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Posts posted by BrainedBySaucepans

  1. Well, I've been coming here less and less in the past couple of months, and while I've had a great time here, there doesn't seem to be much point in me sticking around any more.

    I'll always be grateful to the Canterlot community for making me feel at home and putting up with my weirdness. Without this site, I'd probably have drifted out of the brony community soon after the forces of cultural osmosis drew me in. However, the people here all kept me invested in the fandom, to the point where I'm now completely ensnared, and actually producing my own fan content. I've been more productive in the past few months than I've ever been before, and it's an amazing feeling.

    I'm leaving for various reasons; chiefly that I never really got into the forum RP as much as I was intending to (not that there's anything wrong with RP on this site, all the threads I've looked at look amazingly fun, it's just I haven't had the time), and that I'm too lazy to upload the same piece of art to several websites.

    For those of you who want to keep track of what I produce, I'm pretty active on my tumblr. If you want to keep in touch personally, feel free to add me on Skype (username: brainedbysaucepans).

    Stay amazing and be well!

    - Saucy

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  2. Smirk almost visibly deflated this time, as he could practically see his words sail over the orange mare's head. The smile was now practically nailed to his face.

    [colour=#008080]I give up. It's been too long since I moved in any circles outside of academia... and I've become one of them. I was foalish to get assimilated so completely, and now it's come to bite me on the flank. I can't even communicate with normal ponies any more.[/colour]

    So thinking, he removed 5 coins from a pouch on his pack, meticulously placing them on the counter.

    [colour=#008080]"I must say, that seems a most reasonable price for a product in such high demand. Your produce must be renowned for its quality to attract such a queue."[/colour]

    He picked up the bushel and placed it in his pack, securing them for the next leg of his journey.

    [colour=#008080]"I should also apologise for my verbal diarrhoea. It's a bad habit I fear I'm too set in my ways to shake."[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]And that's actually true, as much as I resent the thought.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, though I suspect not a mutual one."[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]Is this what it's like to socialise in the real world? Lying through smiling teeth? This entire expedition has been nothing but an unpleasant awakening.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"I must be going now though; I have a long journey ahead of me."[/colour]

    Smirk turned to leave, and began to amble away, his leaden hoofsteps contrasting starkly with his carefully maintained carefree expression.

    [colour=#008080]At this point I suspect I've become so jaded that nothing could even surprise me any more...[/colour]

  3. [colour=#ff0000]"Truth? Well, uh, let me tell you the truth![/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000]"The truth is, sir, is that these apples are the best goshdarn apples you're ever going to sink your fancy Canterlot teeth into. That, I can promise you. And as far as the rest goes, all you have to pay is five bits for a bushel and I will give you the special of the day. How's that for efferal subchance, or somesuch?"[/colour]

    At the blunt response, Smirk's anger departed as quickly as it had arrived.

    [colour=#008080]What's become of me? I used to be reknowned for the clarity of my speech and writing. Putting complex ideas across in simple language was my forte... and now I'm babbling like the worst of those pompous Canterlot blowhards.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"That would be.. fine. Yes. Apples. That's what I'm here for."[/colour]

    At this, Smirk forced the smile back to his face.

    [colour=#008080]That's the second time today somepony has completely ignored me too, perhaps it's a sign... I just wish I knew what it signified.[/colour]

    Suddenly a thought struck.

    [colour=#008080]Maybe I need to try getting back to what I used to do well. Straight talking conveyance of facts. No waffle.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"Please forgive the impenetrable nature of my previous speech. I'm used to talking to ponies of learning, and it was foolish of me to not adjust my vocabulary to fit your clearly rustic nature. I was merely wondering if you'd indulge a personal passion of mine.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"While I'm primarily known as an authority on history and philosophy, I'm a keen student of the science, or perhaps art, of semiotics, the study of signs and symbols. As such I was inquiring as to the nature of your Cutie Mark. Please forgive the rather personal question; I only ask as a rather similar symbol adorns my own flank, and I was idly wondering if the similarity would indicate some sort of kinship, or if it's just mere happenstance."[/colour]

    He gestured with a hoof to indicate his own Cutie Mark; an apple crafted from shining gold.

    [colour=#008080]That's better, at least now I don't sound like I swallowed a thesaurus.... but now I'm babbling. Back to the point old chap.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"Anyway, I'm going on a rather long journey; a self imposed exile if you will. As such I'm seeking some produce with a long lifespan to last me the trek to Stalliongrad. I don't suppose you have such a variety?"[/colour]

    As he said this, Smirk internally congratulated himself for successfully dialing back his vocabulary to a more comprehensible level, idly wondering what the aforementioned special of the day might be.

  4. Professor Smirk realised with a start that he'd become so wrapped up in thought that he hadn't even noticed reaching the front of the queue.

    [colour=#008080]Looks like Doctor Pale left me to my own devices... can't say I blame him. I'm not exactly a sparkling conversationalist at the best of times. And with my current ill mood...[/colour]

    Suddenly, a voice cut through his musings.

    [colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"Well, well. Looks like there's a load of smarts in the line o' customers all the sudden. What gives?"[/colour]

    The drawl slicing neatly through his thought processes provoked an automatic response, and try as he might to keep up friendly appearances and let vapid platitudes flow from his lips, Smirk couldn't hold back the tide of irritation.

    [colour=#008080]"Do I look like a sociologist? Why ask me to examine the demographic of your customers? I'm here today as a seeker of truth, not to expound on it."[/colour]

    With this sudden outlet, the walls holding back Smirk's ire for the world failed as one, and a torrent gushed forth.

    [colour=#008080]"Rather, I'm seeking an avatar of Truth; I've found the raw substance far too bitter to stomach of late, so I shall make do by sating my appetite with symbols."[/colour]

    His forced grin had now evaporated, replaced by a far more comfortable scowl as a sweeping gesture of the forehoof indicated the bushels of fruit stacked around, as well as their likenesses emblazoned upon Applejack's flank.

    [colour=#008080]"I notice you display the same avatars I seek proudly as your emblem, much as I do. In my case, it symbolises an eternal quest for Truth in whatever form it takes, and while it would be a wonderful thought to assume the similarities of our emblems brand us kindred spirits, given your humble surroundings and rustic manner of speech I strongly suspect that your mark's meaning is far more prosaic and literal than my own. So, if you don't have any Truth to dispense, I'll settle for less ethereal sustenance."[/colour]

    Smirk finally stopped to breath, then stood expectantly. Inwardly torn between a sense of satisfaction at his evident intellectual dominance, and self-loathing at how meaningless and overly flowery his words had been.

    [colour=#008080]I sound just like the prattling fools back at Canterlot...[/colour]

    He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes. What was said was said, time to sit back and observe the effect of his words.

  5. Okay, unless people are okay with me starting sign ups this week end, it may be best if someone else takes the chair on #9. This week has gone from stressful in a good way to stressful in a bad way (I'm trying to break out of an artistic rut, and on top of everything I collapsed at work yesterday [fine now, just lack of sleep]), and I'm not sure I can deal with anything else, no matter how small. Besides, seeing as I'm hardly a regular on Canterlot recently, it may be best if someone else ran the next session.

    I'm still up for running it if people don't mind a few more delays, but it's up to you all.

  6. Okay, you have no idea how much I hate to do this, but all art requests are on hold until further notice.

    Ever since my last livestream, I've had constant pins & needles in my left hand, and while it's not painful or restricting my movement at all, I still find it a bit worrying. Hopefully I'm panicking over nothing, but I'm not doing anything to exacerbate it until I've consulted with a doctor.

    Sorry about this, please bear with me.

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