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The Great Diamond Dog Gem Harvest {Sign Up Thread in OP}


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Deep in the mountains in Rockwington, near two diamond dog camps, is a specific area of mountains that open up into a mine, this mine seems to be enchanted, because once every few years the gem production in them increases by a GREAT amount! The ceilings, floors and walls RICH with perfectly cut, brilliant sparkling gems and jewels of all colors and cuts! Diamond Dogs flock to these areas to dig up the gems, though they arn't the only ones, some ponies come as well to try and reap the bounty of the mountains.


The Diamond Dogs will gather at one of the two camps to group up and ban together, any ponies that wish to join up MUST work with the diamond dogs, that means things could be tense, and a lot of ponies probably not wish to work with such creatures.

(Sign up thread is : Here)


Truth be, Kalime had been waiting for this for a long time! The last time the area was rich with Gems she was just a pup and could only stay in the camp with her siblings, now she was a big girl and could go in and dig and dig and diggity dig! Right now she was at one of the camps, getting all prepared for the excavation ! Twirling her pick, making sure her collar was straight, glancing around eagerly to see the other Diamond Dogs (and PONIESSSS) that were going to all try to carve a notch into the mountains and reap it's harvest!

Her tail was waging so hard at the thought that she went to sit on one of the benches, legs swinging as she waited for others to arrive, she had gotten there the day before, simply because she was such an eager beaver, but she was sure that soon others would come pouring in, after everyone got assigned a group then they'd go digging!

Oh happy day!

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Lunchbox had heard of this place and its gems; long ago, and during his traveling occasionally. Though he'd always thought it sounded too good to be true. Plus, he'd always been too lazy to come all the way here anyhow... Except this time, at least. Seeing as he'd been in the area, he figured he would take a look for himself--and judging from the amount of other diamond dogs he'd seen, there must have been something to this place. The thought of the stories being true...excited him. Though, it wasn't very obvious underneath all of his paranoid leering and whatnot. He was a lone dog--with no pack or gang or even friends on his side. And he wasn't about to let his guard down and get bullied out of any gems!

Speaking of which...he just wanted to grab as many as possible then leave before any possibility of dealing with anyone else in the first place. He wasn't...quite sure where to start, though. Lunchbox would rather not end up riling somebody by barging in and picking at another dog's 'spot'--if there was such a thing here. Were there rules..? Reluctantly, he eventually figured he could just...ask someone. Glancing round, he soon found himself staring at a particular lady dog, who seemed to be jittering with excitement. She looked friendly, at least... He took a few steps closer before speaking up. "So this...tons-of-gems-popping-up business is real, eh? And they're fer free..?" Lunchbox was still a bit skeptical, but who could really blame him? It really did sound too amazing.

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She trundled her way carefully up along the dirt path, the tidy little wagon and its meticulously packed supplies bouncing and jingling along sedately, hauled on the yoke harnessed around her midsection. At barely a glance, it was obvious just how painfully out of place the pony was in contrast with her surroundings--clean, straight fur, a neatly waved mane of snow white and seafoam green, and hooves and horn filed smooth, in a rough, wild place such as this? Certainly Crystal Clear had also noticed the difference, for the thoughtful placement of her hooves around dips and mud patches and the cautious, slightly distasteful glances she spared towards the Diamond Dogs she had passed thus far.

For all the stories she had heard of THEIR type, Clear hardly thought she could be blamed for being a bit wary. Surely it wouldn't be too surprising if she ended up having to keep not just any newfound gems, but her own possessions and tools, under close lock and guard around these...dogs. As much as her heart sank at the thought of what they might try to do, though, she also had to confess a growing giddiness at the knowledge that each step brought her so much closer to one of the most glorious, spectacular gem lodes known by Equestria. Her very first field venture--oh, the potential treasures and experiences that awaited! And what a breathtaking sight she was sure to find deep in those lustrous, glittering caverns! Of course, she must keep restraint always on her mind; not all of the crystals could be expected to be of suiting quality and size for use in the shop, after all, not to mention what a long journey it was between here and Roam--she had to be sure to travel light going back! Still, if she produced a decent enough haul, there was no real reason not to pick out an exceptional gem or two purely as a memento, was there?

