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[Attack!] A Blow to the Heart of an Empire (Open)


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Alexandrite was proud of the response her prince gave to the reviled tyrant. She felt a shame in her for ever having doubted somepony so true as he. As much love was in him for his princess, he was not so lacking in love for the empire he had adopted as his homeland as to trade it for the safety of his wife. She was proud to stand in service to him.

She nodded as his words regarding the Heart and its protection. "Aye, your Majesty. I will stand and fight to my last breath if I have to. I will not let a one of these ruffians lay a hoof on the heart!"

It was then that the griffon with them spoke to Alexa, telling her of a plan to hide the Crystal heart with sleight of hoof. She did not favor such tricks, believing them to be the tools of thieves and charlatans. She also wondered who he might fool. Certainly not, Sombra, he would know that his eyes might lie to him and he knew quite intimately how the heart did work. The vikings, perhaps, but though they were big and brutish, they were also more cunning than one might expect. That said, anything they could try to keep the heart safe was worthwhile, ultimately she nodded to the griffon. "I understand," she said and then she went about, spreading word of what he had planned to the others.

Vigilant, as she went about, Alexandrite spied the young foals, looking unsure of their part of this. She looked to them. "What you should do, children, is stay safe. You may be compelled to help us, but you need to realize the risk. These caribou are all very powerful, and their heart's are cruel to be lead by such evil. They would very likely not hesitate to harm you."

She doubted these three would fully listen, and she could already see evidence that they were planning something as she turned from them. There was probably no avoiding it, she acknowledged as her attention was drawn back tot he tyrant as he commanded his forces to attack. She would have to keep an eye open and ensure that they did not put themselves in the way of harm.

For now though, she had to fight. She levelled her lance and charged at one of the fiercest caribou she could find, throwing him onto his back on the ground. The caribou grabbed at her lance then, wresting her down into a grapple. His hooves smashed against her armor as he did his best to overpower her, and quite nearly her did until she slammed her helmeted head into his jaw to the sound of crunching bones. She slammed a hoof into his face while he was down then, knocking him cleanly unconscious and was up and re-equipped with her lance just in time to deflect a strike from a second viking's axe.
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Despite the circumstances, Lilac couldn’t help but flush a little at Alexandrite’s words. The feeling was very much mutual, but the dancer didn’t get the chance to say so before the guardsmare began to speak to Hugo about Sombra.

“He is powerful, but so long as the Heart remains and we stay strong I am certain we will win this,” Lilac said, her smile unfaltering, “Sombra has been a nightmare in our hearts for far too long. So long as we do not give him the power to defeat us, then we will defeat him.”

The prima ballerina had to believe this. After all the Crystal Empire had suffered, its ponies had finally found a semblance of happiness. Their new life, their new Princess – there was so much hope to be found, so many precious things to protect! Lilac found herself looking at Alexandrite once more, refusing to believe Sombra could succeed.

And then it seemed as though everything began to happen all at once. Prince Shining Armour valiantly refused the demands of the tyrannical unicorn, flooding the ballerina with a sense of loyalty towards him that fired her up for battle; Hugo had caused the Heart to seemingly vanish; the caribou began their assault; and Earth Writer had unleashed a…a…what was he doing?! What in the Empire was that thing? That noise? Nonetheless, the charge was before her and Lilac found herself picked out by a caribou, luckily just the one! For a moment she almost stepped back, intimidated by the onslaught of battle-hardened foes. But no, she would not let go of her faith or her courage. Sure, this brute could fight…but could he dance?

Lilac went en pointe as the warrior approached, preparing for the most thrilling grand pas of her career. He charged with a heavy axe, swinging it horizontally. She did a pique turn to escape, dipping lower than one would in a dance (a scandalous misuse of the form!) to avoid the bite of the weapon, and as she righted herself began a fouetté rond de jambe en tournant – a spin. Typically one would kick with the leg to continue spinning, but Lilac whipped her leg out to savagely kick her foe and turn, kick and turn, kick and turn. Three times she kicked, hitting him in the face, the shoulder, the neck.

Once her foe finally got over the shock of being assaulted with dance he came on a little more menacingly. Lilac laughed, and smiled, using every unlikely weapon she had to disarm her enemy. Perhaps if he thought her a little bit nutty it would help her that much more. She needed all the help she could get! He charged again, and she leapt away with a grand jeté. Sure, the caribou were fast, and they knew the motions of battle well, but Lilac Briolette was a prima ballerina. A master of ballet, an artisan of dance – and she had grace.

And again, the fouetté. Turn and kick, turn and kick and sauté away. Saut de chat, temps lié, foutté! My, this caribou’s face was looking rather…well, it was certainly a face only a mother could love now. Lilac herself was sporting some nicks and bruises, but she wasn’t bleeding too much. It just goes to show one must never underestimate the power of a ballerina’s kick! Lilac took her bow and with a wicked grin poked the caribou with a forehoof and knocked him over. Immediately she looked over to Alexandrite, pleased to see her still battling strong.


Ofrior had waited and biden his time and waited for the blade to speak to him. A few of the Frostrar had been sent out with the Dark King to subdue or terrify the ponies around the Heart. It had worked to a large degree. A great many had been killed and even now Frostrar who were not charged with protection of the King or Ship were fanning out into the city, hunting and pillaging to their heart's content. Chaos was spreading and such was the litany of events transpiring in the city that the Empire's military was in utter disarray. One ship had come in behind the main wave of the caribou and was languishing above the city, firing the blackwebbed diamond tipped explosive barrels. A pack of ponies here, a passenger airship there trying to flee, and buildings here and there- there was chaos. In chaos a creature could only ever thrive if it hoped to survive the trials of a caribou, and for every ounce of control the ponies lost and every inch of ground covered in flame the eventual caribou victory was even more assured.

Because now there was no more Frostrar to fight. The Svein and Drengr were now to be deployed and Ofrior, as Hersir, was to lead them. The Svein had made a fine mess of things but had not done their job entirely. There was s till a fine corp pf the REA, Crystal Guard, and brave civilians who were willing to fight, including one who had taken a toll of four. Impressive. Ofrior had been re-arranging his lines the whole time, not paying much attention to the words being spoken. They had done enough intelligence gathering thanks to W.R.A.I.T.H. To know what they faced. Ponies had a shocking of courage and great morale once provoked and they were certainly provoked. They would stand and fight by and lrge and that would be to the carivou benefit. There were many specialists in this force. They were well equipped with repeating crossbows firing arrows tipped with blackwebbed diamonds made out of whitescar wood. Unyasan renegades had taught them the secret of pot-fire, and several specialists using them waited in the wings. Short throwing spears were universal as were shields, though a small hoof-full of champions who chose their own weapons were being selected for their targets. The Drengr further each had one axe and one sword and wore iron-whitscar wood armor. Not the heaviest armor, but great protection to weight ratio and it rendered magic null and void.

