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Night Prophecy [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: WoE
Name: Night Prophecy
Sex: Male
Age: Stallion
Species: Kelpie (Dark Shyshark Pattern)
Eye colour: Red, with green sclera
Coat: Black
Mane/Tail: Spines, stripes and tailfin have a deep, olive green coloration
Physique: Bulky

Residence: Okeanos
Occupation: Court Wizard
Cutie Mark: A blue book with a red marker
Unique Traits:


Serrated Teeth: With a carnivorous diet of fish, shellfish and the odd octopus the Kelpie’s serrated teeth help grip his prey and enemies alike.


Calcified Skin: Hardly the smooth, slimy skin one would expect of an aquatic: Night Prophecy’s skin is like that of a shark and rough to the touch, even capable of cutting softer skin if not careful.


Generalist Predator: He will eat anything, taking opportunity in even the strangest of meals so long as it is able to sustain him.


Nictitating Membrane: Otherwise known as the third eyelid. Inside his eyelids he has a third, thin membrane that covers his eye to protect them in silty, dirty water, and other troublesome environmental conditions while still being able to see.


Deep Sea Diver: Born and built for the deep sea, Night can dive deeper than most, even into trenches many Seapony and Kelpie alike dare not tread -- or swim as is the case.


Geomancy: He can divine fortunes, read the currents and tell the future by reading cracks in sand, soil, and stone. He can also use this power to impose temporary disruptions in terrestrial leylines to essentially sap the latent and active magical abilities of the land and sea born creatures of Equus.




Night Prophecy was born in a nameless trench in the deeper parts of the ocean East of the Gallopocus Islands. Among the trenches were a variety of underwater volcanoes and other thermal activity that kept his gam’s waters warm and full of life. Living in the tropics was not always easy as storms from the sea often built up in the east before dying out on its way to the west. This sometimes left them following schools of fish to keep their bellies full. His gam were nomads. Unlike their Seapony cousins this gam of Kelpies much preferred the bounty of the open ocean and the security of the trench depths. Night Prophecy aged and was tutored in the beliefs of his gam. Being the dark shadows of the trenches provides food, shelter and a place to lay their eggs they were a center of their system of faith. To them the sun mean nothing and they often lie and wait beneath the sands were creatures blindly lurked for the bounty of shellfish and crustaceans as well as the freshest of kelp. This natural departure from the sun often left his gam detesting it as light often lured away their prey or scattered the more skittish sorts. In adulthood he would never find understanding in the Equestrian worship of a sun pony…


Those who feared his skills would demean him with the nickname Nessie, a rather disregarding name given to a mythical creature from fairy tales. He had come to both abhor and relish in the foalish title, often using it to instill a sense of harmlessness, painting the voracious predator as more gentle than he actually was.


When, Nessie, was of age his prowess with third sight, as it was called, was trained by his gam’s eldest. With her Night Prophecy excelled in the art of Geomancy in which one reads the soil, sand and stones to read the future and natural ways of the world. He can also read the leylines of the land and impose on a pony strength or weakness in a pony or seapony by temporarily altering or disabling them by shifting the land in a way to corrupt its flow. With these skills he became the first of his gam to master Geomancy by his adulthood. As he aged he continued to study and travel with the gam. On a regular visit to Okeanos, his gam often travelling down to trade, Night Prophecy had learned of the arrival of ponies into the oceanic depths, his curiosity meeting their own. As it was unicorn ponies had.great powers which fes an envy in the shark pony. He had read something of interest in the soil, warning of a great sea storm which what overtook a small settlement. This was what first secured his chance at securing a place in the kingdom and the first move to greater power. This desire drove him to approach the king.


Seeking a position in the court the Kelpie played many a underfinned tricks to just the competition even going as far as altering the leylines of power to weaken his opposition. A true predator the aquatic would find ways to chase his opponents far from the kingdom's waters until he was only left. He believes his path isn't he only path that can unite all fins under the king and secure his power over the lands and sea alike with him playing puppeteer.


Character Personality:


Night is a power hungry perfectionist. His desire to succeed comes from a competitive nature fueled by a subjective view on the law and its makers. Merciless as he was meticulous once you made an enemy of the eloquent shark you made one for life. A purist he detests the idea of standing beneath ponykind, moving aside for their earthborn talents. He is loyal to his king and gam, studious and vengeful.

Character Summary:


Night Prophecy was born and raised in the deep seas of the coasts of the Gallapocus Islands. Strongly competitive and power hungry he has become focused on gaining power under the force of the king, seeking to gain power over the pretentious and powerful ponies that Lord over the land. Magically inclined he has the ability to read the earth and predict events as well as mute the magical conduits that affect earth ponies and unicorn, as well as other terrestrial and seabound magical beings, for a short amount of time. He seek to use his powers to become even more powerful.

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