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Derpy, our most beloved postal pony.


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I am sorry to everyone, i thought that this was a current thing happening. I.....become very.....active, when things like this happen. and i have a tendancy to run myself into the ground if i believe i can make a difference. I have been up all night. crying rather hard at his. I have grown up with a lot of kids shows, my most favorites being cut half way through or being taken off the air. But having recently become a MLP fan/brony. has brought all those feelings of. "please dont leave" "i dont want to go" flooding back. im sorry to have railed everypony up. i just got really scared and....

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Yup, Derpy is still around! She's even appeared (very briefly) in a new episode or two in S3. I attended a panel with Amy Keating Rogers (writer of The Last Roundup) and she spoke about the Derpy controversy and how it affected her. She ended the panel with "Derpy is your pony! You fans of the show created her, and she will always belong to you no matter what."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

My best advice is to take that whole situation with a grain of salt, and try to approach things like that with tolerance and understanding, especially for people who are speaking out against something in ignorance. FiM is still going strong, and we may see more of her yet.

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