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Gigi's Crystal Fair Candy Stand!{Open}


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She was so excited! Everything was perfect! Her first stand at her very absolute FIRST Crystal Faire! She'd been so excited about this ever since she moved to the Empire! Her table was lined with some of her deceptive yet delicious treats! Bags and bags of her "Gumballs" that were actually flavored chocolates (these ones were special and had crystal berry puree in the centers!) Sticks of delicious fluffy marshmallows dipped in Caramel and topped with a bit of sea salt! And her favorite of favorites! Her Breezie sticks! Little tubes of a delicious powder that you'd think would be sweet as sugar! Like cute breezies! But that secretly packed the flavor of a full fledged desert! There was Cherry Pie, Chocolate cake, and of course Crystal Berry tart!

Gigi tapped her hooves on the counter and was practically vibrating with eagerness "COME ONE AND ALL TO GIGI GUMDROPS CANDY EXTRAVAGANZA!" She called out, way WAY too loud but hey maybe somepony heard her!

(If they didn't they just might be deaf)

(Ooc: Click her Banner to go to her profile if you wish!)



Sweet Surprise like many others attending the Fair had never been to the Crystal Empire before. But from what the mare heard in her hometown of Canterlot it truly was a magical place where everything and it seemed everypony looked like crystal! Well this was something the candy maker had to see for herself so she made the journey up north to the Empire and the Faire!

"This place is better that I imagined. Everything is so shiny! Reminds me of rock candy!"

She began to hum a song she heard called "the Big Rock Candy Mountain" as she made her way down the street. She had not trotted fr when she stopped at a building and looked at the shiny pink crystal wall as a slightly distorted version of her smiled back. She let out a giggle at the image and was about to decide where to go and what to do next when she felt a disturbance in the area around her.

"My candy senses are tingling! Somepony must have a shop nearby!"

Of course Sweet Surprise assumed that the Crystal Empire would have at least one candy shop. A town without a sweet place to indulge was like... well she wouldn't dare think of it! Following her sense and her keen nose for all things sweet and chocolaty she made her way to a stall filled with interesting candies and sweets there. To her surprise there wasn't a shiny Crystal Pony there but a unicorn that was pink like cotton candy standing there. Before she could introduce herself the mare shouted a welcome that blew the mare back a few inches.

"Wow, strong lungs," Sweet said as she shook her head hoping that doing so would dislodge the ringing in her ears.

"Hi there fellow candy maker. I'm Sweet Surprise! You have some neat stuff here!"



OOPSE! That was probably a little too loud! But Gig just giggled "Sorry about that! Oooh yes yes yes! Do you wanna try a sample!? I live here and I wanted to contribute to the festivals! I have my Breezie Stixs and some other bits and bobs of deliciousness! Pick one and have a try! I guarantee it'll be nothing like you expect it to be!" It wasn't the strongest sales pitch, she will admit that, but the other was a fellow candymaker, and Gigi was feeling a bit nervous, what if she didn't meet her standards? What if she knew her PARENTS!?

Oh Celestia's glorious RUMP!


After recovering from the sonic blast, Sweet Surprise took a moment to survey the unicorn's stand filled with treats, each one more mouth watering than the last. Something did strike her as odd though as the hyper pony had a sense of unease in her voice. The earth pony wondered if it was because she introduced herself as a candy maker or if it was something else.

"Well since you mentioned the Breezie sticks, I'll try one of those! I take it those are your favorite, huh?"



Keep CALM Gigi! She took a breath and levitated one of the Breezie stixs and offered it to the other candymare "Well yeah! They're my newest invention and they are so delicious! Here have this one! On me ! Cause it's fun to have new friends try new treats!" It was one of the crystal berry tart ones, as that seemed the most fitting for this type of festival! And Gigi oh so wanted to make a good impression!


As the nervous unicorn prepared her treat, Sweet Surprise wondered still why she was nervous. True there were ponies that seemed shocked at the hyperactive chocolate hued pony, but after spending some time with her they were ok. But this one was different, like she went from happiness to shyness in an instant. Sweet wondered if it was a good thing to mention her profession, that the thing that the two kad in common might be seen as a source of contention. Well at least her fears were allayed a little upon Gigi mentioning sharing her passion with a friend.

"Well thanks new friend!" she said accepting the tube of what looked like multicolored powder. It reminded her of something she made where she took badly formed candy canes during the Hearth's Warming holiday, crushed them, and put them into a straw with one end sealed. Placing the powder on her tongue she immediately tasted some berry tart that she never tried before. It made her face scrunch up a little at the tart sensation but nonetheless it was an amazing taste.

"Wow! That was great! It's like you took a dessert and crushed it into this little tube. What kind of berries are these?"


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