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New town New pony(Open to anypony)


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"I fake it. An instructor once time told me to be bold and confident even if I don't have any." Wind smiled slightly remembering the moment from when he was younger. "Almost anyone in a situation like that is secretly grinding their teeth with nerves. So I clear my mind, slap on a game face and just go for it, ready or not. A famous author once wrote 

'If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives' and I live by that."

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"Wow!" Cloudy responded. "That was super profound! What a cool way to live! I wish I was half as brave as you are! I get nerves really easily hahaha!" She admired Wind for his ability to so readily face his fears. She wasn't a scaredy-cat, but she did tend to get nervous easily, as she had said, and when she got nervous, she made mistakes. She had a very oddly shaped comfort zone, but she liked it and preferred to stay inside it. 

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"So is there anything else you wanted to do before the derby?" Saying this, he wasn't to sure what he wanted to do before the race. All he new is that he didn't want to be stuck in a hotel room for hours counting down the clock.

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Cloudy thought for a minute about his question, then remembered her list of things she was planning to do while she was there. Unfortunately, after searching herself, she found she had left it at her aunt's house. Of course. She thought for a moment. She had to remember at least one thing on the list! Oh! The castle garden maze! She had wanted to find her way through that, as well as view the statues that decorated it. She had been numerous times, but she always loved looking around. If Wind was bored, perhaps he'd enjoy going!


"Well, I had hoped to get to go through the castle garden maze, if you'd like to come with me! That can take hours though, so I completely understand if you'd rather go your own way! Or we could do something else! If you've got something you're looking for, we can always do that instead!"

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"I'd love to!" Wind had nothing going on and finding a way to spend time with his new friend was always the best option in his mind.

"I think I'd probably stick with somepony since it's more fun that way. When did you want to go?" Saying this, he realized that he didn't really have much else to do before the derby.

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Sanda wasn’t really sure about this idea, she didn’t like leaving Ryuichi behind, but he had insisted she go her own way while he was not the shogun. At first, she had chosen to stay by his side, but she had lost him in this city. Or he had lost her, since the note she found in her bag afterwards told her to go have fun instead of being his bodyguard all the time. Hopefully he would be ok until they met up again. For now, the yellow pegasus was idly wandering the streets in search of something to do. 

“<What am I even supposed to do here? I don’t know this place, where is all the ‘fun’?>” She asked herself in Neighponese, coming to a stop nearby a couple other pegasi as they talked about going through a maze. Maybe she should try that too?

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"If we go now we might miss the normal crowd." Saying this, Wind had no idea how big of a crowd would be at the hedge maze if any, he was just eager to do something with Cloudfeather. Either way, it at least sounded right so he decided to make no further comment to correct himself.

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Cloudfeather giggled a little at Wind's sudden enthusiasm. "Ok, but, uh, perhaps we should get our food first? hahaha" she replied, and just in time too. The waitress set their food on the table just as she finished speaking. "What do you say we take this to go?" she asked.

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"Sounds good to me!" Wind and Cloud grabbed their food that was placed in small paper bags, thanked the waitress, and left.

The aroma radiating from the bags was nearly enchanting. Was the food that good, or was Wind that hungry? Either way, he was eager to indulge within the bags contents.

Wind realized that he wasn't sure where Cloud was planning on going with the food. Maybe she wanted to find a place near the castle. In any case, he was happy to spend time with her and followed.

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Sanda had been indecisive while the two mares waited for food, but as they moved out, she made up her mind and flew after them. 

“Um, hello. I am lost, where is fun things?” She ventured, landing nearby the two mares. 

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Cloudy removed her carrot dog from the bag and began to eat it as they trotted along, balancing the rest of the contents on her back. They trotted in silence for a moment before a rather rugged-looking pegasus landed behind them and asked them a question in broken Equestrian. She looked like she had seen combat many a time, which Cloudy thought was odd considering Equestria hadn't been to war in a millennium. Cloudy couldn't quite place her accent, either. Having traveled to big cities all over Equestria, she knew accents fairly well, but perhaps this pony was from one of the many areas she still had yet to visit. "Um, I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you looking for a specific place?" Cloudy asked kindly. She was trying to be as natural as possible, but if she was being honest, this pegasus was quite intimidating. It was probably best to point her in the direction of "fun things" as quickly as possible so that they could go their separate ways.

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Wind saw the pony and saw an opportunity to make a new friend. One of biggest reasons for coming(other then the derby) was to make friends. "If you want, you could come with us to the castle labyrinth." Wind could see the slight concern in her eyes of which he didn't seem to share. A new friend could come from anywhere, and Wind knew this. He didn't see any ill intent from the pony right away so he was happy to have a chance to be in some kind of friend group for once.

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Sanda paused as the mare spoke, questioning her words. She had to think about how to better word it, it seemed, though the other pony seemed to understand and invited her along. 

