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[Unofficial Lore] Magic in General


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Magic: It is everywhere and nowhere, both within reach but untouchable by normal methods. This incredible force saturates not only Equestria but the world beyond, to greater and lesser degrees and in wildly different forms. Virtually every civilization in existence has attempted to study this phenomenon, yet for all the vast knowledge they have gathered, much about the workings of magic remain mysterious.


If you asked anypony on the street, they may say that magical power can come from a variety of forms: good breeding, random chance, or pure talent (all being possible factors to explain ability). The truth of the matter is that all living organisms (along with select substances) generate magic, although some beings are more capable of manifesting this power than others. Some creatures can actively project magic using spell-casting horns or a draconic breath. Other magic is of a more innate sort, granting select beings a special ability to interact with a particular aspect of the natural world. Magical properties are also found in plants and other inorganic materials, which can be used as ingredients for brewing potions or crafting enchanted objects.


As magic is a natural part of any life form, it requires nourishment to be sustained. Extensive research suggests that for magic, emotions are the fuel for the magic of the world. In many cases, it takes the proper emotion or two to trigger a specific magical action. The easiest emotions to harvest magic from are neutral ones: will, determination, and stubbornness. It is these emotions which bring forth the concept of the great unicorn mages having incredible force of will - however, great will, despite being plentiful, is only capable of intensifying the effects of more extreme emotions. A being depleted of energy and magical strength becomes exhausted, making it difficult for them to feel any strong emotions unless something significant happens. In this case, eating and sleeping tend to be all that's required to build up one's magical reserves.


Most beings are limited to this simple cycle. However, for more powerful magic, there are three ways to go about it. First, certain spells and relics can imbue a subject with a surge in energy, allowing for even the least gifted individuals to accomplish the most wondrous feats or horrific curses.


Second, tapping into negative emotions such as fear, hate, and suffering is an easy and seductive way for a single individual to summon destructive and corrupting magic. Whether it is the creature's own rage that fuels this magic, or whether they devour the fear and suffering of others, these negative emotions are a plentiful source of powerful magic for monsters and dark sorcerers the world over.  


However, these dark forces don’t hold a candle to the positive emotions of friendship and love, but such magics are extremely rare to behold in their purest forms. It is well known that the power of friendship is what founded Equestria during the dark times with the Windigo, but it's less commonly understood that the basic camaraderie between ponies is a positive emotion that continues to keep Equestria's magical levels well-replenished. This is more understood in the Crystal Empire, where empowering that force has become a regular part of their yearly rituals.

For more direct use, though, forging and maintaining positive connections with multiple beings is a time-consuming but beneficial way to cultivate such magic. Even though friendships, relationships, and cultural unity may seem impossible at times, in the end, the malevolent magic of a single powerful force will always be vanquished by the benevolent magic of the many.

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