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Rainbow Dash{Ready~}


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Name: Rainbow Dash

Gender: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Magenta

Character colour: A very light cerulean

Mane/Tail/Other: Dash's mane is something she doesn't pay much mind to. Because of this, the bangs, like the tail, are a little scruffy, always hanging in her eyes, while the back drapes down over her shoulders, giving her a rugged charm. Both her mane and tail possess the colors of the rainbow. Due to her unique coloration, Dash leaves streaks of rainbow behind her as she zips around Ponyville.

Physique: Limber, agile and tough! Due to how often she practices to be a Wonderbolt, Dash is a lean, mean, flying machine!

Residence: She happily calls Ponyville home sweet home

Occupation: Head of the Ponyville weather team (when she's not napping, that is)

Cutie Mark: Rainbow Dash's cutie mark is a single cloud with a red, yellow, and blue colored lightning bolt shooting out of the bottom. She got it when she was a young filly, after defending her friend Fluttershy's honor from some bullies by challenging them to a race. During the race Rainbow Dash got up to speeds so fast she broke the sound barrier, causing a sonic rainboom that stretched and arched across the sky! It made her her realize her love for speed, and for the thrill of racing and winning. Her cutie mark triggered so much more than that, as it was a driving force in the lives of the ponies that eventually became her nearest and dearest friends.

Unique Traits: Aside from being the only known Pony to make a sonic rainboom, Rainbow Dash is a very agile and skilled flyer, able to do sharp turns, full loops, and other dangerous feats of flight with ease and the precision of a pony that practices days on end.

History: Rainbow Dash, born in Cloudsdale, from the get go was a tough, take no nonsense filly. Her father worked at the Weather Factory and when Dashie wasn't in flight school she was right under his wings, learning all she could about it. The weather process fascinated her, the way the pegasi zipped through the sky, clearing clouds and making weather. For the longest time, Rainbow Dash wanted to be a weather pony more than ANYTHING else in the whole world! She'd fly around their house, kicking clouds, and paid close attention in flight school to learn all the tricks, convinced that she'd be the best weather mare ever.

One day, for her birthday, her parents surprised Dash with a trip to Canterlot to see the Wonderbolts perform. The little filly let out the loudest screech in joy, because she was a fan of theirs! She had their posters all over her walls, and spent hours just lying on the clouds, dreaming about being one of them.

Seeing them perform ignited a fire in the mare, as she watched the team of skilled aerial artists twist, and dive, and loop in perfect synch with each other, performing feats of grace, speed, and AWSOMENESS! In her heart of hearts, Rainbow Dash vowed to never be satisfied until she was the best flyer in all of Equestria, so she could fly with the Bolts.

Time was not spent focusing solely on the weather now. Rainbow Dash spent a great deal of time zipping around, crashing into walls and pillars (thankfully, she lived in Cloudsdale at the time! Cloud pillars, and walls, tend to be forgiving) as she tried to master the Wonderbolts' stunts and tricks, crashing so often due to being unpracticed that some bullies in her school nicknamed her "Rainbow Crash". This did not deter the mare from her goal, and she kept practicing her sonic rainboom that earned her, her cutie mark. If anything, it just egged her on to try even harder. This hard work even landed her the honor of carrying the flag for Cloudsdale in the Equestria Games one year!

After graduating from Flight School, Rainbow Dash received a letter from a small town she'd never really heard of called Ponyville, saying they had received recommendation from one of Dash's teachers, and that they would like to invite her to try out to be part of their weather team.

Dash was a bit reluctant to leave the glory and awesomeness that was Cloudsdale, but her parents pressed that perhaps, maybe, Ponyville needed her unique talents a little bit more, as Cloudsdale was full of skilled flyers already on the weather team. Keeping this in mind (and the idea of getting to show off for a whole new town was too tempting to resist!), Rainbow Dash decided to try for the Ponyville weather team.

To nopony's surprise, she made the team. Due to this, she left her home in Cloudsdale to live in Ponyville, after her birthday/going away party from her friends and family there (blinking back tears because Dashie was too cool to cry).

