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Posts posted by lordbrony

  1. I guess maybe the latter could be the worst culprit. When I was a kid, I used to be pretty bossy and controlling because I always had a precise picture in mind for how the games I played were supposed to be played

    I don't really see that as a flaw, having seen so many RPs fail or degen to chaos because nobody had an idea of what to do and just ends up standing around, or worse playing Calvinball

    I dont think its too unreasonable to state in the OOC chat, things like "Alright folks this is what's coming up next" at least people have a sense of direction and know what to expect

    Just to share; I was this close to setting something that would resemble a collaborative writing project more than a RP. It was supposed to be: This <insert event> was happening, then whoever whose turn it was got to fill in the details before the story advanced. Was meant to keep the RP in line and yet give people wiggle room. Pity real life interfered hard

  2. "[colour=#FF8C00]I have no idea what you are talking about. Nopony's lying you know. Everything I said was true and I can swear by Celestia. If you had asked nicely I would have shown you instead of you being so sli-[/colour]" she stopped herself abruptly upon noticing the griffon walking away to join Colton. Perhaps that was not the best way to handle the situation but by Celestia that felt good! Perhaps Gerrard didn't hear the last bit...she hoped,

    Taking a second to take a deep breath and compose herself. She deftly fastened the pipes together with her magic, all the while trying to keep up with the others. Getting lost here would probably not be good.

    Her bad knee throbbed, as if in agreement, while she tried to keep up a fast hobble

  3. Telki had the sense that Gerrard didn't really like her a lot, and her patience was correspondingly wearing thin. Something about that griffon's unrelenting nosiness just bothered her. She was used to being questioned, but not so unrelentingly and certainly not by someone who didn't seem to know when to stop.

    By now, she had already shifted to a mental guard position, surely the griffon was barely trustworthy as it is and for all she knew, something bad could and probably would happen.

    Colton, space out the pipes across the ground with a small amount of space between them. Place the fasteners below each pipe they should be connecting. Telki, you have a bit more complex of a job to handle. I need you to use your magic to fasten these screws in. You can either use a screwdriver, or if you are really skilled at magic, I suppose you could just fasten them with the grip of your magic," he explained calmly to the pony, his words seeming to suggest that he already knew she was lying. It was almost like he was laying a trap out for her, the griffon fishing for a confession for no reason in particular.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Finally[/colour]" she heaved a mental sigh of relief, perhaps that ends the interrogation and perhaps the work would be a relief.

    She carefully shifted her stance to something to accommodate her still injured knee then deliberately placing her body between the pipes and the others, telekinetically lifted the ends of 2 pipes to eye level to see how they were to be joined together.

    The fasteners, holes and the shaking of a screw container seemed to answer her questions. Upon hearing Gerrard call her name, she cautiously, almost gingerly turned around only to hear a distinctly fake excuse followed by the sight of screws flying at her.

    Now Telki would have tried to catch each screw one by one, as is the way her magic works, but by then she was tired, annoyed by the relentless questions and really really not in the mood for anymore games.

    As if in slow motion, she turned 90 degrees so her side was facing Gerrard. Then without warning her eyes flared and the two pipes she had been weakly levitating swung in opposing arcs around each side, coming together in front of her with a huge CLANG and forming a makeshift shield, half a second before the screws would have hit her, causing them to pitter patter off the pipes and onto the floor.

    Eyes still glowing, she slowly separated the pipes, leaving them floating upright, one at each side.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Now, what was that all about[/colour]" she said fiercely, staring straight at Gerrard, knowing full well that her show of force would either solve all her problems, or escalate them

  4. Telki bid farewell to Heart Healer and stepped out into the bright lights and bustling streets of Canterlot, her hope and optimism in life refilled and she was brimming with optimism once again.

    Cheerfully skipping down the streets, she stopped to ponder, momentarily, where to go and what to do next before giving it up in favour of just going wherever her feet led her. Normally she would just wander around taking in the sights, but from today she had a purpose, a goal to bring out the very best in her already formidable magical powers.

