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First entry, and a brief rant about weather



It's been a long time since I've done any blogging, and possibly the first time ever that I've blogged about anything personal... at least, in anyplace that anyone was likely to see it. I'm not the most open pony there is, by any means.

Sad it is, then, that my first post is going to be a rant over something not very serious. But I have to say it, and saying it to myself doesn't seem to help, so I will vent here. Rest assured that next time I post, it will be about something at least marginally more interesting.

But my problem is this: Darkness. Which is to say, I haven't seen the sun in about three days now. And the day that I last did was preceded by another three or four days of gloom. And, if it's a weekday, this time of year, I go to work before sunrise and get home after it sets, so I spend most of the daylight indoors and see only a bit of sun even if the sky is clear.

In previous years this hasn't bothered me much; in fact, I usually like cloudy days, even light rain. I certainly do during the warmer months. But here and now, it's hitting me much harder than I remember. On the good days, it just manifests as a mild lethargy, but sometimes it starts to affect my mood. The first time it happened, I was as depressed as if someone had just died, and I couldn't figure out why. And it feels, really, really weird when you realize you hate the look of the sky so much that you want to throw bricks at it (for all the good that'll do).

Now that I've realized the why, it's easier to cope with, and it also helps if I turn on all the lights in my room after dark. But I still feel it, and it seriously bites.


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