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The Wash

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A random blog about random topics!




Welcome to my humble little abode, The Wash. Ya know, this is the place where only the coolest of the cool can be accepted. Keep hanging out here and soon you'll be getting that "wild and crazy feeling."

OK! Time to be serious! Hola, Bonjur, and konnichiwa! I'm MegaMare, and I'm fairly new to Canterlot.com. Guess who decided to make a blog?

Hold on wait, that was a rhetorical question. :evil: I decided to make a blog!

Anyways, this blog will basically be me giving my 2 cents (sometimes even more, but I'm currently broke) on current events happening in the brony community. I will also be talking about other popular topics such as my thoughts on certain movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment. Finally, sometimes i'll be ranting on about things that bother me such as stupidity, stupidity, and occasionally, stupidity.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read. I'll be having my first post up this week. So i look forward to posting it!

tl;dr? The Wash is the most hippin an hoppin place around, where only the coolest of the cool reside. So pull up a chair, sit back, relax, and enjoy that "wild and crazy feeling." Here have a purple vegetable thing! :aubrey: <------------------------------------------------------


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Yay, more blogs!

And vegetable?!

My friend, I'm to lazy too wiki whether it's a vegetable or a fruit, but from what I recall, I remember seeing an aubergine grow out of a shrub. Would it mean it's a fruit, like a tomato?

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I put in e.g.g.p.l.a.n.t.( won't let me type it in for some reason) and it kept saying aubergine. Finally I was like "Forget it! I'll call it a vegetable." I was rushing so I didn't have time to check it's point of origin! My humble apologies.

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