    The future never looked so promising

  5. Bronies need to be able to identify the difference between fan pandering/service and the creative process of making a show that the fans will like. It's almost like fans are pessimistic and say the show isn't as good anymore only because they expect it to fail eventually. And the fans who enjoy the show more recognize more often things that are either callbacks or coincidences in the storyboarding of the show that appear to cater to the all-ages humor that we love so much. It's a lose-lose argument, and its ridiculous. However, the moment they start throwing

    at us, I'm out of here.

    He makes it sound like quitting is hard lol

  6. Telki was relatively surprised and more than slightly amused that she was the last pony standing, even outlasting that energetic yellow filly; after all she had traveled the desert just like the other ponies and also she had to face off a pack of coyotes.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]I should try to pace myself better[/colour]" she thought "[colour=#FF8C00]Don't want to burn out like Daddy[/colour]"

    She lay close to the fire and draped her traveling cloak around her. Somepony should keep watch in case the coyotes or Celestia knows what else came back.

    By the flickering glow of the campfire she took the time to take a snack and to sort out her belongings, finally coming to her locket (thank Celestia it survived the desert and the coyotes with nothing more than a few scratches). She popped it open and stared at the faithful words and pondered their meaning with regards to the coyote attack

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Be proud, not afraid, of who you are and what you can do[/colour]" she heard the low voice of the locket's previous owner repeat in her mind

    "[colour=#FF8C00]I wonder, if I have to one day top what happened here today[/colour]" she mused to herself, setting her head on her saddlebag and before she knew it she was out like a light

  7. "Well...now that you've put it that way..." Telki beamed, realizing that no matter how skilled you are, mistakes do happen. "[colour=#FF8C00]I guess you are right after all; I shouldn't worry about it, after all I am pretty good[/colour]"

    She levitated the balls above Heart Healer's head, made them spin harder till they were seemingly a multicoloured ring, then set them down on the table in a neat triangle with a flourish.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Thank you Heart Healer, you really do live up to your name. i feel so much better about myself.[/colour]" she beamed. "[colour=#FF8C00]Don't worry I won't stop practicing, its how I earn my bits after all[/colour]"

    (alright I think we can bring this to a close, if flameddrago or somebody else dosn't stop by after a while I can always retcon the ending)

  8. Telki's mind had already settled into some kind of rhythm, the balls orbit smoothened out but she still had to pay close attention to Heart Healer's movements, if nothing else but to keep the balls floating in orbit instead of periodically bumping off Heart Healer like a clunky belt.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Well I do-[/colour]" she had started to respond, before the thump made her snap her head back, breaking her concentration and causing the magical energies to retreat back to her horn; leaving the balls suspended in mid air.

    By the time she remembered what she was supposed to be doing, Mistress Gravity had already taken firm control of the balls and perhaps fortunately, Telki reasserted herself in time to prevent them from hitting the floor.

    She would have tried to continue, but somehow she just knew that it was not the words she said that would be important here, but what the outcome of that little test was.

  9. "[colour=#FF8C00]Well....now that you mention it I don't really remember any of those ponies complaining that I hurt them, and I do try to be gentle. To me its like wrapping them with something so they cant move, and i do try to avoid their noses; still not sure if they can breathe through the magic energy yet.[/colour]"

    Through all this, Telki tried to keep her eyes fixated firmly above Heart Healer. Trying to match the mare's movements, and keeping all 3 balls suspended (she had by now stopped making them move up and down and they were also orbiting slower), all the while thinking up responses was dividing her attention; and she knew a momentary loss of concentration would send the balls tumbling back to the ground.

  10. A nigging feeling that all this was part of some grand test was beginning to well up in Telki's mind, but yet she had no idea what the ultimate outcome would be, but still a test is a test and any attempts to tweak the results would probably not be a good idea in the long term.

    "[colour=#FF8C00]Well ready when you are[/colour]" she said cheerfully, all the while shifting her stance subtlety to give her more stability

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