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this was going to be the thing at the name place, but i changed my mind. also, how long can titles be?



i was thinking about this thing and how it doesnt make much sense to me and then i saw one that was super long and i wanted to know how long you could make it go before it stopped you. then i wondered if it WOULD stop me. i dont imagine it going all the way to the top of the screen with a big annoying thing when you go over someones name so i figured it had to stop somewhere. the thing was, i typed all this out and it STILL didnt stop me. i considered telling a story at this point, but what if i didnt finish? im pretty sure i wouldnt. so i wont. but wow, this must be getting kind of long? is there a rule against this? i tried checking the rules, but i couldnt find something that looked like rules, except in the "make a new thing" area. is that really the rules place? i have no idea where the rules are. thats bad. what if i break one without knowing? that would be awful. of course, i could be doing that now, but i couldnt FIND anything. maybe this is one of those times you are supposed to chicken out and not click post. i will eventually. but only after i reach the end. if there is one. if i havn't reached it now, i doubt i ever will. actually, i think i will end it now. cuz i feel that this is dangerously long as is. i dont want to get rid of it, cuz it took a while to type. i dont want to go much further though, cuz getting banned doesnt sound very fun. im going to look for the rules again, just to be safe. nope couldnt find it. but i think im not going to say it. but like i said before, i loves the rosewind. but like i said before, i dont want this to go to waste! maybe ill just post it in a blog place. i think ill do that. that seems safe. ok. as of the beginning of this sentence, i started typing in the blog place. imagine one of the things being that long! there really sould be a limit. and if there is, they really should put it in big flashing yellow and red letters on the area all around the screen. can they do that? the government can. tim hawkins said so. i wonder if it would have gone this long. the world may never know.


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