Ofrior readied himself. The several challenging ponies he noted were being marked. The highly skilled one who had killed four of the Svein and Frostrar would get a champion. The Prince would get a champion. The most vocal Crystal guard would get a champion...Ofrior himelf. These champions, known as Thegns, were readying themselves behind the caribou lines, preparing to fight their specific target. Whether they lived or died did not matter and the other Thegn knew it. By engaging these specific targets, the rest of the Dregnr would be able to slaughter the huddled mass of ponies and break into the Heart's inner sanctum. Of course, the first rank to hit the ponies would be the Svein. The young ones would get more than a chance at making war. Before anything else happened, a tattered dress fell from above, from the antechamber of the Spire...it was a simple dress and even then only tattered bits of one, purple and grey, and covered in blood. It was Twilight's dress, and it fell down and down and onto the battlefield..specifically, right onto Shining's horn.

The King ordered an attack and finally the battle could start. BRRAAWWWAAAAHHHHH the ship bellowed once more, the titantic horn unleashing a sound that momentarily drowned out whatever annoying racket the ponies were making, the insignificance of which was best illustrated as the sound of the horn made the armor on the caribou visibly shake even at great distance. The Svein charged and met the ponies, the ponies faring well enough against the Svein. Ofrior studied them some more. The best of the ponies were fighting effectively, even as a number of Guards and pony militia fell violently. After a few moments of the fierce fighting overtaking the lines, Ofrior raised a much smaller horn. Brrraazzhhooooo!

And with that, the main force of the caribou charged in three mighty columns, the Svein now falling back with speed as part of the normal strategy. Once the Svein were past, the caribou launched their throwing spears, axes, and crossbows, row upon row of projectiles crashing into the assembled mass. Moments later the caribou crashed into the lines with the Thegn searching out for their other targets. They had been ordered to allow the Prince of the Ponies and his force to meet Sombra for some cause. This would only work to the caribou's military advantage. They would allow the Prince to pass and then pierce the bulge in the line, cutting him from the rest of the pony force.


“YOU!” A craggy voice croaked as a massive figure armed with a single large broadsword approached Swift Squall. No armor, no helmet, no shield, just one large sword. “YOU! I FIGHT YOU! COME FIGHT, COME FIGHT!”

Ofrior crashed into the line with his caribou, the ponies already taken in engagement by the Svein being overwhelmed at the front by new charge. But there was one in the immediate area who could change that, her courage and honor knowing no bounds. So Ofrior would have to kill her. With a sword and shield in hoof and a helmet on his head, Ofrior marched through the line, the local superiority of numbers affording him the chance to find Alexandrite of the Guard easily. “Alexandrite of the Crystal Guard! Come face me, Ofrior, Hersir of the Red Jarl of the Clan Olin, for the future of your Empire!”



While utterly and downright confused how her beloved stallion ended up with her pair of disarming daggers, the mare quickly held up her front legs as the armored horse-shoes found their places over her hooves. Her weapon of choice was meant to quickly disarm and subdue an target while causing the least amount of harm. As an member of the R.E.A she was proud to be a peace-keeper, but where did she fit in when facing a horde of angry caribou and one very dead former king? She let out a gasp as the dreaded unicorn let loose his magic through the helpless and imprisoned princess. She wanted to hurl herself towards the fray and stop the mad ghost from harming the ruler of the Crystal Kingdom, but there was more than a few of Sombra's foot soldiers between the princess and her.

She cringed as an rather unpleasant sound came from one of the caribou as Swift Squall fought on, "Swift!", she bellowed, "Be careful! We don't know if these people are attacking us willfully! Just knock them out! No killing!", she let out a yelp as the mare lost a few top strands of hair from her mane. If she had not moved in time, it may have been her head instead! Moving as quickly as she could, the brave Pegasus pony released the small blades from the front of her shoes and slammed their backs against her opponent, knocking the wind out from the great beast. "Caribou!", she shouted, "Why would you serve this poor shade of an long dead king, when you have your real king back home? Sombra isn't a king anymore, he's not even an pony! Just a pathetic remnant, a ghost! Lay your weapons down before it's too late!"

Fire Walker managed to hear one of the more impressive of the Caribou as he called out to a member of the crystal guard. He had an name, which would be useful. "Ofrior, Hersir of the Red Jarl of the Clan Olin!", she repeated his name and title, "There will be no future for you, if you continue to follow the mad orders from Sombra! Fall back now! Return to your rightful king!"


Of all the things any pony could have said to Ofrior to dissuade him, the worst possible thing would be to mention that waste of a king. The High King of the Whitescar was a traitor to the old ways. He sought peace with the outside world. He sought trade and friendly relations. He sought the end of the wold ways. No arenas, no Will Test, to close off the glory of the Spine of the World Serpent! A hypocrite and a fool. A hated traitor to Clan Olin and dozens of others who desires little more than for the old ways to be treated as the one true path for all caribou. And so Clan Olin and the rest left the Whitescar, bloodily so at times, and now were roaming the world. Many had settled in the harshness of the Badlands and still many others, whole clans, roamed the seas and the skies. If these ponies were so woefully misinformed as to think Clan Olin would hear such drivel, no wonder W.R.A.I.T.H was able to infiltrate Equestria so easily.

“Bah! You fool! Clan Olin does not follow the High King. He is a traitor to the Old Ways and the Old Gods. When the Clans have gathered their strength we shall do what all true caribou do and take back the Whitescar from those who would weaken it! The High King will die as will his supporters and the caribou will return to the Old Ways. Such is the future. Such is the past. Such is your present! Your new King has promised payment, and we will take from this city what we wish. We will return to our clans glorious and fat with your treasures which we will use to barter for more weapons, more technology, more ships, more food, and then kill the High King. If Equestrians are so simple as to not know of this divide then no wonder they who cannot be killed for they are already dead have infiltrated your society so completely and so easily,” Ofrior roared as the din of fighting around him grew. Outside of the pony heroes, the caribou were making strong gains. The battle was still in doubt, however much doubt there could ever be...


