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Crimson Spry [Ready]


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Roleplay Type World of Equestria

Name Crimson Spry

Sex Male

Age Stallion

Species Earth Pony

Voice Heavy Trottingham accent.

Eye color Gold

Coat Dark grey

Mane/Tail Pastel red

Physique Tall and slender with toned muscles.

Residence Canterlot

Occupation Figure skater

Cutie Mark A large snowflake behind a pair of ice skates. (Image coming soon)

Cutie Mark Story

Crimson always loved to test his physical limits and seek out any obstacle course Canterlot had to offer. So any time he witnessed a new activity requiring athletic abilities, he always wanted to give it a shot.

One winter day he went to a show with his parents which featured figure skating. Crimson was amazed as he watched the ponies dance across the frozen lake. He was in awe. Not only did they fully showcase their skills, but it was done with such beauty and grace! As soon as the show was over, he asked his parents if he could have some figure skates. After giving it some thought, they complied and soon afterwards bought him his very own pair.

Every day he practiced hard after school, showing drastic improvement with every week. However the one move he adored was always a failure. Time after time he could never seem to complete a successful spin. It was incredibly frustrating for Crimson but he persisted.

Despite everything, he kept trying over and over until that glorious day when he twirled upon the ice and achieved a complete spin. He tried again for good measure and succeeded! After making curtain he fully learned how to do the spin, he called for his parents to watch. With their eyes on him, he once again spun without a single stumble and blushed wildly as they seemed quite amazed. Not only by his spin, but by his cutie mark!

He didn't notice until they pointed it out but his cutie mark had appeared! A pair of figure skates in front of a large snowflake. He was elated and quite relived to know ice skating was his special talent. But of course it was! As soon as he landed that first spin after so many dedicated weeks of practice, he knew he wanted to pursue life as a figure skater.


Crimson was born and raised in Trottingham before later moving to Canterlot. His dad was an artifact appraiser while his mom was a Canterlot police mare. They put a lot of value in good etiquette, manners, and respect.

Crimson always liked to climb, jump, and dance since he was a colt. He parents encouraged it as long as he respected the property of others and only practiced his free running skills in permitted areas. His rather tall build was quite an asset when it came to these abilities.

In Crimson's younger days, he struggled with keeping his grumpiness in check. However, since he disliked such impulsive disrespect, he was determined to get it under control one way or another. This internal conflict during his childhood earned him the ability to control himself quite well as an adult.

Since he was little, he found it especially calming to engage in a brisk physical activity. Crimson had a hard time recovering from agitation so it's part of the reason why he enjoyed figure skating and free running so much. To this day, when he got worked up over something, he'd usually go running or skating to calm down.

After discovering his special talent. he applied for figure skating group lessons before later finding a personal tutor. He trained everyday and learned how to keep himself healthy and lively. Due to his dedication, he became a proficient figure skater as an adult. And would make a living as an ice skater. After establishing his career, Crimson found a small apartment in Canterlot near a small marketplace.

Character Summary

Crimson lives alone in an average Canterlot residence near a small market place where he does most of his shopping. He enjoys traveling outside of his little area when not running errands. He also has a colorful assortment of apparel and tries to wear clothing that are most complementing. Since his perspective on fashion could use some work, he likes to get feedback from others on what best suits him.

His disposition is kind and he relies heavily on politeness and good etiquette. However, he has a rather short fuse and will get annoyed at the drop of a hat. But thanks to his impressive levels of self control, it's usually displayed by nothing more than a burning red face if he can excuse himself before it gets out of hoof. He absolutely loathes it, but his face turns a very unsubtle deep red at any opportunity and burns like fire. So when he tries to hide behind a smile despite his moodiness or embarrassment, a flushed face almost always rats him out. Which in turn makes him even more flustered.

Crimson is athletically skilled and likes to be acknowledged for it. During his free time he likes to practice running obstacle courses and dancing. While out in public, he often finds himself looking for a chance to show off his abilities. Competitions are riveting to him and he likes to engage in playful competitive banter.

Crimson swears on checklists. He keeps a rather large daily check list to keep himself in shape and is a bit overly focused on eating healthy. If he relapses at all he will beat himself up for weeks. Though he doesn't show it, Crimson has the tendency to sulk easily and has a hard time letting things go after becoming upset.

He may not be a musician or singer, but he's quite a lover of music. There's not a particular style he really likes more than the other and usually has a verity of songs that play while he's at home.

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