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(World Friendship Expo) The Untamed Beauty of Unyasi (open)


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Zecora looked over her exhibit space one last time before opening it to the public. The once drab event space had been converted into a large hut made of long woven reeds and a thatched roof, the kind she was familiar with in her homeland. Outside there hung masks representing different expressions as well as ornate pottery. Inside the hut featured a large map of Unyasi for ponies to understand the area, several more examples of crafts made by the zebras from golden jewelry to woven tapestries to toys. One table even featured some small trinkets made in the land of the Zebras that ponies could buy as well as Zecora's own herbal remedies. Of course Zecora would be a pivotal part of this exhibit, offering her wit and wisdom on her homeland. With a nod of satisfaction she pulled back the curtain that formerly covered the entrance to the hut and stepped forth.


"Welcome to the exhibit on the lands of Unyasi," she proclaimed, "the land of the Zebras like me. If you wish to learn about my land that is wild and free, then come inside and you will see!"


The World Friendship Expo. Dusty Skies wasn't planning on going here at all just a few moments ago. Just another big crowd of ponies, and a bunch of other creatures. Today would just be another good lazy day... until, of course, it dawned on her that after this was over, everyone would keep saying, "Ohmigosh, did you see that thing that happened at the Expo?!" So she might as well make an appearance, and have a few cool stories of her own to tell. Besides, it was pretty hard to avoid it anyway, the place was in her hometown after all.


Actually, the various booths impressed the young mare as she wandered around. There were caribou here? Wait, even better... changelings? Now that was cool. 


But just as Dusty was about to make a beeline for those exhibits, she found herself walk- quite literally- into a pony. Looking where she was going wasn't exactly her strong suit. "Oh, uh, sorry about that. Happens a lot," She said before getting a look at who she ran into.


Well, at least she thought it was a pony. But the stripes and tribal wear made her look at her in surprise. "Oh! You're a zebra! Never met one before," It was true, Dusty didn't see much else besides ponies in Manehattan. Of course, she shouldn't really be surprised, this was the World Friendship Expo. 


She gazed past the zebra to see a hut filled with various tribal and zebra-like things. Wait, was that all made of woven grass? Impressive. Maybe she could save seeing the changelings for later...


Zecora was taking in the sights of the convention, hoping to visit some of the other stalls when she had a chance when she felt something or somepony bump into her. The zebra was jostled and stumbled a bit, but thankfully didn't fall over. She turned to see the source of her attack and there was a Pegasus looking at her. Before the zebra could ask if she was ok, the pony had an almost star struck reaction to seeing a zebra. 


"Even though you took me by surprise there is no need to apologize. I understand that meeting a zebra like me must be an interesting rarity. I've been in Ponyville for many years you see and so far I've never seen another like me. Zecora is my name, and what is yours, if it's all the same?" 


Dusty looked back at the zebra, tilting her head slightly as she spoke...in rhyme. Huh. Maybe it was a zebra thing? Well, didn't hurt to question it, right? "You talk in rhymes? That's pretty cool. It must take a lot of thinking to come up with a quick rhyme all the time...hey! I just did it!" The pegasus grinned to herself in amusement. 


The zebra then introduced herself as Zecora, to which the weather mare blinked as she got her thoughts back in order. "Oh, right. I'm Dusty, Dusty Skies. But everyone just calls me Dusty." She paused, looking at the display once more. "Mind if I look around the hut? Seems pretty interesting."


Zecora chuckled as the Pegasus in front of her still had the same amazed look on her face. She knew it was only a matter of time before somepony at the expo would ask about her rhyming.


"I'm not sure if every Zebra rhymes like me, but I do so very naturally, as far back to when I was a filly. Rhyming can be a easy thing to do if you know the sound of a word or two. It is nice to meet you Dusty Skies and i see your interest in me is a wonderful surprise. Please come inside and you will see my homeland Unyasi."


Still amused by the fact that Zecora talked in rhyme, Dusty smiled to the zebra and went inside. It seemed bigger in here than on the outside, but then again that was true of a lot of places. She wandered around for a bit, passing by most of the jewelry and toys. The masks seemed cool, some of them were even scary looking enough for a Nightmare Night prank. She chuckled to herself at the thought and kept walking.


She then stopped at the table with herbal remedies. These seemed interesting. "So...what do some of these do?" She asked curiously, pointing a hoof to the remedies. One of these could probably make her mode awesome, right? 


Zecora stepped back and watched as the mare looked about the tent. While the zebra could teach ponies things by lecturing them, she preferred at times to let them discover things on their own and then when the time was right she could teach them her wisdom. Not surprising the thing that the Pegasus gravitated towards first were her herbal remedies. 


"These, my dear pony, are several herbal remedies. Although not every Zebra in Unyasi practices such skill like me, the power of this medicine is grand, its presence sweeping throughout the land. If you know what certain plants do, then they can help you. It takes time though for you to know which plants are safe and the harmful ones that grow. But once a plant is found safe then, the real work can begin! Some plants can be used as creams to ward off bad dreams, others a drink to clear your mind and help you think. There was one I made sort of recently that helped one pony see very old memories. Not all of these are as grand indeed but they still have a certain need like easing the symptoms of a flu, or making a strong glue. Some can heal cuts or sores, anything you can imagine can be done with these remedies and more!"


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