While the arrow traveled on it's arc towards the dark unicorn, he took aim at the caribou forces. It would be good to take care of them as well. He fired off arrow after arrow toward the force, raining arrows down upon them. The only things he could hear from the battle were the warhorns and whatever kind of noise that stallion was making with those speakers. Now really wasn't the time to be putting on a show, and the griffon growled slightly to himself as he continued firing arrows down upon the caribou.

Tehengu reached back for another arrow, only to find he had already filled the sky with his arrows. Stowing his bow and drawing his greatsword, the mercenary took wing, diving to build up speed before leveling out and hurtling towards the battlefield, his arrows hitting among the caribou force, hopefully doing a bit of damage and taking out a few in the process, a bit before he reached the battle, his large frame bowling straight into one of the caribou that seemed to be facing down a red mare. He stood with his blade ready in his claws as he faced down the caribou.

"Come on then, caribou, let's see how well you fare in comparison to the others of your kind I've fought before." Tehengu said to his opponent, no doubt in his mind that this caribou would be formidable. They all were, it was a byproduct of weeding out the weak like they did.




Sombra was not bluffing. These caribou looked well trained, and as Sombra commanded, the sea of caribou scurried towards them with sharp weapons and ballistics in hoof, their acrobatics coming to par with many of the soldier ponies Shining had seen in his time. "Yaahhhh!!!" Shining yelled as he lead the pony charge, inviting all ponies behind him to take forward the march and defense of the crystal heart. Shining did not look behind him.


But, before he could get to the front line, he was masked by a garment, one he didn't recognize right away, and it was covered in blood. When Shining pulled it off his face, the dress was identified as the one his sister Twilight wore when this day started. Shining's biggest fears had then been realized. The fate of the Empire, for much of a moment, took a back seat to the lament of losing a sibling. Shining flashed memories of his sister when she was young, reading her books and over studying. He revisited thoughts on her leaving Canterlot for Ponyville, and relived the moments when she returned for his wedding with Cadance. And as much as those living memories were re-lived in this fraction of a second, this threat on the Empire became even shorter than life itself. Nothing was more important to Shining this very moment than the next several minutes of this battle. He must succeed. He will go after the most important thing in his life. Shining would not let Sombra take his loved ones. His very purpose was built on protecting the ones he loved. Sombra might have gotten to his sister, but he would not let him conquer Princess Cadance. Shining would free the Princess and attmept to cast with her the most powerful magic anypony, even himself, have yet to see.


Ahead of Shining, many ponies were clearing a path for Shining to get to the Princess. He quickly ran towards the encasing, which also brought him closer to Sombra. He did not fear Sombra, but acknowledged his closeness with the dark prince as dangerous. Shining shot basic magic shots at Sombra, attempting to detour him from an moves he would want to make. When he reached the crystal cage, he leveled his horn down, and began to cast a powerful shot spell that would hopefully break enough of the crystal for the Princess to escape. A few seconds of waiting, and Shining discharged the massive glow from his horn, shooting a beam of light directly at the crystal.



The day of joy had turned bleak as Diamond witnessed the arrival of a force that he never imagined that would return and one that haunted his nightmares still. It was King Sombra, the enslaver of his land and fellow Crystal ponies! He stood paralyzed as the King locked Princess Cadence away and proceeded to fight against the ponies with his army. But something changed then. Sombra wasn't even a pony but a ghost, a mere specter of what he once was. And soon that fear turned to anger.

"Never again," Diamond said to himself as he set the box of his gifts to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor on his stall, "I'd rather die than be a slave!"

He then took something from his stall that he made that was made and quickly wrapping it in a cloth headed towards the fray. He then saw Shining clearing a path as he fought to get to his love Diamond stopped in front of Sombra and revealed his plan.

"Looking for this Your Highness?"Diamond said mockingly as he held a large Crystal Heart, a replica of the true power of the Crystal Empire that he made to sell to faire goers, "If you want it, come and claim it!"

He hoped that his rise was enough to distract the King so that Shining Armor could free Cadence.



How was this possible? The return of the fallen king and tyrant of the crystal empire. The imprisonment and hostage situation. The death of princess Twilight?! This was horrible, it simply had to be a nightmare. The usually confident and calm looking Duchess could only watch in frozen terror, hoping to Celestia she could wake up. The sound of an explosion rattled her and left her wincing, before she tried to think of something, anything she could do to help. She desperately wished she could make use of her sizable arsenal of spells but she had no battle experience. Thankfully, Miss Fire Walker had made the best suggestion...

“Please Miss Belle. Please, get yourself to safety and take Wind with you.”

“I can fight!”

"I know you can, but you're better of helping getting others to safety.".

“Oh, oh!” The Duchess Gasped, snapping out of her little fear induced trance, “I can do that…” She soon looked to Wind walker and patted her head a moment, “You’re sister is Right, Wind. She can handle herself and she’s got her tough as nails coltfriend with her. For now, you and I need to save as many ponies as we can.”

Before Belle and Wind could do anything, Momo was taken by the two colts from before. She managed to see them go and hide underneath a table. She wasn't sure what on equestria those foals had planned to do, But she had a strange feeling it was something Reckless. The mare swiftly teleported herself and Wind to the rest of them. AS the vikings marched, Belle spoke in a raised whisper to those under the bench, particularly Momo.

Belle looked to the earth filly in the scarf she’d saved a minute or so before the invasion had started. She kneeled down a bit to look the filly in the eyes,”Thank you for my new flower crown, Momo… I know you must be scared. Celestia knows that I am.” She said with a rather awkward laugh. “Stay close to this blue pegasus, her name is Wind. Now we’re going to go around and gather as many ponies as we can and bring them to an area away from the Caribou and guards… Maybe a storage room or something, This place is sure to have a large one that’s empty for the moment. Can you get your two friends from before to help you out? Once we get as many civilians out of harm’s way I can get them out of the empire.”