“Yes, thank you.” She nodded, smiling slightly at the stallion as she walked with them. “I am Sanda Kumo.” She added, introducing herself. 

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Ohhh boy. This was going to be... interesting. Cloudy still wasn't fully comfortable with this rugged pegasus. It wasn't that she thought she was dangerous or anything, just that... there was something intimidating about her. She casually maneuvered herself to be on the other side of Wind. Sanda Kumo... That was an interesting name for sure... It certainly wasn't Equestrian that she knew of. 


"I'm Cloudfeather," she said, still trying to sound as natural as possible. What was Wind thinking inviting a strange pony to just come to the labyrinth with them?? Then again, what had she been thinking in associating with Wind with no prior introduction. That really put her choices today into perspective! She began contemplating her decisions today...

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Sanda nodded at Cloudfeather’s introduction, following along as the three of them made their way towards the castle and the maze. She still wasn’t sure about this whole going off on her own thing, but these two seemed nice so she was willing to give it a shot. 

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Cloudfeather was still uneasy, but trotted ahead to match Wind Racer's pace. 


At the hedge maze, she began to relax a little looking at the statues that decorated the entryway. She often wondered how many of them were once real creatures or ponies. One large statue depicting a changeling queen, a pegasus filly, and a decrepit centaur, she knew for a fact was an enchanted statue that had once been living. It had been defaced many times and cleaned just as many, though some ponies had used their horns to mark some obscenities in indelible spell writing that was still there when they passed it.


At last, they reached the entrance to the maze, which was surprisingly empty for the most part. Several ponies walked around, and a group even made their way out as the three of them entered, but other than that, the area was devoid of ponies. Their solitude did little to ease Cloudy's nerves about Sanda and now Wind Racer, but she continued to try to play things cool. She just talked less and thought more.

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He didn't know what drew him to the maze. He didn't know why the labarythine structure enthralled him so. He was confused, lost, and a little anxious, yet still he trod the verdant corridors with no aim or reason.


How had he gotten there again? And where was there? He remembered a green mare, water, then... Then the rest was blank. He'd stepped off a boat- that may or may not have just been a mental metaphor- and now he was here, searching for something he couldn't even place a name on.


His thougts spiraled. He passed by a hedge that he'd passed three times now, or was it four? One, two, three, four- yes, four. Four times he'd seen that particular arrangement of leaves, and four times more he'd revisit that spot before he finally found that darned exit.


He paused when he heard... Voices? Were other ponies trapped in this maze? Well, 'trapped'. It was a maze, but... He should go greet them. Talk to them. Real ponies. 


Keeping his ears up and alert, he homed in on the... Group, miraculously breaking the loop he'd been trapped in as he ventured out to seek answers to a new question: who was out there?


"Hello?" He called out in a meek voice, although it's unlikely he'd be heard that far out. Not yet, at least. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wind gleefully trotted into the maze, again waiting for the others to catch up.

"Come on ponies, the maze might wait for you but I won't." He said with a smirk.

Wind could sense the uneasiness Cloudy felt toward Sanda but it puzzled him as to why. Wind knew that friends could be made anytime and anywhere but was he being too reckless? Only time will tell.

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Sanda nodded at Wind’s words, walking into the maze and looking around as they went. After a few moments, there was a faint sound that might’ve been a voice, but she couldn’t tell. She stopped, listening harder to see if she could pick anything else up, but there was nothing. Probably just a random noise, she wasn’t going to worry about it for now. 

“Where you from? I’m from Neighponese capital.” She said, trying to start some small talk. 

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Cloudy followed Windy into the maze, trying again to keep him in between her and Sanda. Being from Neighpon explained a bit... Actually, no it didn't. She had no clue where that was. It didn't sound like Equestria, though. "I'm a born and raised Cloudsdale-ite. I still live there. I work in the weather factory as a technician," she said with a little pride, calling attention to the mechanic's goggles on her forehead. "What do you do?" she asked, hoping to receive an explanation for all the scarring, and hopefully something along the lines of tragic accidents that in no way had to do with warfare. 


Then she heard something. A voice? Could be. Probably just other maze runners. She shrugged it off.

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There they were again, definitely voices. A direction. Spurred into action, he sought them out, still weary but now motivated. Maybe they had answers? Or maybe he just wanted company? Whatever the case may be, he needed to find them- and find them he did.


He'd been trapped in this maze for... some time, he felt, but yet seeking them out had been a simple matter. He smiled brightly when he laid eyes on them, waving as he made his way over. He looked tired. "Hey! I... kinda got lost in here," he chuckled rather embarrassedly, rubbing the back of his neck as he scrutinized the group with a surprisingly critical gaze. 

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  • 1 month later...

Wind's ears perked when he heard the faint noise of trotting turn to galloping. It sounded almost distressed and was coming our direction.

"I think someone needs help!" 

As he said this he realized that even if they could hear them, they would have no way of knowing how to get to them being that they currently reside in literal maze.

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