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Princess Twilight Sparkle (FiM Cast Final)


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Roleplay Type: Canterlot Chronicles


Name: Princess Twilight Sparkle


Gender: Female                      

Age: Young Mare

Species: formerly a unicorn, currently an Alicorn 

Eye Color: Varying shades of purple

Character Color: Lavender

Mane/Tail/Other: Dark Blue with two stripes, one purple and one pink. Twilight normally keeps her mane and tail relatively straight, way she always had it when she was a unicorn, although for more formal events she tends to experiment with different styles.

Physique: As an Alicorn, Princess Twilight Sparkle is slightly taller than other ponies her age, but not nearly as tall as Princess Celestia or Luna and she does not possess their Alicorn figure other than now having wings. 

Residence: The Castle of Friendship in Ponyville.

Occupation: Princess of Friendship and protector of harmony, former Bearer of the Element of Magic, former personal student to Princess Celestia.

Cutie Mark:




A pink six-pointed star with six additional white points with five other six-pointed stars encircling the main star. Her cutie mark represents her great aptitude for magic and her ability to preserve harmony and cultivate friendship. As a filly, Twilight Sparkle received the honor of being selected for Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, but to do so she had to pass a very difficult test of hatching a dragon from an egg. The unicorn tried multiple times to do so, but she could barely move the egg much less attempt to crack it with her magic. For the moment the unicorn felt that she would have to admit defeat and accept not being able to be accepted to the school, but then something no less than a miracle happened. An explosion of rainbow appeared outside and ignited an inner spark of magic. This sent Twilight into a uncontrollable display of magic, hatching the egg and transforming the dragon into a full grown adult, zapping her proctors out of existence, and turning her parents into plants! It was the quick thinking of Princess Celestia, who just so happened to be passing by the school, to calm the filly’s magic and restore order. Twilight began to apologize for her actions but was quickly told about her rare raw talent for magic and that not only was she accepted in the school but was to be Princess Celestia’s personal protégé. But the best surprise came when Twilight realized she got her cutie mark. 

Unique Traits: Twilight Sparkle possesses a strong aptitude for magic, able to accomplish magical feats and spells that few unicorns can do. One of her primary abilities is to be able to teleport short distances with ease. Other abilities she has shown includes advanced telekinesis, transmuting an object into something else, causing things to move on their own, and damaging blasts of magic when fighting against foes. She can learn spells fairly well upon reading them, but may need to relearn them if only performed once. With her newly minted wings she can now fly like a Pegasus pony, although she still needs to perfect her flying talent! Twilight has a voracious appetite for learning and can read through the most complex of books in a short time providing she has the time and the concentration. 

History: As a filly growing up in Canterlot, Twilight was surrounded by many unicorns, each of whom possessed different awe inspiring abilities, making her wonder what her magical talent would be. Her curiosity in magic was fueled by many factors in her life, the first being her parents who encouraged her to learn all she could about the world around her. A proud moment came to her life when she was old enough to set her hooves into a library, a place she spent hours delving through books, especially ones related to magic. Often times she would be seen leaving the library with her saddlebags so weighed down by book that they forced the filly to have to drag them home! Her second influence was her foalsitter Princess Cadence. At first the filly was unsure about interacting with this pony who was not her family, but she quickly warmed up to her and ever since the two were great friends. Twilight admired Cadence for her calm demeanor and her love based magic and dreamed one day of being like her. She also admired her big brother Shining Armor who had strong magic in his own right. But the event, and pony, that inspired her most was Princess Celestia raising the sun during a Summer Sun Celebration. It was then that the filly devoted herself to studying magic, but as a consequence it isolated herself from making friends in school.


After the events of getting her cutie mark, Twilight studied with Princess Celestia about the ways of magic, her companion being the dragon that she hatched named Spike. The two formed a lasting friendship as Spike assisted the unicorn in her studies. Despite this bond, there was something that Twilight lacked in her life: meaningful friendships. Although she had Spike, Twilight felt that friendships were irrelevant to her life. All that changed when she was sent to Ponyville to make friends and help prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration. As destiny should have it, she met five ponies who were to become along with her as the Elements of Harmony. The six ponies after defeating Nightmare Moon formed an unbreakable bond of friendship as they went on many adventures and fought many foes along the way to maintain harmony in the land. This bond was not without its moments of disagreements or trials, but the group remained strong. These moments included almost losing her friends to Discord, confronting the changeling Quuen Chrysalis, and facing The Great and Powerful Trixie. These moments also taught Twilight the lessons of friendship which she shared with Princess Celestia. Besides being with her friends, Twilight enjoyed spreading knowledge while at her home in the Golden Oaks Library.


Life for Twilight had become blissfully routine until two major milestones happened in her life. The first happened due to the effects of a spell causing her friends’ talents to be rearranged! Through quick thinking the unicorn was able to return things to normal and finish the incomplete spell, but in doing so something momentous happened. She was transported to a strange world and learned that she had a larger destiny to fulfill. She was suddenly bathed in magic and upon returning to Ponyville found she was not only an Alicorn but a Princess. With all the pomp and circumstance of the coronation done, Twilight was left wondering what it meant to be a Princess and what her place would be as there were already Princesses to move the Sun and Moon and to spread love. This issue came into question as Twilight and her friends gave up the Elements of Harmony to fuel an ancient tree in the Everfree Forest. She didn’t even have a castle or a place to rule! It wasn’t until a creature name Tirek appeared that Twilight had to test her powers fully. The ensuing battle claimed her former home at the Golden Oaks Library and almost was a defeat for the Alicorn and her friends. With the power of the tree of Harmony and each pony’s talents, she was able to defeat Tirek and not only was granted a new castle home but also the title of Princess of Friendship. With a renewed sense of purpose and a new home, Twilight now sets forth with her friends to spread friendship to all corners of Equestria.

Character Summary/Personality: Twilight typically possesses a calm optimistic demeanor when meeting her friends or other ponies. She is slow to anger, except when her friends or home is being threatened. She prefers not to fight with her magic, using her logic and reason to solve problems and resolve conflicts. She is very intelligent to the point that her friends call her “egghead” and she sometimes has the habit of lecturing too much. Her logical demeanor is not without its flaws as when illogical things do happen the Alicorn begins to fret and even tries to micromanage the situation, often with disastrous results! But thankfully these moments are few and far between. She also loves assisting those in learning new things. She is also very organized, gathering things in a certain way and keeping copious notes.


As a Princess, Twilight still struggles with her role and what it means along with the attention she gets. She isn’t very comfortable being treated more than just a pony and prefers if those meeting her call her simply Twilight Sparkle. Not one to be wrapped up in formalities she prefers to meet others with a friendly introduction. It is in her looking at her new position that twilight is seeing the world through new eyes as she tries to correct the things in her life that she missed like not having many friends while as Celesia’s students. She also constantly has to come to grips with her fear of one day not being able to defeat a foe or help her friends. Overall though, Twilight Sparkle is a very confident pony who with her friends seeks to spread friendship and harmony to all who need it! 


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