Life was a constant sweep upwards from there. Rainbow Dash proved to have a little more skill, practice, and speed than most pegasi that were born and raised in Cloudsdale, and they didn't quite have Rainbow Dash's skill for the weather, either. In what felt like no time at all, Rainbow Dash was promoted to the lead of the team, dealing with the weather schedule, the cloud placement, and any other tasks that needed doing (though if it was something minor, she had no qualms with stretching out on a nice cloud and taking a few Z's before clearing the problem. It only took her about ten seconds flat, anyways).

Ever since she entered Ponyville, her life has been a whirlwind! From the events that took place that involved her meeting her new friends, and becoming the Element of Loyalty, Dash has continued to leave her mark on Equestria! Battling the forces of the changelings, Discord, Sombra, and Nightmare Moon; saving the Wonderbolts and her friend, Rarity, from an untimely end during the Young Flyers competition, being accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy, and most recently of all, qualifying with her team to be part of the Equestria Games!

Having grown and matured along the way, she stays the same Rainbow Dash that defended her friend's honor way back when. Loyal, devoted, and brave, with the ferocity of a manticore and the coolness of a cucumber.

Character Summary: Rainbow Dash might ooze coolness, but she is deeper than that. Beyond that loyal soul is a very complex but sometimes fear filled pony, with her doubts, and insecurities that she tries to cover up with a brash ego, and cocky attitude. She's always worried about her image, to the point where she tries to be cool at all times, shunning "girly" Things like hooficures, salons, and frilly dresses.

This resistance seemed to be futile, as interacting with her friends has changed Rainbow Dash, and given her the confidence to be herself, geeky bits and all! Due to Rarity and her passion and love of her art, Rainbow Dash has found herself posing and being still long enough to be a living dress dummy for the fashionista mare time and time again. She doesn't seem to mind it, and with the mare's pressing, has even submitted herself to a mane salon on the rare occasion (never getting a hooficure though, she HATES things touching her hoooves!)

Because of Twilight, Rainbow Dash embraced an aspect of herself she had dismissed as nerdy and egg headed, by embracing and loving the "Daring Do" Novels that Twilight lent her to read while in the hospital. Dash soon took on the same burning passion and love for it like she did everything else that she grew to fancy, going so far as to once fly to Miss Yearling's home to inquire about why one of the books was taking so long! (Only to learn that the Author was actually Daring Do herself!)

Thanks to Fluttershy, Dash learned to be more compassionate. Her brash and sometimes hurtful honesty was over the top, and yelling at Fluttershy to cheer better never worked! Despite this, Fluttershy still showed up at the Young Fliers competition to cheer and root for Dash! Inspiring the mare to take a gentler approach when it came to Fluttershy helping with hurricane duty, AND being part of her team for the Equestria Games.

Pinkie Pie indulged a part of Dash that had used to be the role of her friend Gilda. Both of them had a love for pranks, shenanigans, and other lighthearted tomfoolery that developed a deep bond between the two. Pinkie Pie was as supportive as possible when Dash did anything, and even exposed an attitude in Gilda that Dash realized had once been prominent in herself.

AppleJack's influence was a good one, tempering Dash's competitive nature by the constant "Best Pony" contests they did, and showing Dash how hurtful cheating and being underhanded could really be. She showed her that "it's just a competition" meant nothing when you were making your friend feel that upset. The two are constantly at odds, due to both of them believing themself to be the best athlete in Ponyville, and Rainbow Dash wouldn't have it any other way!

Her friends sculpted her to be who she is today, the loyal, brave, kind, and slightly dorky Dash, that sometimes sleeps on the job, sometimes brags a little too much, but at the end of the day would go the entire nine yards just for her friends. Though, as she looks back on her years with them, she sometimes wonders what would have happened if she had refused Ponyville's offer, and stayed in Cloudsdale...

Needless to say, if she had the chance to do it all over? She would in ten seconds flat!


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