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[1/8/2013]Growing Up



Growing Up


walking down the same old path.

reminescing about the past.

i remember when we were kids.

when we got mad we blew our lids.

but now im old and out of time.

my spirit lives while my body dies.

changes quickly pass on by,

while i wait here ready to die.

nothing will ever be the same.

why did everything have to change?

why did so many happy memories,

have to shrivel up and die?


time stands for no one.

i cant believe,

how old i've grown.

woe is me.

it's time to shine.

live life free.

you'll never be,

if you don't belive.


frozen still with a crooked back.

im waiting for the final act.

waiting here for dear old death,

to call me home and take me back.

live it seems can be lived so fast.

i only wish i had stayed on track.

wish i had achieved some childhood dreams,

or atleast a lasting memory.

but now im and old and out of time.

my soul will rise while brain is fried.

when did growing up become,

so dull and such a chore?


time stands for no one.

i cant believe,

how old i've grown.

woe is me.

it's time to shine.

live life free.

you'll never be,

if you don't belive.


why did so many dreams,

have to be left,

as empty?

when did growing up become,


i'm about to die.


time will never stand!


time stands for no one.

i cant believe,

how old i've grown.

woe is me.

it's time to shine.

live life free.

you'll never be,

if you don't belive.

time takes from everyone.

dont you see,

how much we've grown?

woe is me.

my time to shine,

has passed by me.

i'll never be,

free to believe.




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Wow that's some awesome stuff mate! A fair bit like my stuff, I'll try and dig around for the one's I've written and post them on my blog

far out man ill be sure to check it out

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