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Turning Gears [Rose/Aloe/Bevel]


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It'd been some time since Rose had visited the old machinist. Too long, in fact. She hated to admit that she'd only been reminded she should go visit her by the impromptu conference of intellectuals that gathered to solve the problem of true transformation, but that's not the real reason she was here. 


No, the reason she was here would become more readily apparent by the twin pouches on either side of her flanks, supporting two modest turquoise eggs. It'd become more apparent once Bevel saw her love with Albedo aboard.


Rose had been wanting to take Aloe out of the house for awhile now, but just couldn't think of anyplace convenient to visit. There was always something to do, always someone to meet- but not today. Today is a social day, to mix and mingle with friends and family.


She smiled as this brought a warmth to her chest, approaching the large ship with a loud, psychic call inside. Because this is Rose we're talking about, since when does she do things the normal way.


Hello! This is Rose and Aloe, we came to visit!

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~~~Aloe Blossom~~~




Aloe was a bit unsure of taking such a trip. She wasn't sure if Albedo was ready for such a long excursion and it was increasingly possible that the eggs could hatch at any time. They would need water immediately once they did until their lungs developed. She might have only had one changling daughter at the moment, but she knew very well what was required for them at this point. Or at least, what was required for this particular species of changling. Since Rose was aquatic, her offspring would be as well. At least the kind that came out of the eggs. Still, she trusted Rose's judgement and tried to suppress her maternal instincts as much as she could, which included refraining from bucking anypony that she thought might be looking at them funny in the face, whether they were actually looking at them at all or not. She wasn't sure when she'd become this protective or this violent, but nothing was going to hurt her little ones.


She let out a sigh as they walked through the streets up to where a giant ship was. She was a bit confused though as ships were usually in water and she didn't see any of it around. She heard Rose knock on the door and introduce that they had arrived. She smiled and looked over to Rose. "So, who is this pony again? I remember you talking about an inventor, but I don't know much about them otherwise. Also... I might be new to boats and ships, but isn't this supposed to be in water?" Aloe asked looking around once again.

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"Just a moment! Just a moment!" Came a muffled voice from behind the door, "I've almost... Got i-- Uhoh." then came a ticking sound like a metronome. After five ticks the sound of an explosion could be heard behind the door. It couldn't have been a very big one seeing as it was muffled by the door. Then came the sound of coughing before hoofsteps made their way to the door and it opened. A wave of multicolored smoke flowed out and engulfed the two ponies before being dispersed by the gentle breeze. In the frame stood bevel, her mane looking especially frizzy. 

"Mon Dieu! My apologies... I was just working on an alchemical spellbrewing process." She coughed up a few more multicolored clouds and laughed, "Zebras make the process look so easy." The machinist's eager golden eyes bounced back and forth between her visitors and quickly she zeroed in on Rose, "Rose! It's positively Mangnifique to see you again! Have you brought some new fancy ideas for me to try and tackle? Oh! And you brought a friend!" In a flash she was up in front of Aloe with the mare's hoof already in a vigorous shake, "Bonjour, I'm Bevel Gear! My friends call me, Bev. I'm pretty sure you'll get to call me that too! Why are we standing out here in the bright spring weather. Come inside!" 

The peppy inventor cheerfully pranced back into her workshop, spinning her tail to fan away any lingering magical essence in the air. Once the pair came, Bevel would dart from window to window to air out the workshop in her vessel. 





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Rose had forgotten what a nexus of energy that mare was. It was refreshing to know such anxious youth still existed, even if she could forget from time to time just how exciting being young could be. Around every corner was a new discovery, a new curious concoction to try out. Novel experiences and dangerous fun to be had.


"I see you're still getting up to trouble," she spoke up with mirth in her voice. A brief but controlled gust channeled through the room, whipping the mare's mane as the entire room was cleared of lingering smoke in a matter of moments. "Perhaps you should... Stick to machines for now. Oh, but where are my manners."


Stepping up beside her beloved, she hooked a leg around her neck and smiled wide. "Bevel Gear, this is Aloe, the most beautiful mare in Equestria ~" Giggling, she nuzzled the pink mare affectionately. 


"And on her back is Albedo. Say hi, Albedo!"


The little albino changeling, nestled within the safe confines of a watery bubble, let her eyes wander around the room. She didn't seem to be focusing on anything in particular. 

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~~~Aloe Blossom~~~




Aloe was very quick to notice the bundle of excitement that was Bevel. She felt like the mare was going to shake her out of her hooves before she returned a giggle and a smile when Rose introduced her as the most beautiful mare in Equestria. She also introduced their little one on her back. As they made their way inside, Aloe would look around at all of the different things that were present. She would be lying if she said that she knew what the intentions were for anything here. In fact, she doubted that anypony other than the mare that was accompanying them in here would either. Such was the life in the way of experimenters. After all, sometimes said experements don't work and all you're left with is a bunch of random components that are now worthless. At least she figured the after effects of her experiments would be easier to clean up, most of the time.


"It is a pleasure to finally meet you Ms Bevel. Rose has spoke highly of you and the items that you create. I am certain that you and I will get along quite well, both of us being creators and all. Though I will openly admit what I make seems to be a lot less dangerous than what you do. the most anypony has to worry about with one of my botanical products going bad is a rash, or a bit of coat loss," she giggled a bit.

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