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brianblackberry last won the day on July 25 2016

brianblackberry had the most liked content!

About brianblackberry

  • Birthday February 15

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    GnP Trixie!
  • Character 3
    Martini Paradise
  • Character 2
    Sunrise Beach
  • Main Character
    Carrot Fields

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Science Fiction, anime, anthropomorphics, astronomy, computer programming, web programming, football, Celtic culture, geology, physics, cartography, skepticism
  • Location
    Douglas, Isle of Mann
  • Gender

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  1. Overall it was a good movie and a good beginning to the new generation. Was it perfect? No, the ending was a bit fast and a bit flat, and they didn't really address what happened to Sunny and what she now was. The main villain (if you can call him that) is very one dimension with no redeeming qualities whatsoever (the best villains are those who honestly feel they are doing the right thing, even if it is the wrong methods or reasons). Was it good though? Yes. The main purpose of this film is to introduce the 'mane five' characters to the audience and it did an excellent of doing this and establishing their personalities, goals, and desires. The animation is outstanding and the backgrounds gorgeous, with all sorts of subtleties. It does make me wonder what they will do for the series since was no doubt also expensive. The voice work, for me, what the best part, as it was top notch. Of course we have to note that this movie is a sequel to G4, it is explicitly set in the same world is some unspecified future time,and the callbacks to G4 are numerous and important tot he story, it really pay homage to the previous generation. Of course there are a million questions still the movie didn't address (as this would have impossible in 90 minutes and not the main point). What are the crystals, who made them and why? What caused the magic to end? What happened to Twilight? What about places like Ponyville and Canterlot? What of the other species? Well hopefully at least some of these will be addressed in the future series. Four out of five stars.
  2. So I need to know, who won the Ponyville election?  Was it Mayor Mare or Ms. Harshwhinny?  Polls said they were in a dead heat!

    1. SteelEagle


      Mayor Mare, of course!

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I'd like to think of it more as...Filthy Rich vs. Ms. Harshwinny~  

    3. Dubstep


      The real winner was Trixie, Mayor Mare is just a shadow official.

  3. All your Changeling lore and beliefs are about it get blown out of the water!  That's all I'm gonna say.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brianblackberry


      With your apple eye?

    3. SteelEagle


      I'mma cuddle you next time I see you on Skype so hard your brain will burst with friendship.

    4. brianblackberry


      Sounds like I need to get on Skype!

  4. So show canon says only ponies get cutie marks.

    1. Bellosh


      Pfft, that's just pony-centric propaganda from a pony-centric show. :flowey:

    2. PyroBlaze


      Besides... Who has shown up in the show besides ponies that even get marks here?

    3. tacobob
  5. So peeps, how much did the episode mess with your Changeling headcanon?

    1. SteelEagle


      It confirmed much of it.

    2. QuickLime
  6. Just saw a preview for this week's episode, pretty much confirms a lot of Canterlot headcanon about Changelings as individuals.

    1. tacobob


      Hopefully it will confirm even more.....I'm looking forward to this episode along with the next one. :3

  7. On Discord now:  Brianblackberry  Same name as here!

  8. Dude, you have no haters on this site, just saying... I hope the surgery goes without a hitch and you have a speedy recovery.
  9. Need to catch up with RPs now and start a couple new ones.  If its my turn in yours *please* let me know!

  10. The latest episode confirmed my headcanon, Cheerilee was once a cheerleader. :D

    1. tacobob


      Yeah. It's almost like her name hints to that in some way. ;)

      And it's probably a reference to this


      Man, those are some ugly hippos! lB0XHNu.png


  11. I think I got replaced. :(

    1. Dubstep


      :c No dude you haven't been replaced! That's silly talk! We know you've been busy so Zeig did a couple pieces for the announcement banners to take a little of the load off for you. You're still our number one site artist extraordinaire <3

    2. RedCedar


      That happens around here, Brian.

    3. Rosewind


      Enough. BBB you're not "replaced" for anything. All contributions are welcome from all of our users, and we happily use everything we get.

  12. Anxiety attacks are the worst. :( Too old for this.

  13. Every time I flash the BIOS to update it I feel like I am going to have a heart attack during the process. O_o

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      That's why I use Gigabyte boards... it's less scary when you have a second bios to boot from.

    2. brianblackberry


      Well fortunately everything went right, but I am always have the slight panic when I do it and watch the screen as it is updating.

  14. Reposted the discussion thread for yesterday's episode as the original got lost in the reboot.

  15. Hey dude, how is it going?  Just haven't seen you posting in a while and seeing if everything is okay.

    1. Mojo


      I'm fine.  Life has been busier than usual for me.  Ever since I got relocated last year, it's been nearly a non-stop flurry of activity for me!


      I appreciate your concern, BBB, but I'm doing ok.

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