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How to be happy! :D



blog-0825636001408018581.jpgWhy, Hi there! It is I! TheAddictedFangirl! But lets stick to Fanny, alright? ;)

You, fellow reader, there is always a reason for eveything! Like why your reading this Blog right now!

It could be that your just bored, or are waiting for your fellow RPmates to reply.

But maybe a very few of you, actually wants to be happy. Maybe a few of your are going through rough times. Are you few in rough patch right now? You just wanna be happy right? Everyone wants to be happy!

But, if your truly not in the best mood, allow me to help you then!

Do remember that this is only from my own experience and observations! These might work on ya, some might wont... but, you'll get though it okay? So dont worry! ^_^

Lets get started then!

I had a very happy day today! I was smiling, dancing, and humming everywhere! I was also quite hyper and almost broke my friend's neck because of my surprise hug! This school day was quite carefree. But of course, at the end of the day, I would finally go home and take a break! But! We ended up eating dinner in my favorite restaurant! It was awesome! And when I finally got home, I thought to myself as I sat on my bed, laptop on my lap. 'What made me so happy today?'

Well whatever it was! Everyone needs to feel this lovely emotion! And since I had nothing else to do, why not make a blog about it? And I did!

Lets go through a few steps to lighten up your mood shall we? :)

1.) Breath

-Come now, you would need to calm your nerves a bit! If your feeling a bit angry or frustrated right now, It would be near impossible for you to plaster a smile to your face! Take deep, slow breathes now. Take all the air you need. Lets cool down a bit. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Thats it! Feeling better? If not, you can always do another activity to calm your nerves a bit! Try playing a sport! Or maybe go for a walk around your neighborhood to be alone with your thoughts for a bit. I, for one, suggest watching a funny show or movie that can really get you laughing! That always calm me down!

Feeling a bit lighter pal? Your doing great! :)

2.) Think

-This might be a bit unusual. But hear me out! Now that your calm and more collective, you can think more clearly! If the reason of your anger or frustration is the reason your all bummed, you should move that out! Try looking for a nice quiet spot where you can really release yourself. Get a chair and stare. Thats it really! It would be best if you look through a view, or maybe a painting or plant! Take this time to go through your head and organize things. If you have a problem, try talking it out with friend! You can even share them to me! Do anything it takes to lighten up your head and chest. Most sad people are flooded with problems. Its because they dont have anyone to talk to! Spill everything thats bringing you down. That would really make you feel better.

If your simply pissed, I suggest taking your anger on something. Like for example video games, or maybe a sport. Just never, I mean NEVER confront the person your mad at when your boiling with rage. This is never, I repeat, NEVER a good idea. Calm yourself down and get your head cleared before even TALKING to that person. This way, you can fix things with him more calmly withouth starting a wrestling match.

Is your head more clear now? Got everything under control? Good! :)

3.) Smile

-Now this is my favorite step! Having your lips positioned on a curve is awesome! Not only will you look more appealing and alive, but you will also feel it as well! If others see you happy, they cant help but also feel the same way! But if your having trouble, let me help you. Try thinking happy thoughts. Try replaying your happiest memories with your family, friends, or even your beloved! And if your still young, like me, try invading your thoughts with that person you like so much! That gets me smiling everytime! If this doesnt work, try moving around! Dancing always gets me smiling too! That can also help release some excess stress and you'll be grinning in no time!

Aww! Look at you! You look great with that smile in your face! :D

4.) Interact

-Go hang out with your friends dude! Make some if you must! One of the many things that can make you happy is making new, awesome memories! This wont only strengthen your bond, but will also improve your mood a thousand-fold! Talking, playing, or simply just hanging out will definetely get you going! Maybe even get closer to that person you like, know what I'm saying? Go ahead and go crazy! You can bring out your inner monster! Even if your probably an adult, go ahead and trap one your friends in a head lock! I, for one, run up from behind and hug my unsuspecting victims! Its really fun! Wait, thats the term! Go ahead and do anything it takes to have FUN!

Now that's awesome! You look much better! Lets go to the last step! :)

5.) Keep it up

-Always keep that smile on your face! No matter what life throws at you, never give up and do your best! If your seriously having a bad time, never hesitate to share them! Your family, friends, even me! Always make sure you mood is up and also your head. The more successful you are, the happier you'll be! Dont let little problems, or bad people get in the way of your smile. Move them aside and show all the people of this world how awesome you are! Always maintain that good attitude of yours and march forward with your head high! Also, happier people do the best at tasks you know!

Thats all the advice I can give you guys! If you find this helpful, then go ahead and share your happines to the world! And whatever rought patch your in right now, do your best! Cause even though I live miles away from you, and is conversing to you through the internet, and I dont even know your name, I still believe in you, no matter what! :)

Wow! That was quite nice wasn't it? Sorry If I was being too cheesy for the readers out there who's just bored! But I hope this helps you now, or in the future! Thanks for reading guys!

This is Fanny! Signing out! Love you guys! <3


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