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Interview #1: DreamySunday



*A light buzzing noise is heard before soft static comes in through the speakers*

"Hello there denizens of Canterlot! Welcome to the first Canterlot Interview... again. Yes, this is the revive of the interview shack! Today, I have a special guest with us! May we know your name?"

"Hello denizens of Canterlot. My name is DreamySunday." She said while waving.

Red smiles at Dreamy. "Thank you for being with us today, Dreamy. Is it alright if I just call you Dreamy?"

Dreamy slowly lowered her hand when she realized that waving to a radio audience was maybe a tad ridiculous. "Oh? Uh, yeah sure Call me what ever you like."

"Heh, don't worry. I'm sure they'll get the gesture. Anyways, how old are you, Dreamy?"

"Well I'm twenty three years old. turning twenty four in about six months."

"Awesome! Time really flies, huh? Now, what type of pony are you? I know I can see you, but they can't."

Dreamy chuckled at the thought. "Yeah, it's crazy how fast it goes." Dreamy tapped her hoof to her horn as she said, "Oh, well I'm a unicorn."

"Indeed you are. A lovely one at that." He said with a slight chuckle, then continues. "So, where do you call home? Every pony has one, even if they travel a lot."

"I don't travel often. I'm more of an inside pony. Anyway I currently reside in Ponyville. A town that is a lot more hectic then it sounds. You wouldn't believe the things that happen over there."

"I've heard some of the stories when I came here; and I have to be honest, it's part of why I wanted to start this interview thing. I want to know everyone's story and their involvement to what's going on. Speaking of, go ahead and tell the audience a little about yourself. Anything you want to tell at all! It's free game here."

Dreamy brought a hoof to her chin and put on a thinking look. "Little bit about myself. Hmm, well, I'm twenty three. But you already know that. I run an Ice cream shop called Dreamy's Sundae's. Hilarious, I know." She said sarcastically. "I'm a tad accident prone, I like to read, I don't do well with open ended questions?" She finished off her sentence with a laugh.

"Well, I did say it was open game." Red said with a smile. "Onward though. Tell us, what is your cutie mark, and what does it represent about you?"

"It's an ice cream sundae. I figure it either means I'm sweet, or more likely and more straight forward, It represents my ability at making a large variety of ice cream."

"Not going to lie, all this talk about food is making me hungry... anyways! What are your hobbies?"

Dreamy chuckled at what Lambert had said "Yeah, it does that. Luckily though, I came prepared." Dreamy looked over to her side. "Hey, did I bring a bag in here? Cause, if not, I retract my 'I came prepared' statement." Dreamy looked back toward Lambert with a slightly disappointed look on her face. "Anyway, My primary hobbies would probably be reading and experimenting in the kitchen. But other then that, I enjoy going out with friends on picnics or for eats. I also occasionally visit the pound to play with the animals. That's always a good pick me up."

Red started looking around as Dreamy mentioned about a bag. "I didn't see you bring one in. It's okay though! Animals, huh? I suppose you and Fluttershy get along just fine, huh?" He said with a smile. "So, do you have any relatives, or were you an only foal?"

Dreamy gave a slightly irritated sigh. "Well, I guess I'll eat when I get home." She cocked her head when Lambert mention someone else. "Flutter who? I don't think I've ever met her. Anyway, I have two brothers one older one younger. We, and a lot of my extended family for that matter, all lived in the same place. It was pretty....crazy." She said as she laughed and recollected.

Red grinned at the last statement. "I could imagine." He said, then started looking around himself again. "Um... if you're hungry..." Red gets up from his chair and trots into a room that seemed to be a pantry. As he looked around in it, he asked the next question a little louder so that the camcorder could pick his voice up. "Every pony has that time of year which they feel... grateful, and most alive. What's your favorite time of the year?"

"Oh, that's a hard one. Because, like, on the one hand, Winter is usually a very quiet time for me and my store. So it makes that time of year very easy and calm. that being said, Summer also pretty good, for the complete opposite reason! It's nice because of all the ponies and the activity. Especially the children.You ever get to see that look? The look Kids give you when you've just made their whole day? No better feeling my friend. So..I guess I like summer more." She said with a chuckle.

Red comes back to the tablet and two bowls that have spoons sticking out from the top of them. "Guess what, there was some ice cream in the fridge! Awesome, right?" He said and sat down, taking a spoon-full from his bowl and smiling. "Delicious. I was a little worried about how old it could be, but it taste brand new! ...Now that I think about it, that's kind of strange since I haven't put anything into the place yet... huh." Red just shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite. "Anyways, that concludes our first set of questions. Onward to the next set! This one is all about you and what you want. First to start off, What are you dreams of the future?"

