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The Origins of the OC's and how to make some



blog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.pngblog-0638541001362507676.png(Warning you are about to read a post written by a pony by the name of Time Spinner. This is Important. XD)

So in my last entry I told others about sending your apps into world of equestria. Soon I will be in as well. (Though I'm much more snarky.) While that is all find and dandy a thought came to Neo's mind. He said he wanted to tell the origins of the OC's he plays as and to give tips on designing new OC's. While I'm sure other people have done that, Telling you all the origins of myself and my friends will be interesting. So here we go!

Time Spinner: Hey that's me! Well, where do I begin? I started a very long time ago. I think if I remember correctly it was around a year ago when I was first imagined. Some where from december-march Neo was watching the show and I know it was a few episodes before super speedy cider squeezy 6000. Neo thought it would be a great idea to make a pony version of him. As such he went to the internet to see if he wasn't the only one and sure enough yaplap had shown up on youtube. If you don't know Yaplap is a hilarious brony on youtube and has an OC named solrac. Anyway Neo started writing ideas down and he made me. Except it wasn't me. I started as an alicorn, with the ability to control Time and Space and used magic to hide my wings. Terrible idea right? Luckily Neo came to his senses eventually got rid of the wings and space part, as well as limiting my time magic but still letting me keep it. Then there were differences in backstory and a few other things and eventually I was a mare.It wasn't until later that I went back to being a colt as I was a ponysona for Neo. Eventually Neo found pony generator and drew me there and started to write a fanfic about me that would soon become hated and rewritten and re released twice and rewritten again but not released once. Right around when Neo quit fanficing he found canterlot.com and well here I am.

Echo forte: If I ever need to have a wingman or a bro by my side, Then it will probably be echo. As seen in the entry pic, Echo is a red Pegasus and is the OC of Neo's best friend. Echo started as being able wonderbolt who quit but that was too awesome so he became a normal Pegasus. Echo actually went through very little changes after that. He will soon appear in a series Neo is starting on youtube along with me and my brother gadget. He will also play a big roll in a soon to be series Neo is starting here on canterlot. (Also expect another blog by him.)

Gadget Spinner: As I am the ponysona of Neo, Gadget is the ponysona of Neo's brother. Gadget only really exists due to a temporal loop I started with a Time spell that went horribly wrong. Not much to say here except the fact that he is an inventor and used to be called gizmo...That's it.

Pocket: Pocket watch is the thief of equestria. In her original back-story she is part of a group called the collecters, who steal objects of interest and sell them to a client. She is a master of infiltration and is actually Bi-sexual. (though at first she was a lesbian.) Anyway, Pocket is a rival/romantic interest for me. However she causes me a lot of problems through out the series. She was inspired by a picture of a thief. Not much else to say...

How to make an OC:

One of the great things about an OC is the personality. While yes, being powerful and being a genius would be nice, Even I am not a genius and am not too OP. (Though I can be in some cases.) The main thing though is the personality. One of the nice things to do is too base an OC off of a person or even an Item. Neo, Neo's best friend, Neo's brother, and the picture were all inspirations to make the OC's Neo has. Another good idea is to give the OC a set personality or traits. That way if your character goes against these with there own purpose then it will show a lot of pain or growth. Another thing that Neo did with me was he made me rich with detail. Give your character a lot of detail. Make us feel like we could know how it is to hang out with the great and powerful Time Spinner, or the Silent and smart, Echo forte. Your OC can be a lot of things and often times other RPers won't object to it. (Unless your in World of Equestria.) Also it can be really fun to hide references in the backstory of your OC. I am a combination of Samurai jack and the Legend of zelda: Majora's mask. Neo says making an OC is really fun and I would reccomend it to anypony but please no alicorns. If you ever need help with a backstory feel free to message my owner Neoexlucky or even comment below.


Time Spinner


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