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YAY! Finally became a Roleplayer

Bright Glow


Roleplay Type: Mane Rp

Name: Ice Cream Surprise

Sex: Female

Age: Old Filly

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Green (#C891FF)

Coat Color: Purple (#C891FF)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: middle long, strait and yellow (#EDFF21)

Physique: Her body's size is normal but lightly sportish since she is swimming or jogging regullary

Cutie Mark: An ice cream cone with three different-colored scoops of ice cream.

Origin/Residence: Ice Cream Surprised born in Canterlot and she still lives there but she would like to move to Ponyville to left the buisy city of Canterlot and start her own life

Occupation: Ice Cream Surprise just finished her studies and she has no jobs jest but she's looking for one and she hopes she can get one in Ponyville

Motivation: Her biggest motivation is to left left the buisy Canterlot and move to a mor quiet place where she could start her own life and it's not too far from the capital city and Ponyville seems to be the right bplace to her. Since she doesn't want to live alone there so she is very motivated to find a house mate.

Likes: winter,summer, ice cream, sweetness, helping friends, swimming, jogging, dressing up

Dislike: grumpy and mean ponies, bullies, snobs, short deadlines,

Character Summary:

Ice Cream Surprise was born in a family of lower high family class family . Her pearants were respected for earned their fortune with hard work and to do charity actively and helping poor ponies.

Being only child didn't mean for Ice Cream Surprise that she was spoiled. Her pearants tought her well and once they found out their daughter talented in magic they sent her to the Canterlot school for gifted unicorns. Ice Cream Surprise passed the entering tests. "Even I havent got degree there, the time I spent there while I was studying there was one of the best part of my life yet." She became a happy, friendly but a litte nosey pony who like to make friends and even she hates conflicts she can stands by for herself and her friends. She made many friends who came from different classes and different parts of Equestria. She also found out that she was two classes under the famous Twilight Sparkle she could only see the bookworm unicorn sometimes in the school's librarry. Living in Canterlot allowed her to spend the weekends at home but she never forgot about her friends and she often invited them to her home.

During her sdudies she signed up a cooking and baking course in the school where she found out she likes to cooking especially baking, meanwhile she became a teenager pony and she figured out her special ability is to using ice magic to cool down hot things and freezing different lquids. This made her thinking about how she could use this knowladge and how it connets to her special abbility since she had no cutie mark yet.

Afther two weeks week thinking she drcided to give up her stuies of magic and athe end of the actual school year she left the Canterlot school for talented unicorns and she started to study to be a baker. A few months later she found a recepie book of ice cream making in the librarry of their home and she started to attempting to making ice cream, frostlings as hobby but mostly in the summer vacations. She earned her cutie mark just one year ago before she started the last year of her baker course

Afther she earned her baker degree Ice Cream Surprise decided to move from Canterlot and star her own life. She spent tle last two months with looking to a place to move and she chose Ponyville because it's a small and friendly village not too far from the capital city and she can keep touch with her pearants and friends easily via letters. Now she just need to find a pony who would accept her as a housemate since she doesn't want to live alone.



Source: Ice Cream Surprise [Final]

YAY! Finally I was transfered to the Roleplayers group from the Members group and now I'm offically an RP player. :-o:D Well it'll be a good challange since I have no any experiances in RP especcially in this kind of forum RP. Well I wanted to join once to a My little pony Tales RP but unfortunetly it had been died out for a while when I found it. :sniff:

Ok now my first job will be to mae my RP Log and start looking for a housmate for Ice Cream Surprise in Ponyville.

To Do List:

  1. Make my Roleplay Log
  2. Start to looking for a housmate for Ice Cream Surprise in Ponyville
  3. Ask Pinkie Pie's owner if Ice Cream Surprise could get a job in the Sugarcube Corner

1 Comment

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Hah, congratulations I guess. Same happened to me yesterday, but I just cannot decide if I shall join an ongoing RP, or create new one myself.

All I know for sure, is that it must be in Canterlot for starters. Just to keep the story of my character on tracks, without throwing him left and right all over Equestria without any reason :)

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