A bit concerned at what Red had said, Dreamy stared into the bowl "Uuuh. You sure we should be eating this? Spoiled dairy isn't exactly good for you." Watching as Lambert continued to eat the X old Ice cream, Dreamy started becoming less and less concerned. "Well, you haven't exploded and I'm getting hungry." With that, Dreamy began eating the ice cream that had been placed in front of her. "Dreams for the Future? Huh. To be honest I haven't really thought that far ahead. As far as I'm concerned I'm pretty happy where I am now. I mean, I'd like to see my friends more often. but that's more of a location issue then anything else."

"Yeah, I know what it's like to be far away from friends." Red sighs softly, but then smile again. "Though good friends are never easily forgotten! So, what about the present? What are your plans for the now?"

Dreamy gave a smile and nodded slowly "Yeah, that's true. At least we write. So that's good. As for present day plans? Fix my freezer room so it doesn't keep me up at night. Plan the next family reunion, Plan the repairs to my house for after the reunion. and maybe make some wacky new flavours for the store."

"Good plans, hope all goes well in the reunion, and if you do make a new flavor, let me know!" Red said as he smiles and sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth. "Next, is there any pony that inspires you? Maybe, for what they've done, who they are, anything like that."

Dreamy laughed when Lambert had hoped the reunion would go well. "Knowing my Family. It will most definitely not go well. But, it wouldn't be any fun if it went right." Dreamy gave a pleasant sigh. "Someone inspirational? Well, I guess Princess Twilight could be one. She went from humble librarian to Princess! That's something. My friend Bluemoon's another one. She's always reaching for her dreams Never stops moving forward, Never gives up. And finally, I think I'd have to say my Mum; for not going crazy when I was a kid."

Red smiled at the last part of the sentence. "A mother should be any foal's inspiration."

He said, then looked down at the next question. A slight grin came to his face. "Alright then, so besides inspiration; is that any pony that is... special to you?" He asked and looked up at her. "As more than just a friend?"

"Heh. How did I know this question was coming. No, I'm not currently seeing anyone. But that doesn't mean I'm not up for anything. Here that people of Ponyville! Dreamy's available!" Dreamy laughed!

"Careful, you may get swarmed." Red said with a light chuckle. "Let see, what's your preference on music?"

"Sounds good to me. Best case, I get a date. Worst case, I get customers. So it sounds good to me." Leaning back, Dreamy pondered for a moment. "You know, I don't listen to much music, but when I do, I guess I like it jazzy."

"...The most interesting mare alive." Red said with a laugh. "So, we know that you mentioned about friends. Any of them with you in Ponyville?"

"Unfortunately no. And they're not really close either. One of them lives in Dodge Junction and the other Technically lives with her mum in Canterlot but she travels all over so who knows where she is now."

"Oh, I see." He said looking down a little, but the looked up again with another bright smile. "Well, I can tell you this much. You may have a friend closer than you know!" He said happily. "Last question for this set, then we get into the fun stuff. What are your crowning achievements; as in what are you mostly proud of?"

With a chuckle, Dreamy said. "Heh, yeah. I guess you're alright. Oh that's easy. Being a home and business owner in ponyville for so long without having one non family related store or house destruction. Oh, and bringing smiles to lots of kids is also a huge plus."

"Creating happiness in others is always a great thing!" He said with a big smile. "And it seems so easy for you to do too. Now then, on to the last set of questions! First off; if you were born as a different race, which would you want to be?"

"Well, I'd be lying if I told you I didn't try really REALLY hard to make people happy." Dreamy didn't even pause to blink when answering the next question. "Pegasus obviously. not only have I always wanted to fly, and snow clouds might help my business. Add onto that the fact that I don't grow plants, or have pets so the abilities of an earth pony wouldn't come in handy to me anyway."

Red's large wings unfolded as he started speaking. "Not to mention, the freedom to go ANYWHERE! It's amazing!" He said as his wings folded back in. "I should take you to the sky one of these da-- um... yeah, sorry. Got carried away there." He said with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head, slightly blushing. "A-anyways... um, okay. If you could be another pony for a day, who'd it be?"

"Well, I just have to learn to teleport and I can go anywhere too." Dreamy said with a matter of fact tone and a laugh. "I'm not entirely sure how you intend to fly me into the sky. but sure, I'm up for it." Dreamy leaned back in her chair, thinking for a moment about the question. "Ooooh that's a hard question. Maybe a princess? that's be a lot of power to experiment with. Or! Maybe I could switch with my uncle and figure out what it's like to be a griffon. That seems like it would be interesting."

"A griffon! Wait... a griffon family member?" Red said in wonderment as he tapped his chin softly. "Huh, now I see how your family reunions could be... rowdy, for a lack of a better word." He said, then looked at the list once more. "If dreams could come true, and I mean the wildest ones; would your change the world?"