Belle plan was fairly simple. As an expert on most if not all things arcane, The duchess had mastered the art of teleportation. She had been practicing teleporting herself and other servants at home so she knew she could take at least five other ponies to the outskirts of the kingdom if she needed to. If they had more ponies, which was looking to be more and more likely to happen. Belle would have to exert herself farther than she would have before... she wasn't sure what the side effects of pushing herself so intensely might be, but this was an emergency and they needed a way out of the empire and fast.

To the seemingly deathless King Sombra, being hit by a few bolts of magic felt nothing more than insignificant insect bites, especially since they all hit the dark one’s enchanted armor. Nonetheless they were enough to gain the King’s attention, who turned his baleful gaze over to the prince who somehow got past the vanguard. Sombra losing his concentration was enough for Princess Cadence’s electrocution to prematurely cease, and just in time at that. The heavily injured alicorn slumped onto the crystal encasement, wheezing and letting the pain subside before contemplating a way to get herself out of her prison and protect all those ponies she dearly loved.

Down below, King Sombra was having none of Shining Armor’s disobedience, even if Sombra did give orders before the attack that his host was to let the white stallion charge through their lines. Should something unfortunate happen to the Crystal Prince, he'd receive no backup from his own soldiers, and vice versa. At the same time Shining started charging a magic beam to save his wife, Sombra powered up a spell of his one; an act of sorcery intended to brutally strike down the aspiring “hero”. In the middle of the process, one dimwitted pony thought of mocking his true king with a crystal heart. Did that lowly peasant really take King Sombra for a court jester? Everyone would know if someone took the real Heart from its pedestal when the winter storms came to bury this wretched crystal capital.

The crystal peasant however earned the full undivided attention of one of Sombra’s caribou warriors, who promptly lunged after the unarmed stallion with a battle-craving sword. Another lone griffon dared to fire an arrow at the King of Darkness, only for it to fly behind the ruthless stallion’s head. For his troubles, the griffon found himself the new target of a band of viking berserkers and a pair of archers, smelling an opportunity to pulverize an enemy isolated from his comrades. Should the griffon not retreat or yield, he will be surrounded, attacked on all sides, and very likely lose his head.

Back to the decisive clash of unicorns, Shining and Sombra fired their magic spells at the same time. Shining’s shot hit true to its mark... but only left a glaring impact mark. That dashing prince was going to need a lot more magical energy to destroy that imprisoning crystal, and it was going to be impossibly difficult to free Cadence as long as the Evil King’s spells kept bearing down upon him.

OOC- A simple update on the battle for all of you while I wait for the 1v1s to start. :)

The fight was brutal and unforgiving, the ponies holding firm but dying for their bravery. They sold themselves at a higher price than Ofrior had believed at first but it was still poor math for the ponies, as even though the caribou were outnumbered, a two to one kill ratio against the ponies would be enough. And once the ponies broke, once their morale came apart, the slaughter would begin. There was also the case of the Pony Prince and his bulging strike through the Caribou lines. Heh. Ofrior wondered briefly if the Prince gave any thought as to why his small group was able to push through an attacking force of caribou so easily. The caribou fell back and fell back along the front of his attack but kept strong along the edges, not allowing the ponies to have anything more than the thin line they had made. When the Prince and Sombra finally clashed, the caribou went about pinching off the bulge in the line, attacking from both directions.

It wasn't long until the ponies in the bulge, as brave as they were, were simply overwhelmed by the attacks coming from every direction. Arrows, potfire, and finally melee attacks from exposed angles and it wasn't long before the bulge was pierced and crushed, the drengr in the middle and rear of the line finishing off a pony with every swing, every slash, every thrust. The Crystal Guard were very well armed and armored but like most pole-armed, lance equipped forces were extremely vulnerable from the sides and rear. Unable to truly turn to their sides with any speed, the Crystal guard forces who had helped get the Prince to Sombra were being roundly slaughtered. The surge of the pony and the ensuing bulge which was cut off created a thinner gap in the middle of the pony lines, a gap which was quickly exploited as the caribou who had just finished the crystal push towards Sombra now surged into it. It would be only a matter of moments before the center of the line collapsed and the caribou could turn to surround the engaged defenders.

Observers on the ship saw this development and blew the horn once more. BBBRAAWWWWHHHHHH! Which was good, since it was drowning out that most infernal racket the ponies called music. At this second large horn, the many Svein and Frostrar who had been ravaging the city would be recalled to the rear of the battle, where they could then be positioned for a reckless but satisfying charge into the rear of the ponies. Their flanks turned and surrounded, the ponies would get swiftly slaughtered and the city would be captured. It would take a bit but as long as they arrived on time...nopony would survive unless they threw down their arms. And even then, Sveins were notorious for their bloodthirsty nature. Hopefully Ofrior could reign them in. All he had to do was wait a few minutes for them all to gather.

But not everything was going perfectly. The ponies did have several archers and a griffon who aided them, and while their damage had not been great the barrage had ended a few Trots before antlers met horns. The griffon was targeted by two caribou crossbowmen, but more importantly, the caribou hacked and slashed their way towards the grouping. One caribou leapt over the line and brought a mighty warhammer down- a Thegn was coming for the griffon archer!



Lilac Briolette had managed to take down a second foe, though this particular caribou had defeated himself moreso than he had been defeated. Apparently, the grace and poise of Lilac Briolette could enrapture even the most fearsome Viking warriors on the assault, for the slackjawed 'bou could not keep his eyes off of the pirouetting prima ballerina until she had kicked him down. Well, kicked him down after one of the crystal guard had rushed him with a polearm first. Actually, the caribou had probably been frozen in place over the fatal blow the guard had initially made as opposed to the crystal dancer's beauty, but Lilac helped to bring him down!

She was still feeling confident and sure when she pulled away from that fight to scan the battle, only to find her heart dwindling at what she saw. The caribou forces were strong...stronger than she had expected. Knowing just how capable the crystal guards were, it amazed Lilac to see how easily the invaders were overwhelming the bulk of the pony defences. And then came the thundering cry of a huge horn that Lilac felt down in her bones. She shuddered and immediately snapped to attention as she heard a booming voice call out a name she knew well. Alexandrite!

There was no time to hesitate. Fortunately Lilac wasn't too far from the guardsmare, and even more fortunately the caribou between the two crystal ponies were already engaged. With a little harrumph of determination and an expression of the coldest ice, the ballerina dashed to the side of Alexandrite Tilt, reaching her before she could meet this Ofrior character on the battlefield. She would not see somepony so important to her face a foe like that alone.