Entering the camp, Clear did her best to avoid eye contact with the Diamond Dogs milling about. The unicorn craftspony steered towards the outskirts of the camp, her byzantium gaze roving about in search of a suitable spot to pitch tent.

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Kalime perked, hearing another voice, glancing over at a orange-y colored Diamond dog she had never seen before, and she grinned, nodding her head "Mhm! Yes yes! What we pay for them with? More gems?" She laughed at the thought of trading a gem for a gem! Oh how silly and pointless! Her pick resting on her shoulder she tilted her head, before extending her paw to the other to shake "Have never seen you before! I am Kalime! It is nice to meet new friend! What camp you from? I am from far away camp near Ponyville " She took his paw even if he didn't extend it, and shook vigorously..however her attention was cut painfully short by the sight.




Kalime nearly hyperventilated "Eeeee Pony pony pony!" She squeed as she ran over to Crystal, "Pony hello! Pony come to Camp to Harvest GEMS? Kalime so curious! What do ponies do with Gems? Always curious never ask but you are HERE! that means you friend and Kalime want to know!" She couldn't help but radiate pleasant, excited, buzzing energy, she got to see ponies so little, and she loved them so... "Does pony need help with cart? Ooh ooh! Does pony need help with tent? Kalime can help! Make it go faster!"

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Lunchbox gawked at the other diamond dog as he was assaulted by her chattering at him and laughing and generally much more giddiness and energy than he was used to. Or liked, for that matter--he was starting to regret speaking to her already... But, at least she was nice. He guessed. And answered his question, which kept him from becoming too grumpy at her. "Really..? Heh heh..." That was exactly what he wanted to hear, and a greedy look crossed his face, before one of his paws was swiped and his armed shaken around like a limp noodle.

"I ain't from a camp. Not since a long time ago.", he said while tilting his snout up slightly, as if defending his possibly odd way of life. "I'ma lone-. . .erm...dog...?" His sentence staggered as Kalime's attention rapidly shifted to...a pony. Which was strange on it's own, but he found the other diamond dog's reaction even stranger. He'd never seen one so excited to see a pony--unless it was in a malevolent sort of manner, anyhow. Lunchbox huffed in very unimpressed manner. "S'just a pony. They're everywhere..." At least it seemed that way to him, from all his traveling.

Though, now that he'd looked at this pony, he also seemed to take an interest on his own, eying her like she was a piece of meat and her belongings like a wagon of free stuff. She was one of those magical types...and had some nice gear. At least he thought so. Most free things looked good to him. Normally, he'd have attempted to threaten her into handing over her loot and working the mine for him, but Kalime's...demeanor was really interfering with his bullying mojo(of course the fact that he himself hated being bullied and he was a huge hypocrite was lost on him). Maybe he'd try something cunning instead... First, at least.

"'Ello, little pony... All alone?", he said, tipping his mining hat as a smirk went across his jagged maw, very obviously up to something.

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Clear jolted, bug-eyed, and froze in place at the sudden Diamond Dog and the spastic flood questions...it (was it female? It seemed possible, but it was honestly a little difficult for her to tell) brought along with it. After a few seconds of this passed and she belatedly realized the little thing wasn't outright being grabby for her stuff or otherwise attacking her, she recovered enough presence of thought to clear her throat and form together a tentative response.

"Iiiiii, I am indeed here to harvest gems, yes," she said, gradually regaining a more natural stride to her words as she went on. "And, to answer another of your questions, I happen to work with small gemstones fairly often. It's--it's part of my job." Now that she'd had a moment to really look at the little Diamond Dog a bit closer, Clear had to admit she at least didn't seem DIRECTLY threatening or malicious, if only a bit too rambunctious for comfort. Perhaps...perhaps it COULDN'T hurt to humor the tiny creature for just a wh--

Clear happened to glance further up at a much rougher-voiced question, to catch sight of a larger, decidedly more shifty-looking Dog behind the first.

Mmmm. Nope. Perhaps she thought too soon.

