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Everything posted by Drakky

  1. So should I wait for a kind of lead in or work my way into the current play with several posts?
  2. I'll check it out, I think I have the link for it somewhere. I'll get it later, gonna catch a bit of sleep while I still can.
  3. I haven't started origins so I can't exactly compare the two but I'll take your word for it. I thought dragon age 2 was great with the exception of the ending.
  4. Now to play the waiting game. I hope he does accept the AP, I'd love to be part of the rp since it combines one of my favorite games with mlp.
  5. I actually didn't think about it until you pointed it out. I probably would have noticed sooner or later.
  6. Hehe, cause red hoofed ^^; I did take inspiration from there. (Female hawke and Male Bethany o3o) lolz xD
  7. The prologue bit where you were running from the spawn before you get to fight the ogre. You get the bare basic gear that a refugees would most-like be equipped with. Snow and Icicle get slightly under adequate gear but what they lack there, they make up in skill. So **** gear + good skill * two siblings = slightly above average chances of survival. ^w^;
  8. Hehe, in theory you have a good point but since the gear they have is about the equivalent to what you start with in Dragon Age 2, and that's actually exaggerating a little. Besides, sharpened stone doesn't do much damaged to a warrior encased in metal armor. ^^; still, Icicle's cold spells do pack a punch so that make's up for Snow's lack of power and snow makes up the attack speed that Icicle lacks.
  9. In case you are still accepting players, I'd like to enter a pair of ponies. Yes a pair, I'd hate to split up siblings. Its a Brother/Sister pair. Name: Snow Frost Class: Pegasus Rogue- Ranger Background: Snow Frost is a caring Pegasus, only having her older brother to look up to after the blight took their parents away. She took an interest in hunting as it was the only way for her to keep wild animals and Darkspawn away from their small camp near stalliongrad. Being the younger of the two, she was attached to her brother and looked towards him for guidance and safety. Snow knew well that if the templars knew of her Apostate brother, they would hunt them down with no remorse. Their decision of not moving with a family friend in the fortress city of Canterlot was both good and bad. The decision was good because the fortress was the home to the templars, avoiding them is their priority. The decision was also bad because they didn't have the proper supplies to make a more fortified camp to defend against darkspawn hoards or raider groups. Snow is armed with a homemade ranged weapon akin to a crossbow but was automatically fed new bolts from a cartridge apparatus. The cartridges were made to hold ten sharpened stone-tipped bolts. The actual firing mechanism was taken from a darkspawn Bolter's crossbow and modified to automatically recock itself after firing a bolt, trading off power and range for firing speed. Snow also carried a pair of sharpened daggers, one attached to her 'crossbow' and the other attached to her vambrace on her free hoof. That dagger was equipped to a self-deploying mechanism that allowed the blade to be concealed when not in use and at ready in seconds with the aid of a spring-loaded apparatus built into her vambrace, something that assassins probably carried on them but on a more basic scale than theirs. Name: Icicle Frost Class: Unicorn Spirit Mage- Apostate BackgrMound: Icicle Frost, Snow Frost's older brother and only family left. Being an apostate put his younger sister at risk of being killed by the templars everyday and everynight but the templars weren't their only enemy, Darkspawn, wild animals, raiders, all of them were significant threats to them. He tried convincing Snow to go live with a friend of theirs in Canterlot but she wouldn't leave his side even if she was staring death down eye to eye. She was stubborn but he loved her and cared for her since the third blight, when their parents were killed by darkspawn. They've lived together since then and grown stronger and closer as family than ever. They accepted any aid they could get or use any materials or supplies they could find for themselves. Being mage wasn't all that bad, it helped Icicle set magical barriers and traps at night to keep them safe while they rested. His study into the rrestoration arts also came in handy when they got hurt or someone that was hurt came to them. His skills with magic almost became something that others that flee the darkspawn talked about. The talk of his miracles spread to other camps and soon they would have groups of injured refugees or homeless come to seek his aid. Icicle is armed with a wooden, iron tipped spear that was etched with miniscule amount of lyrium to boost his natural ability with magic. His family's spells consisted of cold spells but when combined with spirit spells, he could brings ice wraiths or ice golems to aid in their fights for a short time but casting such spells uses a lot of mana, those spells are rarely used and are left only for true emergencies. Aside from being a gifted mage, he's also a bit of a novice enchanter. He's able to add weak cold damage to Snow's stone tipped bolts to add extra damage and a 10% chance of freezing the target.
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