In the distance, Sombra and Shining Armour were locked in combat near the crystal that encased Princess Cadence, and Lilac willed for their Prince to succeed. They could not falter now!

"It is good to see you well, Alexa," she said, resurrecting her smile with a wink as she ripped the skirt of her gown to a length that was safer for battle - something she should have done much earlier! "Are you ready for our pas de deux?"


The horns drowned out the wubs. That was pretty much a good figure of speech for how the battle was going now. Concentrated as he was upon his task, Earth Writer couldn't help but see the lines being pushed back in his peripheral vision. There was scarcelty time; either a retreat would have to be sounded, or a rout and slaughter would follow. Even now, he could see the duchess approaching, offering an escape for non-combatants.

It was sorely tempting, but he stood by his "cannon" for now. There was one hope yet, and that was in the fact that he was not going for volume, but trying for a specific frequency. Headphones canceled all outside noise, leaving only the thumps of the bass and-

There. A slight squeal of feedback, and he could see a tremble now in the Crystal Prison holding Cadence. He'd found the resonance frequency! He grinned, flashing a smile to all those behind him. "Guess what? This thing goes way past 11!" With a flurry of hooves, and wrench of unicorn magic, he thrust every lever and twisted every dial to MAX.

"TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!" And with that last battle cry, he dove for safety into the midst of the retreating civilians. He didn't see what happened, but he could feel the the whizzing of splinters as the stage disintegrated under the pound of the Bass...



Looked like hiding in the fallen ship really was a good idea. Because ust as he took refuge, complete and utter tartaus broke out. It was absolute war out there. Hoofbeats rumbled the ground and hordes of caribou charged towards their enemies. The clash of weapons and screams of death filled the air. It was simply brutal out there.

August stopped rooting around long enough to peek through the wooden cracks. Good thing he found such a good hiding spot or he'd be in a world of trouble. Buck, he'd probably be in a different world altogether at this point.

During his little treasure hunt, he picked up a sword belt, a dagger, and a few pieces of armor he managed to make due with. At least his chest and flanks were covered now. And he had weapons in case of another fight. Not that it was an invitation. These battles were a bit deadly for his liking.

As he scanned the battlefield, his eyes landed on a bench sitting at the outskirts of the crystal tower. Underneath was three young ponies scrunched together, looking like a trio of sitting ducks. Caribou and ponies alike clashed nearby. August held his breath as one of the caribou charged towards the bench with his sword raised, barely missing the foals as he drove it into his enemy.

They were gonna get hurt if they stayed out there for much longer. August found a lot of unwholesome things amusing, but if there was one thing he couldn't stand it was seeing kids suffer. If he had to watch a trio of foals fall victim to the sharp end of an axe, he'd be stuck spending all his hard earned bits on therapy for years.

After a few more close calls he couldn't take it anymore. August leaped from the ship and ran towards the scene as fast as his legs would let him. Ponies and caribou were locked in a ruthless battle around him. An arrow landed on the ground just beside his hoof and he ducked under the swing of a sword. The peryton leaped onto the top of a crystal building and began traveling by roof, using his wings to glide from one house to the next as he made his way towards the foals. This was stupid. Incredibly stupid. But that was his motto after all. Self preservation being overrated and all that jazz.


"You've still got that fishing pole from before, right?"

"Mmhmm." Momo said as she pulled the fishing pole from her saddlebag. "Do you have a plan? Are we gonna free princess Cadence?"

Whatever the plan was, she hoped it was a good one. The filly shivered every time the horn went off. The sound of weapons clashing, the screams, the ship horns. It was just awful! She felt like she could wake up any minute and realize it was all just a nightmare. In fact, all she wanted was to pinch herself and wake up to a nice, normal, boring day.

In a flash of magic, a pony suddenly appeared. After Momo recovered from the initial surprise, she realized it was her rescuer, miss Belle!

”Thank you for my new flower crown, Momo… I know you must be scared. Celestia knows that I am. Stay close to this blue pegasus, her name is Wind. Now we’re going to go around and gather as many ponies as we can and bring them to an area away from the Caribou and guards… Maybe a storage room or something, This place is sure to have a large one that’s empty for the moment. Can you get your two friends from before to help you out? Once we get as many civilians out of harm’s way I can get them out of the empire.”

Momo looked at the two colts, then back at Belle. "But what about princess Cadence?"

Before she got an answer, one of the caribou stopped in the distance and leered right towards them. Momo's eyes widened and she felt her heart beating faster. Soon enough the caribou began charging towards them with an axe raised.

"Look out miss Belle!"

A red blur flew past the caribou and the scary attacker was suddenly kneeling on the ground and clutching it's face. When the red form slowed to a stop, Momo realized he had antlers too. But instead of being burly and broad, he was slender and had wings on his back.


August looked back at the caribou. It was clutching it's eyes meaning he must've hit his target. Er, targets. But before he could address the kiddies, the persistent bucker stood to it's hooves with an angry cry and swung the dagger blindly. August caught the weapon with his antlers and gave his head a quick twist. The dagger flew from the caribou's mouth and left a prominent chip on the peryton's antlers in the process. August twirled around and landed a swift kick to the caribou's noggin, knocking it unconscious.

He breathed a sigh of relief, trying to keep his heat from jumping out of his throat. "Okay, whew. I think I'm still alive so that's good." He turned to the mare and young ponies with a smirk. "You're a bunch of sitting ducks out here. You know that, right?"

Look at him, risking his life to save a bunch of random ponies. Being around Inkbrand must've turned him into a softie.

Upon defeating her first two vikings, Alexandrite was approached--no, outright called out by name--by a new foe. It was a caribou bull who called himself Ofrior, Hersir of the Red Jarl of the Clan Olin. He seemed to have pride in the words he spoke, though Alexandrite did not know their relevance, Caribou culture having changed by a thousand years from when she was familiar with it.

More curious was that he knew her name. It was unsettling. Why in this age would she be known? Jousts were not so popular anymore out of the empire, and it was as a guard rather than as a champion which he addressed her in the first place. Her brief stint with that special unit, Suntrot, perhaps? Why would that catch the attention of vikings from Whitescar of all people? Was there perhaps another party providing them with information? It was a lot of questions, and Alexandrite didn't expect she would get many answers by asking any of them bluntly.

