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Status Updates posted by SymphonicFire

  1. I have a competition tomorrow! :D

  2. Thanks to the frequent thunderstorms here, the yard is full of weeds, WeEDs, WEEEDS!

    1. DreamySunday


      The thunder just never stops. :'(

  3. I just noticed your cover photo is animated! It's so mesmerizing!

  4. My computer is getting a barrage of catchy Kpop songs. I can't stop listening to them! I will not convert...I WILL NOT CONVERT!

    1. Rosewind


      I looove the TeleMonster songs:




    2. SymphonicFire


      Nooo! My brain is about to explode! 

      -downloads them anyways-

  5. Changed it already? XD

    1. Polyblank




    2. Polyblank


      I really need to think about how I allocate my time

  6. <---Dances in time with the song "Electric Shock" by f(x). If you find other songs that work with the gif, feel free to tell me XD

    1. Davroth


      I already tried it out and if you synch it right, One More Time by Daft Punk totally works.

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Can I hire y'all to see if my Scootaloo goes to any beats? xP

    3. SymphonicFire


      It's bobbing at 112 b/m. Now to find a song XD

  7. Exams are finally over! Will try to catch up with roleplays!

  8. Omg...I just read that KorrAsami is canon! Why did I not know that until now?! OTP!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SymphonicFire


      Shoot, must have missed the last episode! I'm so happy now!

    3. Davroth


      You should watch it in its entirety. It's goooooood.

    4. SymphonicFire


      I should! Heck, once exams are over I'll rewatch all four seasons!

  9. Despair...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. tacobob


      I'm guessing SF is writing an Death Metal Song. And you gots to use those D-Words


      SINGER: Deli-style!

      BACK-UP: Jugga jigga wugga!

      SINGER: De La Soul!

      BACK-UP: Jugga jigga wugga!

    4. Ciraxis
  10. After Wednesday I'm free of exams! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!

  11. Has anyone heard of Miraculous Ladybug? I'm so obsessed with it XD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. augercorn


      Well lol I would need your help 

      kwani ? K-wami? Only help those of pure of heart and they wouldn't just sho up to any pony lol 


    3. augercorn


      (Oh yeah!

      Marinette getting jealous because of Volpina was awesome!)


      I hated hated Volpina, herself.lol as an audience we are supposed too!  But seeing marionette/ ladybug, freak out was a good charectr flaw that added so much to her 


      honestly ladybug is more about marionette and Adrian;

      and unless we can make a private Rp with 2 people I don't think it will work 

    4. SymphonicFire


      A private RP does sound like the best option as it is easier to control, especially with a detailed show like Miraculous Ladybug. As for the Kwamis, our OCs just have to be the "chosen ones", so they only have to be "good". I'm not a big fan of Volpina either, she's getting in the way of my OTP....lol



    Fire...please study...you have an exam tomorrow...



    1. Lyipheoryia


      WEEEE!  You should start studying~ :P 

  13. Okay! Exams are up and Fire is no going to post because she needs to study...SHE NEEDS TO STUDY...okay one last post...

    1. DreamySunday


      Go Symphy! <Hops around in the cheer leading uniform>

  14. What'cha up to Fire? Nothing much, just got two art works due in 7 hours. Got your heavy metal playlist and black coffee? Yup, don't plan on sleeping tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      You go girl!


      I mean, maple.




      Yeah, you go! 


      ( what does maple even mean? 9 -6 )

    3. SymphonicFire


      No clue XD I think it was Dreamy's idea. I am a girl but being a Maple is much more interesting than being a filly XD

    4. DreamySunday


      BWAHAHAHA! Maples will rule this world!

  15. I have a poster due in 11 hours and I need to sleep for at least 8 of those hours...halp mei...

    1. DreamySunday
    2. SymphonicFire


      Omg I just woke up and I have an hour left and i'm nowhere near done!

    3. DreamySunday


      Oooooohhh boy! That's gonna be hard. O_O But I believe in you! :D

  16. I have an irritating zit between my eyebrows and it looks like a Bindi!

    1. DreamySunday


      Shouldn't have read that while drinking juice... Now my monitor is gonna get sticky.

    2. Polyblank


      Bindi the jungle zit...

  17. Chocolate covered almonds are really good! O.o

  18. Ah the cactus. Truly the most tsundere of plants.

    1. DreamySunday
    2. RedCedar


      Sharp spines with pretty flowers. Sounds about right.

  19. Banner is 20% cooler XD 

  20. Still sobbing over Pyrrha...why did you have to do that Roosterteeeth DDDD:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Otsdarva


      Yes,she did lose it.  Her right arm in fact.  Which arm is cut out of the valentine's card? ;)

    3. SymphonicFire


      Now that will just reminds me of another sad thing. If the card was addresse to Blake then I think I'll just sob irl.

      im a big fan of YangXBlake though.

    4. Otsdarva


      I'm sure the Bumblebee ship will return in full force soon enough.

  21. Taking a break from Roleplaying because of exams. See you guys in a bit!

    1. DreamySunday


      Good luck! I believe in you! :D

  22. Last call for camp half-blood!

  23. Attention Percy Jackson/Greek mythology fans!


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