleanor, ""Are ypu ok? Ypur a bit shaky"
  20. Moonlite smiled warmly and took the girls hand, "come on lets go to the restroom" Darkness gave her a weak smile
  21. "Well tell them were just staying at that house," She said as she kept her sword in her hand but down by her side to be ready but also not to show much hostility
  22. [okie] Darkness nodded, "i..it's ok," Moonlite smiled, "Yeah," she smiled and gave the mare a quick hug
  23. Moonlite smiled, "Oh thats quite alright, I'm bicurious, always wondered what it would be like to be with a mare," she blushed a bit as well Darkness calmed down as she landed and nodded a bit.
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