"I can manage," she stated curtly, taking a slow, discreet step back. The unicorn made a mental note to really watch how much she said to these Diamond Dogs, to mind that she didn't let slip just one bit of vulnerable information too many. Thank goodness her father had had the presence of mind to insist on keeping her supplies locked tight for this journey--she suddenly dreaded to think what could happen otherwise. "If you'll excuse me," she finished, "I was just on my way to find a suitable place for my tent. Best of luck to you both in the dig. Good day." Clear made to move on past the two, hoping tersely they would allow her to simply go about her business. The bigger one, especially; she did NOT at all like the way he(?) had been leering at her wagon thus far.

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Griff walked towards the camp, surveying it as he walked along on his hind legs. As he did so, he noticed two things.

Firstly, he realised he was later than he thought he was, and therefore he was regrettably not the first to arrive. He had aimed to arrive early, and walk around the tunnels on his own for a bit, to see if the stories were true. He should have very much liked to have seen the caverns in all their glistening glory, in peace and quiet before any other dogs arrived. Why, that was practically his reason for coming! (Well, that and the fact that he didn't want to give all the other dogs in his camp another reason for not liking him by not attending the event.) But, he would have to abandon those plans it seemed.

The second thing he noticed was that there was a pony in the camp. How curious! Griff had not been expecting to see ponies here, but it was a pleasant surprise to be proven wrong. He decided to approach the group the pony appeared to be standing with, which consisted of two other dogs. One, a female, looked to be rather excited and generally amiable. The other, a male clad in a hard hat seemed more serious. In fact, Griff almost thought he saw something rather... malicious in the way he appeared to be looking at the pony, but he shook off the notion.

He walked up to them, waving with one arm, slinging down his bag of supplies with the other.

"Hello! Am Griff. Pleasure to meet! You are all here for the dig?" He addressed the group with a smile, hoping that he would get along with them.

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“Yaaaaaay!!! Pony pony pony!!!!” Echoing the jubilant cry of Kalime came a tiny Diamond Dog pup behind the pack leader, a short thin fellow wearing a red vest. This impressionable puppy named Ruffie shadowed Kalime nearly everywhere she went; in this case, as far away as the border with Aquellia. Because the harvest from the mountains was so important to a good number of the Diamond Dog packs, including Ruffie’s, the little doggy had been permitted to travel all the way here without his parents.

Who needed parents though when you had Kalime? But one question rang in Ruffie’s mind; unable to wait for the alpha dog to finish talking with the pony, the kid started tugging at Kalime’s vest. “Uhhh Kalime,” he whispered quietly; “Why's it exciting to have pony here?” Up until now, Ruffie had never bothered to inquire on why the elder guardian liked those four-legged equines so much. Only now did the curiosity to ask finally overtake him.....

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  • 1 month later...

“Yaaaaaay!!! Pony pony pony!!!!”

Clear's short-lived attempt to remove herself from the situation ground to a barely perceptible stop at the new influx of voices. Her heart sank as MORE of the Diamond dogs--one apparently a puppy--came over to join the group, effectively cutting in front of the path the pony had been intending to take. Dismayed, she began to wonder if she should just resign herself now to the idea that she might have to still talk to these Dogs for a while longer. At least the new Diamond Pup seemed more or less as friendly-ish as the female; and the taller adult with him didn't seem to have that same shifty look as the second. She could just be missing some very subtle cue, though...?

"Hello! Am Griff. Pleasure to meet! You are all here for the dig?"

"...it's a pleasure," she said dully in response to the new adult Dog. If nothing else, she could at least be polite and exchange standard greeting pleasantries. After all, seeing as nothing horrible had happened YET... She started lifting a hoof in a hoofshake gesture, but stopped herself before it had gone up more than a few inches, questioning how familiar the gesture would be with such a species; as it seemed unlikely, the tentative hoof lowered back down onto the ground. "Crystal Clear," she offered her name as plainly as offering a spare quill. "I'm here in hopes of acquiring more gems to replenish my shop--so yes, I will indeed be in the dig with the rest of you." She hazarded a glance back in the direction of the buff-colored adult male who had been leering at her cart at the end of her statement. Perhaps she would be lucky enough not to be assigned to a group with this character, she thought--provided her suspicions about him were true, she did NOT want to be stuck with him in the small, constricted spaces of the underground tunnels and caverns.

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