Instead she listened to a little monologue from the caribou who was to be her opponent, prompted by the words of a pegasus guard. "Do you not see it? It is you who is the traitor here. A traitor to simple decency and to all but yourself, compelled by selfish desires, blind to the wickedness you so callously would shove onto those who meant you no ill will," she interjected when he was through speaking, disgusted by the things she heard.

She readied her lance and gave a stomp of her hoof. "These words make clear that your heart is as wicked as that of the tyrant you have chosen to serve. There will be no place for talk between us. If you wish me for your opponent, then so be it!"

Just as Alexandrite was to make her charge, she heard Lilac speak to her. She had spied Lilac earlier while fighting the other two vikings and had marvelled at how she used her dance to combat enemies herself. This new foe did look strong--stronger perhaps than Alexandrite could have dealt with on her own. Lilac could very well be of help to her.

"It surprises me, Miss Lilac, that your art could be turned to violence as readily as mine," she remarked with amusement. "But I meant what I said earlier. There is nopony I'd rather have at my side through this. I would love nothing more than to share this dance with you."

With a nod to the other mare, Alexandrite again kicked the ground and steadied her lance before rushing gallantly ahead in a charge.

Tehengu noticed the state of the battle overall, and it wasn't looking good. The ponies were being overrun by the caribou forces. Even with the advantage of numbers, pony losses were progressing faster than the caribou losses, and that told of nothing but eventual defeat unless something happened to turn the tide.

He turned as he noticed the incoming combatants and had to turn to them, leaving the red mare to the battle he had interrupted as he was attacked by three caribou, two of which were firing crossbows at him. Luckily, they weren't nearly as good as him at shooting, and he managed to dodge most of the shots. A couple scored grazing hits, but he wasn't too worried about that. He had to focus on the third one charging him with a hammer.

The large griffon had to jump back through a combination of his legs and wings to get clear of the caribou's jumping strike. Still though, he had moved out of the way and avoided the attack. Before the caribou could do too much, Tehengu flapped his wings again, bringing him in close enough for a slash at the caribou. The archers were still a problem, especially since all it would take is one lucky shot for him to be done for.


The Crystal Guard had a friend. No matter. W.R.A.I.T.H had give Ofrior all the information he could have wanted about the potential problems they may face during the attack. Individuals, terrain, formations, guard schedules- they knew everything they could have needed to know. This Tilt knew so little about the caribou but Ofrior knew everything about her. Her father was a noblestallion and advisor to the Failed Throneship of Crystal. Her mother, a nondescript fluglhorn player. She had been raised to believe in something and to believe in something entirely. It was an honor to live in such a manner. But then she had fallen pray to the same darkness that had pervaded the kingdom. And pray tell, was she somehow above it all? No. Sombra himself told many a tale of her usefulness to him. Her words thus struck Ofrior in the deepest well of irony and hypocrisy, and all she received in response at first was a smirk.

She had a friend, the ballerina. She had held well mostly due to her beauty. Se was a rather fine creature, of that there was no doubt. Many such ponies were often whisked away to the Whitescar in ages past. The ponies that lived in the clans and in the Whitescar were descendents of those ponies, raised in a caribou society, utterly loyal to the Old Ways. Maybe someday the ballerina could play that role and sire with a stallion new Sons and Daughters of the Bjoorfrost. Or maybe she would die underneath the Spire, next to the Heart, like others of her broken kin. No matter. Alexandrite charged, her expert lancing experience coming to focus.

Of course, a lance was often a wonderful weapon of war. It needed to be tempered through numbers and proper use, neither of which were in play here. One on one it was an easy weapon to turn away and avoid the tip, especially in a charge. Ofrior held his ground, advancing in small steps forward as he played with his sword and dropped his shield. The lance approached- he shifted his base left and then leapt forward past the tip before the mare could reposition, then clasped the outstretched weapon with his right hoof and pulled her in roughly. By momentum she fell forward even further and he rewarded her with a swift slice of a sword directly onto her helmet- he knew this would allow her to live, but what joy was there in a quick engagement? He then turned swiftly and kicked her square in the shoulders, knocking her back a bit as he twisted and kept her lance. He laughed and then tossed her lance back at her. He pulled a small war axe out, ready to go.

“Sombra speaks of how useful you were to him but if this was the quality of his soldierly beforehoof then no wonder he was defeated. Arm yourself and die!” Ofrior roared before leaping at Alexandrite sword in one hoof and an axe in another!


Swift Squall still clashed with his three opponents, when all of sudden they fallback. Unicorn cocked an eyebrow in surprise, what 's with that? The rest of their attack force seemed fine. They didn't seemed to be scared either - so far even the fact that Swift slain six of their kind made no impression. What in the world could...

“YOU!” A craggy voice croaked as a massive figure armed with a single large broadsword approached Swift Squall. No armor, no helmet, no shield, just one large sword. “YOU! I FIGHT YOU! COME FIGHT, COME FIGHT!”

Squall for a moment stood there, giving his best 'you-got-to-be-kidding-me' face. Off all the oponents they could send after him, they had to choose 'strong and stupid one'?

Noblepony looked around and it seemed that Miss Crystal Guard was to face one that looked like the 'smart one' and that meant that the 'freaky one' was somewhere too

(not single one of them qualified as the 'pretty one'. There were the cases when even nature was helpless).

Swift Squall again glanced at the vikings he fought earlier. They seemed to be fine settling with being cheerleaders for the duel. Good. Squall wanted to tie as much of the attack force as possible, and he couldn't care less in what way. As long as they weren't fighting anypony else it was fine.

Unicorn gave a heavy sight and stepped forward.

"Very well then. I Swift Squall of House Squallcoast, Count of the Fillydelphia, descendant of Regina Platinum, Inherent of Wada-kashi Swordponyship School will be your opponent."

One unicorn sword moved in the air before settling before his face. It then hummed when it was set into flourish at right side of his body, and now pointing downwards at an angle. It was obvious that this simple maneuver was a salute.

Regardless soon both of them moved int real confrontation. Neither Squall nor his opponent seemed to invest much at first. This caribou may had the brains of Orohippus, but when it came to fighting he apparently was a savant. Going all out from the very beginning would be stupid at this level of skill, not acquainted with his opponent style would simply defend and that would left the other combatant with less surprises later at the duel.

So again Squall jabbed, parried and attempted to inflict small cuts at the viking with his dual weapons.

