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[Archives] Royal Equestrian Army Ranks


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This is my opinion on what the army ranks of the REA should be. Please feel free to inform me on any errors, of if you want me to expand on any more areas.




Tier 1- Miles

Tier 2- Miles Primum

Tier 3- Corporalis

Tier 3- Artifex (specialist)*

Tier 4- Servus

Tier 5- Servus Legati

Tier 6- Servus Primium

Tier 7- Servus Dominus

Tier 8- Servus Primitivus

Tier 9- Servus Imperium

Tier 10- Servus Phylarches


Tier 1- Militaris

Tier 2- Legatus Duo

Tier 3- Legatus

Tier 4- Navarchus

Tier 5- Legatus Primus

Tier 6- Principes

Tier 7- Centurion



Tier 1- Soldat

Tier 2- Efreitor

Tier 3- Serzhant

Tier 4- Starshina

Tier 5- Praporshchick


Tier 1- Leytenant

Tier 2- Kapitan

Tier 3- Mayor

Tier 4- Polkovnik

Tier 5- Marshal

*The Artifex (aka Specialist) rank is a alternate branch of the REA, for ponies who wants to specialize in unconventional military professions, instead of continuing as a regular soldier.

These professions are...

Medicus- (Medical), In charge of any medical emergencies within any given squad.

Argentum- (Financial) The treasurers of the REA, in charge of salaries and financing.

Auctoritas- (Security) The authorities of the REA, to secure law and order within the ranks.

Architectus- (Engineering) The builders of the REA, specializes in any construction or repairs needed for the REA.

Legatus- (Diplomacy) In charge of any communication or diplomacy between other species. Can speak in several different languages.

Venatus- (Monster Hunting) Specializes in the extermination of potentially dangerous creatures.

When a given militant is awarded a specialist rank, the names above serves as a sufffix to their title. Ex: Artifex Medicus.

(Argentum Specialists are never deployed in the field.)

**Commissioned ranks, are leadership ranks of the REA. Requires a 2-year enrollment in the Royal Equestrian Officer Academy. Located in Stalliongrad.

***Stalliongrad integrated battalions has an separate army ranking system.

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Didn't Dio already write something up like this when he did the REA and VSS lore stuff a ways back? I think we're following the regular US Army ranks (Private, Corporal, Captain, General) thing. My VSS Pony is a Corporal. And we already have Shining Armor as "Captain" of the Guard. And a few other Military Pony OCs used by other people are already using that ranking structure.

Check out his document on Google docs here.

If you check the RP notes he states in one section that the REA will use "US Army ranks".

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Yeah. I don't really see the point of adding even more confusion to REA characters. Already it seems like people often don't know what I'm talking about when I use one of mine ( people should really start actually reading the lore. :/).

Usual military ranks are definitely preferred as far as I'm concerned.

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Well, ouch.

Anyway this is the US army ranks, just in Latin.. I knew that Dio would be using US army ranks, so I translated it all to Latin, because...

1. Orders 1-4 all have Roman army weapons as their names.

2. The Armor design looks alot like (and is actually based on) real-life Roman Soldiers.

And I also did the Stalliongrad ranks in Russian, because Dio was basing the Stallian army on the Russian army. (Stalliongrad is a ponification of Stalingrad, which was a real-life city in Russia).

But if my REA army ranks are scrapped, can I at least keep the Specialist rank and subdivisons (minus the fancy-shamancy Latin)? I don't see it conflicting with Dio's REA lore, plus it'll suck if all my hard work would go to waste...

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Well yeah they're technically the same but just sounds fancier. But like Phil said (who also has a few military ponies in the RP) giving them even more fancier names will confuse a lot of RPers. My VSS (Stallianguard) Pony is confusing some people when they find out Equestria has "armies", what more if we give them fancier names for our ranks?

It's a nice idea and definitely sounds better than regular army ranks, but being simple sometimes brings the point across much easier.

And I also did the Stalliongrad ranks in Russian, because Dio was basing the Stallian army on the Russian army. (Stalliongrad is a ponification of Stalingrad, which was a real-life city in Russia).

Eeeyup, that I know much. I was one of the early adopters when Stalliongrad was established and also one of the first to create a VSS (Stallian Guard) Pony.

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I agree with the prior assessment that additional dressing would make it complicated and difficult to understand.

That said, I don't want ideas like this to go to waste. Perhaps they can be referenced in passing as a sort of "legacy" system that was supplanted by the "modern" system that Equestria uses now (army ranks). Of course you are free to use the system in your FFA RPs and fics as you see fit.

But the official board canon system is merely the US Army ranks system. This applies to both REA regulars and Stalliongrad battalions.

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