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{Diamond Dog} Kalime {Ready}


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Kalime (Ka-li-me)

Sex: Female

Age: Young Adult

Species: Diamond Dog

Eye colour: Jade Green

Coat: Her coat is a ashy grey, and a bit of it fringes a little longer than normal and hangs in her eyes just a little bit

Physique: Kalime has a slender figure with rather large paws, a lithe waist, and slender legs, she keeps this figure by constantly moving upright, though when walking gets too straining she moves to run on all fours, her upper body is covered by a red vest, and she wears a black collar with several light blue triangular diamonds around it, with a bit of amber dangling down.

Residence: She lives in a Diamond Dog Camp many many miles away from Ponyville that boarders near the EverFree Forest.


Occupation: She is a Miner, spending most of her time deep under grounds, using both a pickaxe and her paws to claw through the rock and to get out the gems, Her group primarily uses them for trade with Ponies, for tools, and for decorative pieces such as furniture, and for practical uses such as mugs and bowls if need be.

History: Kalime was born the runt of the litter, but was very quick to adapt, she is slight for a Diamond Dog but it soon became apparent that the tiny pup was a bit of a power house! Not one to be pinned during play, nor one to slack off during her work! She occasionally wanders around Equestria to trade wares and to get a little culture, as even at a young age Kalime was fascinated with Ponies! They were so pretty in all their colors! She couldn't help but want to get closer! She openly tries to befriend any pony she meets, though is aware that Diamond Dogs don't have a good rep due to their slightly foreign and strange ways.

This strange behavior was noticed by the pack, but soon it wasn't WEIRD it was "Just Kalime, she is silly dog" and since she was such a good study, she even taught the younger pups for a while, taking them under her wing when they get their first pickaxe, or learn what their skills are, always eager to help her pack out, it is very clear that while her mind and body may wander the lands of Equestria, her home and her heart is with her pack, which she is deeply fond of and connected to.

Kalime has a diet that is omnivorous however due to pony influences she sticks to a primary vegetarian diet, She does like her meat but prefers it cooked to raw, but is never one to complain! Her pockets are often stuffed with Gems she has decided are particularly pretty and she tends to give them to others as a symbol of friendship! Though she is close to Ponyville she seldom goes there, as she is afraid of scaring the pretty ponies! Though she has noticed a very pretty white pony near her camp that comes and gets gems effortlessly from time to time...Kalime thinks the pony is pretty though wonders what she needs the gems for..?

Her pack tends to keep to themselves, dealing and trading with Ponies when they have to, her mother was not too pleased with her youngest pup's interest in the world beyond the safety of the camp walls, but doesn't forbid her as she isn't a pup anymore but a grown young lady...Doesn't prevent others in the pack from being unhappy with Kalime's rather unbridled enthusiasm and interest in Ponies, but her outgoing nature has gotten her to befriend several and they can indeed see the benefit of her friendliness. Due to this Kalime is often the one that does trading or deals with the Ponies, as she has such a friendly air about her.

Character Summary: Kalime is a very curious individual with a spunky attitude, that will swiftly turn sour if she feels someone is being threatened, it is part of her very nature to be loyal and compassionate as she was a runt, and was doted on by her mother, While a bit abrasive and possibly irritating (being overly clingy at times) She is a genuinely good soul that just wants to get to know the creatures she inhabits this world with, she wants to collect gems, make pretty things, and to observe! Her personality is best described as "Alpha Dog" having always taken a more paws on role in things, she likes to lead a group to victory and can be authoritative without being nasty, a firm believer that one CAN be firm and disciplinary without being a big jerkface.

While she is the child of the Alpha she has always known that if she wants the title herself she is going to have to earn it, and has been working very hard to forge relationships and to exhibit traits that grant one this position, and things are looking good, chances are if she keeps working at it she will be the next Alpha of the Pack;The only hindrance in this effort is the fact that Kalime also loves to wander the mountains and fields and lands of Equestria, though this has also brought new and interesting tools and gems to the camp.

Kalime Herself


The Image is not mine, the original artist and image are here

I give full credit and if they wish I will remove the image :)

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