"So, I sent six among you to the better world already. How would you like to be number seven?" Swift attempted distraction with some trash talk, before his body erupted into very complicated move. Now his two weapons speeding towards into the thrust. One from above viking guard, one from below it. It didn't mattered if he would sidestep to the right or to left - one of the blades would hit him in such occurrence anyway, and the same would hapen if he attempted to block one of them. There were only three escapes from this double thrust when equipped with such heavy blade like the caribou. One of them noblepony already anticipated, and the other two were really obscure.


"Mmhmm. Do you have a plan? Are we gonna free princess Cadence?"

Snails shook his head. "Nuh uh. I don't think the three of us break that crystal," he answered. "And, um... Snips an' me aren't that great at unicorn magic..." he admitted, hanging his head. "But you know who is?" he asked, then pointed a hoof at Shining Armor, who even now was advancing on Sombra. "We've just gotta get him to the Princess."

"How the hay are we gonna do that?" Snips asked.

Snails smirked at his friend. "By doing what we do best!"

At that moment, the battle around them intensified. The war horns of the caribou sounded constantly, but were almost drowned out by some extremely loud music. The caribou forces were advancing on the guards, and fights were breaking out all over! Suddenly, two more ponies joined them behind the bench. One was the unicorn that had saved Momo earlier, the other was a pegasus filly that Snips was shocked to realize he recognized. He'd only met her briefly when they had both been in line to meet A.K. Yearling, but he remembered. "W-wind Walker? What are you doin' here?"

The older unicorn mare said something about getting everypony into hiding. Snips was tempted... but no, he was tired of hiding! Every time some crazy thing happened in Ponyville, all he did was hide... Well this time, he was going to do something! "Whatever your plan is buddy, I'm in!" he said to Snails.

Unfortunately, both of the colts were facing away from the fighting. They only clue they had of what came next was the terrified look in Momo's eyes... The colts were bowled in opposite directions as a huge axe came down behind them, shattering the crystal bench. The huge deer then pulled a knife, advancing on the shocked ponies!

But then, something slammed into the caribou! The fight was a blur as the colts watched in shock, until the caribou went down out cold! Snails looked to their rescuer and saw... a deer? This deer didn't look like the caribou. He was smaller, for one, and he had wings?? What kinda deer had wings?? When the buck commented on their position, Snails shook his head to clear it. "Thanks Mister, but we've got to try to help!"



Lilac flushed once more and couldn't help the sheepish expression that followed Alexandrite's words. She had expected the guardsmare to shoo her into safety this time for sure, but to find instead that a crystal guard of Alexa's calibre valued Lilac's partnership in the field of battle...well. The prima ballerina was thrilled.

"It can be turned to battle, yes," Lilac responded, "But I'm afraid I'm not quite so effective as a trained soldier. I will help you as best I can, though...so let us dance!"

Alexandrite did not hesitate in charging her foe, but the advance did not go in her favour. Before Lilac could join the fore, Ofrior landed painful hits upon the crystal guard, and that simply would not stand, not so long as Lilac Briolette had a say!

As the enemy made his next charge for Alexa, the crystal dancer made an elegant sauté and landed en pointe on the back of the mighty caribou. With a pirouette, she kicked and turned and kicked, first kicking the top of his helmet to shove it forward and cover the Hersir's eyes and second to give him a fierce kick to the base of his exposed skull. And then, of course, sauté away.

"Hersir Ofrior," she cried, her face made of ice as she landed in the fourth position, "You will not win this. You incorrigible ninny."



Shining's magic shot barely did any damage to the crystal. And as he shot, Sombra shot his magic at Shining in contest. The prince quickly tried to put up a ward between him and Sombra, but just as it formed, the magic hit him and threw him to the ground by a few steps. Not a moment after, Shining exhaled and picked himself back up, not severely injured from the blow. He couldn't seem to get enough magic from his horn to destroy the crystal wall around Cadance. He had very good protection magic, destruction magic was something lacking in his department.

When he looked around him, he saw lots of ponies fighting, many of them fighting one on one without armor. Without much hesitation, Shining casted a spell from his horn that gave temporary magic armor to all the ponies who were in a melee with the caribou that proved to be fierce competitors. All the ponies given this spelled armor started shining with luster, their coats seeming to crystallize and reflect light.

He then yelled, "I need a couple unicorns to help me destroy this crystal see the Princess can be freed. I just need a little more magic, and this should break!" Shining began taking synchronized shots at the crystal, dodging Sombra's advances in the process.




While the red mare kept up her aerial attacks, she knew that her greatest weapons could be her words. The longer she engaged the Caribou in an dialogue, the more she hoped that they would actually pause to think about their entire situation. It did pain her to realize that they apparently were in full control of their minds and bodies, and from what she had heard from the one known as Ofrior, they were looking for a fight, but they needed to know who they were fighting for. "Do you really believe Sombra is going to keep up his end of the bargain?" While the pony was unaware of what exactly the whole deal was, it was very obvious that the long dead former king had promised them something simple. Fight for me, and you will become powerful enough to overthrow their own king. At least, this was what normally happened in books and movies.

"If you continue to work for this faded specter you will never be free!", she called out, "You will be Sombra's in life, and in death." ,she managed to dive-bomb one of the Caribou warriors as he tried to get close to Tehengu while the brave griffon switched weaponry. These warriors were by far some of the toughest opponents she had ever faced. While the changelings had been great in numbers, with the exception of their generals, they were generally weak when it came to melee combat. These barbarians were even more deadlier than the griffon pirates she, Muggo' and Dunder had faced a few years back. Unlike the pirates, the Caribou were there to fight, not to steal from the wealthy and run off. The R.E.A officer would have to be quick and agile to defeat them. Unfortunately as she tried to come up with words to use against her foes, the warrior she had managed to stop from harming the griffon, was able to get a solid hit on the mare. Thankfully, the thick jacket she wore bore the brunt of the attack, but she still felt a sharp pain on her side. With a growl, the mare struck her opponent again, this time sending the mighty beast to Slumberland.

She was now very angry. The jacket was a gift and was made by Lady Rarity, one of Equestria's champions. "You do know Princess Celestia and Luna defeated Sombra when he was at the peek of his powers, do you believe that shallow shade is a match for them now? Could you face a goddess that could move the very sun herself? I think not!" Oh dear, these Caribou were deadly! One would think just by looking at them, they would be slow and clumsy, but they were none of those things. Another Caribou nearly managed to knock Fire Walker out of the sky as she dared to get to close to the ground.

