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A look at self error



So today I was sitting around, not doing much - just kind of derping about, when I got to thinking about the nature of perfection. Don't know how it happened, don't know why. Maybe I'm just delusional and thinking of all this stuff right know. Who knows? I don't.

Point is, I'm seriously starting to wonder if the person who came up with perfection was a few cards short of a full deck. Don't get me wrong, its a excellent thing to strive for, and certainly a necessary goal for anyone who wants to get good at anything, but I seriously doubt that perfection really exists.

First of the bat - What is perfection? What even is that? Does it mean without flaw, cause that's a silly thought. Flaws can very well be just as subjective as they are objective, so something that's perfect to one man is absolute garbage to another. On the whole, even though one man finds this thing flawless, it by very definition cannot be because another man finds it flawed, unless an object is both perfect and imperfect at the same time. Either its a paradox, or it simply isn't. (My main problem with perception - but I should save that rant for a rainy day.)

Of course, existential (I hope I used that word right) ramblings aside, I also took a small look at myself, because mental exercise with myself is complete without a small twinge of self-doubt. I guess I just unconsciously seek to offset the good with the bad, which led to the identifying of perhaps my two worst flaws.

First up - I suck with organization. Like, really badly. As in, I doubt this post is even organized that well. If I can get things straightened out, fantastic, but that happens about once in a blue moon. I don't really know why, but things always just stack up, which brings me to flaw number two

A lack of motivation. - I guess this is my big one. I can think up a lot of cool things, but I never can get around to doing them. Either the day is too short, or I put it of for a few more minutes, or listening to some music seems like a better idea or who knows what else.

Regardless, those are my two main flaws. Although I realize I can never be perfect, admitting I have I problem is the first step to solving it and all that. An once I finally put these demons to rest, I can go find some other personal flaws to be self-unconscious about.

I find a lack of conflict boring.

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