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LimeStone Pie {Ready~}


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Lime Stone Pie

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Lime Green

Coat: Smoky Purple

Mane/Tail: Her mane is longer on one side than the other, with the back seemingly cut with a razor, so it stands up on it's ends, bangs scallop across her forehead, but don't hide any of her face, her hair is a smoky grey color, that tight ropes on the brink of purple, her tail however is neat and short.

Physique: Lime is built like a rock, with powerful legs, lean muscle, and just...the slightest bit of pudgyness as she has a secret weakness for anything sweet.

Residence: The Pie Family Rock Farm

Occupation: One Day inheritor of the Rock Farm, currently working it since her Father is enjoying retirement (Enjoying being taken with a grain of salt or five)

Cutie Mark: A lime with a slice cut off of it, over two white stones
History: Lime Stone is the oldest of her three sisters, granted all that means is that she was born first ( a few hours first to be precise) with Maude following, before Pinkie and Marble tailing after. With this knowledge of being the eldest, Lime took the mantle upon herself, being the boss of them(granted Pinkie didn't seem to listen to her too often, which caused/causes some friction) Usually being "the voice" of the group with well meanings, to her she's just being a good big sister.

While Pinkie took to her Grannie Pie, Lime was always her Grandpa's grandbaby, and she loved listening to stories about family and tradition, that's how she heard about Houlder's boulder, the history behind it and just how important to their family was, in fact the young Lime got the idea in her head, that so long as it stood where it was, their family would prosper and have good luck!

That led to some issues, as it was a huge, huge rock that leads to a lot of imagination wanting to use it, which usually ended up with Lime Stone SCREAMING at them to get off, worried something bad would happen to it , and by consequence, the family farm !

The day Lime Stone got her cutie mark was just another day for her at the beginning, granted the middle got interesting as Pinkie got her cutie mark, threw a party, and for a while it felt like the family had a unknown energy! But after it was all over, and Pinkie seemingly having a new spark in her..Lime felt conflicted.

While she worked the rock field, cracking rocks with her hooves, and the pick in her teeth, she thought about her role in life, what SHE wanted to be, did she want to go off like Pinkie was bound to do? No...

The filly swung her pick down, and it caused the floor to crack! Falling deep into a cave that was just below her.

When she shook the distortion from her head and got up,she realized she was in a cave of both (oddly enough) quartz and limestone, the quartz gleaming and sparkling with the light allowed in from above, and seemed to reflect all around it.

Lime walked towards the smooth quartz, instantly taken by it's shine and brilliance, placing a hoof on it to stare at her reflection, attention being drawn by the ceilings, and the floor..and the ground, which were primarily limestone...

That was when it hit her! Pinkie Pie was the quartz! Beautiful, sparkly, and it's own entity, but Limestone, no LIME STONE could be the support and structure! She grinned "I can take care of the farm!"

She jumped with purpose, clapping her hooves, her grandpa's traditions, her father's hard work! She could do that! SHE could keep the good luck flowing! With that her flank flashed, and there upon her flank was her cutie mark.

The Lime symbolizing her acidic and blunt personality, and the stones representing her deep roots in her family, and their traditions.

After Pinkie left, Lime shadowed under her father Igneous and as she grew older, took on more and more family responsibilities, and she did so with pride and purpose.

Character Summary: Lime while having her positives, such as loyalty, dedication, kindness, and being generous, has her hangups as well, very blunt, pushy, and tends to bark orders at others. None of this is done with malice however! Most of the time it's from a deem founded need to protect both herself and others around her.

She loves her sisters and her family dearly, in fact her family's rock farm means the WORLD to her, one could compare it to the adoration of a family farm (wink).

Not so stubborn and hard that she can't change her mind, nor her ways to accommodate new traditions, and world views, after her hoof to hoof with the Apple Family, she's starting to develop an appreciation for other views (especially if they bring sweet rolls)




As WoE's Maud, it's my pleasure to welcome you into the Pie family! Congrats!



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