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What did I do wrong?



so at school today, I was talking with a bunch of friends of mine, I think we were talking about warhammer and Lost planet 3, although irrelevant, I also talked too this kid outta my class who randomly jumped into the conversation himself, when he randomly says ''you really gotta stop talking too me like like that or I'm going too beat you up'' my tone too him was no different then it was toward my friends, which gave him the curious look as well. Knowing myself, threatening me is a bad idea.

so I look at him and at my friends like ''did I miss something here?'' then he keeps going on and on how he's going too beat me up, so I tell him he's going too regret doing that.

I'm going too my teacher, tell him that this kid has issues, I think its a better course then fighting the kid, he might end up badly injured or worse....

but really, any idea what I could've possibly done that's worth threatening someone?

I dont know what too think really, it caught me off-guard >.<


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Welcome in the real world, where everything happens as it wants without true reason.

I assume you know how many different types of people walk on Earth. My advice? Just forget it. His issues ain't your problem.

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That's curious. You know, sometimes someone might find your tone offensive even if you never meant it. I'd prolly give him some time to cool off, then extend friendship!

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That's curious. You know, sometimes someone might find your tone offensive even if you never meant it. I'd prolly give him some time to cool off, then extend friendship!

I dont see how it could, I talk too everyone that way and they often say I'm incredebly polite, well I talked too my teacher, and he's really mad at him, threatening someone on my school doesn't go un-punished.

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oh dont you worry about me, they're not bullying me, I'm fine actually, get along with 90% of my class. this kid just randomly attacked me, I told my teacher if he doesn't do anything about it, I will. but he will so its okay :)

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Since you've not actually included any specifics as to what you said, how you said it, who this person is, or anything that might actually tell others why he took offense, it's kind of impossible to answer the question that you asked as to what you did wrong!

So, uh, yeah.

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I didn't talk to him all I said was like when I found out Lost planet 3 came ''yo guys, lost planet 3 trailer AWW YEAH'' and he was like ''ah yeah'' and then I said ''isn't it awesome'' then he got angry, and as I said before, my tone was no different too him and I didn't yell what so-ever.

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