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Page Turner [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: WoE

Name: Page Turner

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Magenta

Coat: Teal

Mane/Tail: Purple

Physique: Average

Residence: Trottingham

Occupation: Book writer/salespony

Cutie Mark: A leather-bound book, opened about half way, with white "magic sparkles" emanating from the center of the book.


Page Turner wrote short stories whenever he was bored in class, but he never really thought very much about them. To him, they were never anything more than a means to pass the time. One day, one of the fillies in his class asked him what he was writing. When he told her it was just a little story, she asked if she could read it. Page was taken aback, and a little hesitant to let her read his story. After she pleaded a bit, he agreed. Before he knew, she'd grabbed it up and was reading it. Page Turner was extremely nervous. What if she didn't like it? "Hey, this is really good!" She said, and before he had any time to react she was passing it on to another kid in the class. Before long, everypony had at least read a little bit, and many of them thought it was great! So, he showed them more. He showed them stories of aliens from space, of crazy monsters and daring heroes. He showed them all what he had been writing. That is, until the teacher stepped in. At first, Page Turner was fearful. Was she about to scold him? But no, she had come over to point out his new cutie mark! The end.


History: Page Turner grew up in a small house in Trottingham. Life was quaint, but good. Parents. Distant Relatives. Now, he makes ends meet, but his shop is not well known and he's bad at advertising. He lived with his parents while working at another book store, saving up money so he could get his own place and his own shop. He hopes to be able to purchase a better shop in a busier location soon.


Character Summary: Page Turner is a very good writer. He wants to make ponies happy and adventurous with his books. He likes adventure, imagination, and history. He dislikes unhappiness, ignorance, and mean/rude ponies. When he isn't creating his magic books, testing said books out, or running his shop, he can be found reading books to the young or elderly. They aren't necessarily things he's written, he just enjoys reading and sharing that enjoyment with others. Page Turner isn't the most sociable of ponies, but he tries. Usually, unless it's about history or a book, he has a hard time figuring out what to talk about. Though, he's always interested in people's stories, so he's great at listening to others. He's also indecisive, preferring to go with the flow rather than force something to happen.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah. I'm trying to get ideas, but I seem to be having a bit of a block. Don't worry though, I'll come through........eventually.......

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks man! Things are goin' well, just haven't had too much time to work on this character in my head, but I got a short synopsis bit down.  :razz:

  • 2 weeks later...

Would anyone mind giving me a hand with this? I've got the basics down, but I think most of my creativity for this character has left me.  :blush:

  • 1 month later...

Hello! Are you still interested in finishing this application?  


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