"My aunt always said ponykind wasn't enough for her. Never took her seriously until one day she brought home uncle RavenClaw." She said with a laugh. "Would my dreams change the world... You know what I think it would. And I think ponyville would be a lot safer because of it."

"Well, if it works for them, then there's no reason to think twice about it! And now I'm curious about your dreams." He said with a warm smile. "Alright, so besides your hobbies, what do you like to do during your downtime?"

"Oh, what I meant was, I dream of a week where nothing crazy happens. As for non Hobby activities. I like to take walks and I'll occasionally babysit. But to be honest, I'm not sure how to answer this question. If an activity isn't you job, and you like doing it, isn't it a hobby?"

"Well, I suppose it's more like a hobby is something you do all the time, while something you do on your downtime is only done on your... downtime... um..." Red stops talking for a moment, and then falls over. "Ow! ...Yeah... I'm going to cross that one out of the questions to ask in the future." He stands the chair back up and sits back down. "Anyways, let see. Games. Do you like playing indoor family games, or are you more of an outdoor type."

"That ones easy. I'm a very Indoorsy pony. And I do really like board games. the more competitive the better in my opinion."

"Cool, sounds like a both really!" Red said to her, then smiled widely. "Now we get into the last two sections! The tied questions, and the random! First, the tied questions are a series of questions based on one topic and all you have to do is choose one or the other, and then the random series acts the same, but will be made to make you think hard. Ready? Alright, the topic is... books, since you like to read. Fact or Fiction?"

"Oh fiction, without a doubt fiction. It's just more interesting and fun. I could, and very frequently do read fiction for hours."

"Perfect, I know where to direct the next few questions then. Medieval, or future?"

"I think I'm gonna go with Medieval. It sounds more specific then future and that makes me think you have something planned for it."

"Okay, alright then. I'm more for the future; I like the unknown and a surprise." Red grinned softly, then continued. "As for the main protagonist of the story, would you rather read one about a griffon, dragon, or something completely made up... like a... uh... Hin--Hen--um... a firey pegasus."

"I can understand the interest in the unknown. So mysterious! As for the character, species really doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter if the character is a dragon griffon pegasus hybrid if it doesn't have a personality, it's still boring."

"So you look for the personality more than just the character itself. I can relate. Alright, we're on the last stretch! I'm so glad you've stuck with this for as long as you have. I hope you've saved some brain power, cause these could be some doozies. First up, so we know that magic is the energy used from the body and mind tightly weaved together, but if you had to choose an element; earth, wind, fire, water, and life, or a sub-element, which would your magic use the most?"

"Personality is the most important part after all! Well, as a unicorn, I could do any of those things if I tried hard enough. But, if I had to pick one. I think I'd pick Ice. mainly because it would be the most useful for my line of work."

"Sounds pretty cool." Red gives an innocent smile. "So since your magic will mostly rely on Ice, then I suppose Fire and Heat would be your rivals. What would your plan of defense be if other unicorns of those power types came after you?"

"Well, when ice melts it becomes water so maybe that would help. But I guess I could always freeze the floor beneath their hooves and cause them to slip, embarrassing them in front of the peers! They might beat me but I would win the emotional victory!"

"Non-violent means to a violent-oriented situation. Very respectable. Last question; if you were put into a group to defend your homeland, would you consider yourself an attacker, a defender, a healer, or a combination of any of the three?"

"Well I'm not sure how one would heal with ice magic. But that being said, I'm pretty sure I'd take defense. Giant thick ice walls would probably come in handy while trying to protect the innocent. Not to mention it would be quite useful at keeping any offenders out. So yeah, I think I pick Defense."

Red smiles and puts his hooves together. "And there we have it! The first interview is now completed. I thank you so much, Dreamy, for coming out and helping me get this started. I'm sorry if it took so long."

Dreamy got up and off her chair. "It was my pleasure Mr. Lambert, and I hope you and the audience had a pleasant time listening to my inane rambling." Dreamy reached a hoof across the aisle giving a non verbal request for a hand shake.

Red happily takes Dreamy's hoof and shakes it gently. He then lets go and turns to the camcorder as if the audience was there instead. "That's right, I too hope you, the listeners, have enjoyed the first of many to come! Until next time!" Red waves at the cam, then reaches over to turn it off, but before he presses the button, "Hey Dreamy... before you leave, um... can I ask you one more thing?" He asked with a slight blush as he finally presses the button, his voice trailing off before the camcorder turned off.

*Another buzzing is heard before everything goes silent... but a few seconds later, a maniacal chuckle is heard followed by a feminine voice*

"Another cog in the war machine..."


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