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[ Pony Related Character ]

Name: Wormsicle

Nickname(s): Wormy, 'Worm Face'

Sex: Female

Age: Foal

Species: Unicorn

Pelt Color: Mud brown

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Tri-striped different shades of green and very very very scruffy.

Eye Color: Blue.

Cutie Mark: A wriggling worm.

Physique: Lanky and tall for a foal.

Residence: Ponyville

Occupation: Student

Motivation: To wriggle and move and boogie, Wormsicle just loves to move all the time and can't seem to sit herself down, especially when there's music playing.

Likes: Wormies! Long windy days! Balloons! Peppermint icing on chocolate cake! The feel of smooth things on her tongue. Dancing and moving. Music she can move a lot too. Bink and Zippy, her pet flies.

Dislikes: Ponies calling her dumb. Rough surfaces. Hot sunlight. Ponies trying to smack her flies. Pitch blackness, she doesn't like bright lights but she doesn't like to be encased in darkness. Loud noises, they hurt her ears. And sudden changes to her routine.

Character Summary:

Wormy is what you'd call 'special'.

Special to her mommy and daddy and special in her own right, despite this she seems to have something not quite the norm in her head, but that doesn't dampen her enthusiasm.

Having moved from Canterlot, she and her parents took to the town like ducks on water and their daughter took to it the same way after a few days of uncomfortableness, but soon the little filly found herself quite happy in the town.

The little filly discovered one day on her journey home a time pink wriggly thing on the road, it seemed a little stuck so she moved it to the grass and watched it continue to wriggle.

She liked it. She wanted to wriggle and move that much! So she did. Despite how odd it may have looked, the little filly danced, rather clumsily home and found herself with the little wriggly think on her flank.

Any adversity is found with a blisfful ignorance to any bullying or harsh words to herself to a degree, though maybe she just doesn't realise it is bullying till the very last moment. Not a particularly bright little pony, that doesn't neccesarily mean she's stupid, it does however take a while for her attention to be centered and it's usually on something she likes or has to be prompted into paying attention by other ponies. Despite that however, Wormy has moments where she can have little obsessive moments of compulsiveness like taking the same route home, or having the same routine before she goes to bed and breaks in this routine cause her to act very anxiously or emotionally. But can also act beneficial when she helps organising her room or things in class.

As noted, Wormy can be a very emotional little filly at times, but overall, her personality is quite extroverted and energetic when she remains in a comfort zone or around friends, when out of her comfort zone, she can become fidgetative, anxious and in the worst of scenarios, teary or snappy at ponies.

However with such an emotional filly, it's very apparent that she doesn't understand many jokes or emotional facial cues, unless it's explained to her.

Always followed by two bluebottle flies she has affectionately named Bink and Zippy, this happy little pony is set to grow up to be quite the interesting filly.

Added Notes:

- According to Wormy, Bink the fly is slightly fatter than Zippy, their full names are Sir William T. Binkington and Lord Reginald Zipsworth the Third.

- Wormy can only manage partial magic lighting and weak telekinesis, she can however manage a trick where she sticks her horn in the mud and releases a brief and sharp magical charge that is just barely strong enough to bring worms to the surface.

- Wormy's favourite music type is Salsa, Samba and Country fiddle.


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