Thankfully, her spirits soared, even as her heart raised a little quicker. She caught sight of the brave Silver Belle as she risked her own life to keep the fillies and colts out of danger. Captain Shining Armor showed that he was no silly frat-pony a few foolishly had thought of him in the past as he tangled with the dark lord himself. Her stallion, Swift Squall, continued to fight with the strength and ferocity of a great dragon, and there were still many others who held their courage as they stood against their overpowering foes.

"Just you wait till Equestria's champions arrive! One of them managed to defeat the great Lord Tirek in solo combat. Do you think your silly ghost-false-king could have done the same?", she struck her current foe a little harder than she wanted to. Could she live with herself if she took someone's life? Would it be necessary to do so? Just these thoughts alone troubled the mare dearly.


The little filly tried her best to shake off the feeling of dread as she watched her sister and Swift Squall, along with the others battle what she believed was a horrible ghost monster, and what appeared to be. “Are they fighting reindeer?”, she scrunched up her snout as she tried to figure out what was going on. A familiar voice snapped her out of her daze, “Oh hey Snips.”, she had seen the little colt during an book signing not that long ago. “Well, I was hanging around with my sister and her colt-friend doing what tourists do best.”, she pointed proudly to an white t-shirt she wore, which bore an ‘I Heart The Crystal Kingdom’ logo on the front. “Buying shirts, snow-globes and other things I was gonna take home as gifts.", she nearly leaped out of her little horse-shoes as they were attacked!

Thankfully, some-pony, or was it a real reindeer? An actual flying reindeer, and he was kind of cute. He sort of reminded her of her special family friend, Dunder, but skinner. And not a pony.

"What do you think we can do? Those are monsters out there, and we're just kids!"

Alexandrite's charge was met roughly, with her shoulder pained for a kick. This was a powerful opponent indeed, and a lance was not a weapon ideal for fighting with ruffians. It was Alexa's chosen weapon though. it was a part of her, down to her cutie mark. It resonated with her. It represented to her strength and unity and her love for her empire.

She was sure this opponent was overconfident as well. He chose a glancing glow against her helmet during their entanglement and even gave the lance back to her upon taking it. This was the typical arrogance of someone proud of his own strength at the expense of that of others. She could see it already that that would be his downfall this day.

Her lance was not the best match, but what she had with it was an aptitude that could not be dismissed. She had a champion of the joust, having won matches and tournaments. She had trained in its use since fillyhood. In battle, it was essentially a part of her. Generally speaking, it moved exactly as she would see it move.

"I'm surprised he knows me at all. He didn't seem to recognize my face when I stood before him," said Alexandrite, showing on her face no signs that she was fearful. She did not truly care what Sombra said or didn't say about her. It was entirely irrelevent. He was a fiend and a liar, just as likely was this vassal of his. Speaking, however, gave a few spare seconds to her lovely dance partner, who took the opportunity to blind the caribou with his own helmet and deliver a fine series of kicks.

"Training or not, on your face I see spirit enough to rival the best solider," Alexandrite said with a nod to Lilac, recalling the words she had spoken right as Alexa made her charge. "That, I believe is the important thing. Physical strength and training are only part of the equation. True strength is something that comes from our resolve and inner fortitude."

"A brute who knows and respects nothing but power, will never achieve it," she added, shaking her head. Then with all her speed and gallantry, the opponent still distracted for Lilac's kicks, she began a new charge. She didn't charge directly at the opponent this time however, but instead went right past him to his right, moving her lance around to stab suddenly at his right flank before barrelling past him.

- Invaders must die {Prodigy - dubstep remix}

Each vinyl post is gonna have a Link for some musical umph...if used for the basscannon, you'll know! XD

Vinyl should have gone backstage, but her mind had kinda told her that if she was cornered back there then there probably wasnt gonna be an encore...it wasn't strictly the best place to hide out during the madness taking place, and so she had taken off to a side alley in hopes of not being noticed by any attackers. Still, she HAD heard the setting off of the 'Bass cannon' and that had made her smirk slightly - even during a battle such as this, her music was gettin' some quality playtime, it seemed.

Must have been earth writer - she hadn't seen anything of him since things went to tartarus...which meant that he'd probably gone backstage instead of her.

Gah, this was gettin' hairy...Vinyl was no fighter, she knew this much, but she could handle herself at bar brawls if they ever took place - THIS, on the other hoof, was something that seemed to require a more determined mindset, a viciousness that wasn't something she'd entertained much of given her more prone position was one of using her mind or music over anything else. But Earth had apparently taken it upon himself to use the one thing that Vinyl should have at the start...there was no getting around the fact that she needed to be behind the scenes and doing whatever she could in much the same way as those who were taking it upon themselves to battle.

She watched as the groups of invading forces battled against those who would protect the empire from her hiding position, a scowl formed on her muzzle...the basscannon was active, yes, but it was unfocused, Music and wild beats pulsing through the air every second, with nopony backstage now to make sure it was used for the right reasons. It dawns on her that there truly was nopony else more capable than herself when it came to understanding and using this magitech at it's full strength, and that it needed a guiding hoof if it was going to be effective for this moment! " I hid during the wedding... " she muttered to herself as she tweaks the shades on her muzzle. " That's not whats happening this time! "

The final decision to be made by the well known unicorn DJ, it seemed, was an obvious one at this juncture. " Time to throw down! "

There was no way other than to go through the maelstrom at full gallop and lend a hoof to Earth Writers earlier efforts backstage by handling the basscannon by herself backstage - and thus, Vinyl Scratch went to war!


The fake crystal heart ruse didn't affect King Sombra like Diamond Cut imagined it to be, but to his relief it did attract one of the soldiers. Well if that could help turn the tide then that would work just as well. But the jeweler realized that in attempting this ruse he failed to consider what he would do should Sombra or any other invader believe him and any backup plan. As the soldier approached, the stallion needed to think quickly or else get crushed! Looking over, he could see the crystal prison that Shining armor was trying to crack to free the Princess. Then he got an idea

"You want this?" he said to the charging guard, "Then take it!"

With that he threw the false Heart into the air right in front of the crystal cage, hoping that he could succeed in what he thought could happen.


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