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Bramble Rose

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Bramble Rose last won the day on June 6 2016

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  1. Happy Birthday, Brambles!

    1. tacobob


      Happy Birthday BR!




      Hope you don't have to work today like me...instead have fun!

  2. Bravado // Pegasus Pony // Male // Adult // //Threads Golden Age: 2.5 - Art Deco Golden Age Comics, Issue 2: Wednesday's Child Golden Age: Issue 1.5 - Team-building Exercises Golden Age Comics! Issue 1: You Never Say Good Luck on Opening Night! The Golden Age of Comic Books: A Mutants and Masterminds campaign. Interest and OOC here! [ ALICORN PONY ] Morning Glory // Alicorn Pony // Female // Adult // //Threads Golden Age: 2.5 - Art Deco Golden Age Comics, Issue 2: Wednesday's Child Golden Age: Issue 1.5 - Team-building Exercises Golden Age Comics! Issue 1: You Never Say Good Luck on Opening Night! The Golden Age of Comic Books: A Mutants and Masterminds campaign. Interest and OOC here!
  3. Baron von Hoofington // Pegasus Pony // Male // Adult // profile //Threads [Rhinestone] The Treasured Trinket:The Bar
  4. [ PEGASUS PONY ] Rainbow Dash // Pegasus Pony // Female // Adult // profile //Threads Rainbow Dash vs. the Unfinished Novel Head in the Clouds Adventures in Trend Setting Junior Hoofball Tryouts Daring Delvers - Adventure! Excitement! GLORY! Pride in the Sky The Princess Apprentice Frenzied Factory Zone: Vaporization Department Frenzied Factory Zone: Transportation Department [Ponyville] Flying Lessons for Royalty [Ponyville] Class Is In Session Kidnapping of a Royal Nature (Outside Ponyville) Daringcon General [Sweet Apple Acres, Open-PM, Invite, Friends, Family] Apple Bloom's Big Day! The Soul of a Town Any Bar in a Storm A Rescue In Progress, Perhaps? Hearts, Hooves, and Misunderstandings A gift! A Hearts and Hooves gift! Working the Kinks Out (Ponyville) Orienteering, and the demand for coffee The Very Merry Berry Juice and Drinks bar... [Everfree Forest] Brought to Ruin [Ponyville] Delivering the Mail Alternate Realities: The Rainboom Centurian Age of Heroes: The Academy opens
  5. Sweetie Belle // Unicorn Pony // Female // Foal // profile //Threads A Sweet Sound Cutie Mark Emergency: The Tyrant of Froggybottom Swamp The Doctor is In: Sweetie's Help Desk Cutie Mark Crusader Treasure Hunters, Go! [Ponyville] Class is in Session [Fillydelphia] A Country Field Trip High Society Stylin' with Country Profilin' [Sweet Apple Acres] Adventures in Foalsitting [Ponyville]The Foal Cooking Contest of Culinary Deliciousness and Doom[See OOC] Apple Bloom's Big Day! [Ponyville - Carousel Boutique] A Dressmaker's Calling Tiara Troubles [Ponyville - Tea Cozy's House] Sleepover in Sequins [Gala] GateCrashing [Ended] [Ponyville] Later This Week [Ponyville] Back To School [Ended] [sweet Apple Acres] One in Every Bunch [Ended] [Ponyville] Kids will be kids [Carousel Boutique] Some dirty lyrics [Ponyville] Muddy in the Mornin', Muddy in the evenin' [Ended] [Ponyville] Cutie Mark Crusader Planning Picnic, GO! [Ended]
  6. [ UNICORN PONY ] Bramble Rose // Unicorn Pony // Male // Young Adult // profile //Threads The Secret of Tirek's Waste The Dark Everfree and Bright Hearts No Stallion's Land Spellbound Hearth's Warming Gala The Princess of Friendship Marelia: Away in the Mountains The More Zap Apples Stay the Same Collecting Spores, Molds, and Fungi Winter Setup Royal Hunger Pains Velvet Ropes and Silver Tongues The Green Hoof Floral shop [Ponyville] Tea with a side of friendship [Running Of the Leaves 2011] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Ended] [Gala] A Second Chance [Ended] [Gala] Hiding in the wrong places... [Ended] [Everfree] Growing by Themselves [Ended] [Ponyville] An Odd Visitor [Ended] [shop/Home] Puttin' on the Glitz [ Left thread ] [Everfree] Poison Joke - chat log and trip to Everfree [Ended] [Ponyville] Rock Garden [Ended] [Everfree] Lily's Garden [sugarcube Corner] Something Sweet! [ Left thread ] [shop] Cafe Delights [Ended] Free For All - Ponies and Dragons Omake: Hearth's Warming Episode 1: A Tail of Two Cities OOC: Ponies and Dragons
  7. Purple Haze // Earth Pony // Female // Foal // profile //Threads Exploring the Castle A Cloud Shrouded Vacation Junior Hoofball Tryouts Weekend with the Apples The Princess Apprentice The Party Ends Where the Party is Forever High Society Stylin' With Country Profilin' Mixed Fruits and Veggies Famous Visitors Apple Bloom's Big Day! [Ponyville] Back To School [Ended] [Ponyville] After School Plans [closed] [Ponyville] Later that Week [Ponyville] Stars in their Eyes [Nimbusgait lakes] The Nut Bunch; Quest for the Crown Jewels [Ponyville] Famous Visitors [Running of the Leaves 2011] 1 8
  8. I accept responsibility for this awesomeness. (nods sagely) You forgot to mention her responsibility in Equestria was to cause pinpoint small earthquakes deep underground to relieve the stress under the earth and prevent worse catastrophes.
  9. I thought Curtain's face is great!
  10. That is all sorts of awesome, dude. If you don't mind me asking ... *what* don't you like about it?
  11. Heeee. D'awwww. Bramble's so clumsy sometimes, and Silver is so cute. *^_^*
  12. Awesome! Anthro Curtain Call looks great - good posture, good emotion. Really solid. I hate hands, too. Awwwww! It's Nightowl! She's a sweetheart! Ohmigosh, that's Shoobidorable! Ahhhh, Silver Lining. What an absolute sweetheart. Her third pose is adorable, and I love her design in the second piece. Thank you so much for more art! ^_^
  13. This needs a link to 'foals at heart'. XD I love how you did that stylized apple. Very creative, I'd never have thought of that.
  14. Thank you so much for this piece, Brian! It's really great! I love the awkwardness of Morning Glory, and the surprised expression on her face. And Captain Nightguard there definitely looks like the grizzled veteran who's been through the wringer. You captured their looks *just* so.
  15. So great to see you, Willow! I love how you drew Wisp there!
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