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Everything posted by Whitefeather

  1. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] nodded slowly.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]I-I'm going to get some fresh air, ok....?[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" She shouted, then she silently flapped her wings going outside as she yawned, but she flew straight into something and she yelped loudly.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Y-You're not a pony?![/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  2. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]O-Ok, bye Forte...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] pulled him into a tight hug blushing, took the ticket, and ran away like she was running for dear life.~[/colour]
  3. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#ffa07a] rubbed her cutie mark, wincing.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]I-I'm ok, I just fell...[/colour][colour=#ffa07a]"[/colour]
  4. [colour=#D3D3D3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] woke up early in the morning, falling out of the bed as she yelped wincing and trying to get up since she was tangled inside the sheets.~ "[/colour][colour=#D3D3D3]D-Darn...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  5. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Nnnn....[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] just flopped onto the bed of the guest room, telling him [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]thank you[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] about a million times before she drifted off to sleep, curled up in the covers.~[/colour]
  6. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] slowly squeaked as she touched the ground, raising her head and slowly getting up as she stumbled a bit looking around for the guest room.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]W-Where...?[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  7. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] lightly flapped her wings, letting him guide her as she just yawned looking straight ahead.~[/colour]
  8. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] hugged him tightly, slightly leaning on him as she blinked.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]T-Thanks...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  9. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]O-Oh, well, I-I've never been on a date before... People say I'm... A-a bit too shy... But ok, F-Forte...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] blushed heavily while saying this.~[/colour]
  10. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]V-Very...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] giggled lightly, drooping her wings a bit.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]I think I should sleep on this cloud...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  11. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]M-My name is WhiteFeather... You heard me singing....?[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]" [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] yawned lightly, looking at the sky.~[/colour]
  12. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]A-A request for me?[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  13. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] slowly tried to blink away her sleepyness away, rubbing her eyes as her long eyelashes shifted and she fixed them, then she opened her eyes completely once she saw who he was blushing darker.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]O-Oh my, hello...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  14. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] blushed, looking down as she immediatly shut up, looking away.~ "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]I-It was me, sorry... D-Did I disturb you...?[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  15. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] continued on singing, rolling around on the cloud as she got sleepy her voice getting faint.~[/colour]
  16. [colour=#FFA07A] [/colour][colour=#FFA07A]H-Hello, [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Huscarl[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]... [/colour]
  17. [colour=#FFA07A]Uhm, t-thanks but I-I'm not [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]adorable[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]... [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]//Squee[/colour][colour=#FFA07A].~[/colour]
  18. [colour=#FFA07A]Y-Yes, I spend my [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]life[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] reading [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Inuyasha[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] fanfics and [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]roleplaying[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]... I uhm, a-also [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]draw[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]... I-I'm an [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Artist[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]... Still haven't drawn a [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]pony[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] [/colour][colour=#FFA07A] yet, don't want to.. D-Disgrace them, but I'll try... [/colour]
  19. [colour=#FFA07A]T-T-This is [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]really[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] how I [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]normally[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] [/colour][colour=#FFA07A] act, though... [/colour]
  20. [colour=#FFA07A]T-Thanks[/colour][colour=#D3D3D3] [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]... [/colour]
  21. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] dropped a few candies off for her friends, before she decided to go back home to Solistice Heights, though, being here was fun... She just flew up to a cloud and layed on it, singing. "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]When you come to me and you smile... Suddenly I feel as if everything's ok, na na na na na na na na na na..., love can be a delicate thing... True love has a power that's unbelievably real, hogging the heart... Of true emotions that you feel...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  22. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] sighed, getting tired out by her own tears she curled up best she could but hearing some voices she called out for help.~[/colour]
  23. [colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]W-Well, no... But anything you play would be awesome, I-I'm sure...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  24. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] flapped her wings, flying for a bit until she reached the store she was looking for yawning and stretching before she went in, by the time she came back she had a bag of candy in her mouth trotting over to a near by bench and eating a heart candy as she teared up a bit letting herself think about a few things starting to sing, "[/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]For better for worse, this love must be cursed...[/colour][colour=#FFA07A]"[/colour]
  25. [colour=#d3d3d3]//WhiteFeather[/colour][colour=#FFA07A] smiled gently and slowly pulled him into a light hug, then she stepped back and nodded at him before turning away, going to buy chocolate for her friends.[/colour]
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