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These rules may be modified or added to at any time. We'll do our best to inform everyone of changes, but still we recommend you check in regularly to keep the rules fresh in mind. This ensures we all have a great experience on Canterlot.com!

New users

  • You may create a new thread in the introductions section of the forum to introduce yourself to us.
  • After creating three legitimate posts you will be granted access to more forum functions, such as gallery use and post editing.
  • Vulgar or inappropriate user display names will be subject to change without warning.
  • Creating duplicate accounts for any reason will result in removal of said accounts and disciplinary action.


  • The primary language of Canterlot.com is English.
  • Other languages may be used in limited, reasonable context (e.g. saying "hello" in Japanese or common, well-known phrases as part of English language context). If we can't read it, we can't moderate it. It is not staff duty to translate words or sentences into English.
  • Swearing is allowed but we ask that you be reasonable about it. Strong curse words (eg: f-bombs, slurs, s-word) are still prohibited.

Content and Conduct

  • All posts must be suitable for PG-13/PEGI-12 audiences.
  • No depictions of sex, gore, intense violence, or illegal drugs are permitted in posts, images, links, or roleplay.
  • Posts should be civil, responsible, and free from vulgar, abusive words, statements, and expressions of a derogatory manner. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
  • Controversial topics can and do arise. Remember that you are not obligated to respond to topics that make you uncomfortable.
  • Pornographic roleplay is not permitted in any section of the boards.
  • Predatory behavior will result in an immediate and non-negotiable ban.
  • Posts must not contain information on piracy or any other illegal act.
  • Posts must not advertise or solicit for any product or service for external projects or websites.
  • If a topic or post is out of line, please contact the moderating team.
  • Canterlot.com staff reserve the right to remove/modify any content on the site at their discretion without prior warning.


  • Users may receive warning points from staff for breaking forum policy.
  • Accruing three (3) or more points over a given time period will result in a permanent ban.
  • Warning points may be removed over time, at staff discretion, for users in good standing.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to our community. Spammers, trolls, and bullies will not be tolerated.

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