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I Just Lost It All.



Well, I was on my way to the rec building on the other side of base with my $1200 laptop in my backpack, and suddenly it started pouring down raining. I got to the rec center fine (although completely soaked). I walked in, and powered on my laptop. I was only on it for a few minutes when it completely froze up. I powered it off, and turned it back on, and only the power button light lit up. It's been like that for the past hour. It's official. I've lost it all. All my music. All my software. All my art. All my games. Everything. I've cracked open the back of it to check for water. Nothing. I checked the battery. Nothing. I'm officially screwed.


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Aww, man. DDD: That's absolutely miserable. ;A; I know the feeling - I've had a hard-drive burn out on me with all of my art on it before, and it's really disheartening. Is there any way you could take it into a repair shop and see if they could do anything about it...?

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Actually, I solved the problem. I set it on the ground, with the intake/exhaust vents pointing into the carpet for about 45 minutes, and now it works fine. xD False alarm. And my last computer, the whole motherboard killed itself. Needless to say:

ASUS: Can survive water damage through the intake vent.

Sony: Can't even last for 4 days after the warranty wears off.

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good too hear it didn't actually break, though I'd like too add, aslong as it doesn't crash, you haven't lost everything yet. you could open it and retrieve the hard drive, and plug it in a different laptop or let a computer store extract the data for you ;-)

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good too hear it didn't actually break, though I'd like too add, aslong as it doesn't crash, you haven't lost everything yet. you could open it and retrieve the hard drive, and plug it in a different laptop or let a computer store extract the data for you ;-)

I'm pretty sure that if the Navy found out what kind of programs were on my computer, I could lose my security clearance. And I'm pretty sure the store would be obligated to report that certain program... <.< >.>

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