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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. Your avatar. Why is Soarin' not eating pie? D:
  2. Well, hello!Welcome to Canterlot~ Name's Appliance! (Well, not really, but eh. XD) I'll just be the first to say welcome! I hope you find something to suit your taste. We have quite a lot of roleplays up, so it's good for everypony. c: As for your voice-acting skills, MyLittlePonyTales is trying to start an animating group! :3 When you get your posts done here, you should go offer your talents, maybe?
  3. Silversword looked up from her preening, and watched him curiously. "They were a little better though, then any tries I had made before." she stated simply, returning to her preening. When she had finished, she sat up straight and yawned, covering her muzzle with her hood. "I would like that. But we ought to be heading out to Canterlot," she added, smiling.
  4. Oh Angie, as long as there are baked goods somewhere in this world, we will ALWAYS win.
  5. Silversword spluttered, wiping her muzzle. If her mother had seen her, she was sure she would have shook her head. She treaded water for a moment, reaching the shore, shaking herself dry. "You think so?" she asked, spreading her wings and preening.
  6. Silversword had just been checking out her surroundings, the fishy, salty smell all around her. Just as she was about to trot up to a booth and seat herself, when she heard somepony call her name. She saw a flash of white, and hopped to the side as Dusty appeared, his pelt dusty as ever. "Dusty?" She squeaked in disbelief, eyes wide. Side-stepping him, she appeared to take interest in a plant for decoration. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice a low whisper as she looked away from him. When a waiter-pony noticed them, she attempted to look like an everyday pony meeting a friend at a restaurant. "You, er, surprised me," she said loudly, then in a conspiratorial hiss, muttered, "You're not planning any heists here, are you?" as she slipped into a booth.
  7. Hmm.. Fine. But only if I can brush your mane. :I XD OH SWEET CELESTIA I WANT TO SINK MY TEETH INTO THEM ALL OF THEM
  8. *pats Neon* Hush now, quiet now, it's time for you to leave this thread.
  9. Hmm.. BlackFang can win, if he behaves. And Angie can, if she bakes cupcakes for everyone! I love buying chocolate chips, pretending I'll use them for cupcakes, and then just eating them at random times XD
  10. "Yes. It may not look very elegant or smooth. But I'll be fine," she said, closing her wings and falling backwards. As Silversword fell, she looked at her surroundings, and halfway down, she flipped over and opened her wings, using them as a parachute. She fell slowly, her hooves skimmed the water, and she tripped, landing in it. "Smooth," she grumbled, wiping water out of her eyes.
  11. I refuse to let anyone win. Except for Neon. It'd be okay if he won. But Davroth and Brony-vas-Normandy must not win!! D':
  12. I was sneaking a look at them.. Very nice! And yes, Rarity's mane angers everypony here XD
  13. That sounds delicious. Unhealthy but delicious. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or anypony else, really. (But secretly ask me. c: I AM THE QUESTIONS GENIE! I know about roleplaying, and am teaching a friend about it, so again, please ask if you have any problems/concerns/whatever XD)
  14. Silversword closed her wings. She'd planned to land in the lake, opening her wings to slow down until she tumbled in. "I'd be okay. I've got a plan!" she said, her wings shuffling. "But if you want, I'll wait," she said, smiling graciously, sitting before the edge. .
  15. "I can go to the ground myself. I think I can brake now," she said, smiling sheepishly. "I've seen hawks and griffons soar and skid to a stop. Maybe I could do that too?" Silversword queried, spreading her wings on the edge of the cloud. "If you'd like, I can do it now?" she said tentatively, stepping closer to the edge.
  16. Correct, Angie Cakes. You've just won.. A million dollars. Now run, run to find somewhere to spend it.
  17. She cringed. Decisions. There were always decisions. "You should wet your wings, too," Silversword said, smiling a little and bringing it closer to him. "Thank you for all your help." she smiled serenely, and sat next to him. It would be morning soon, and they would have to go on to Canterlot. She yawned slightly.
  18. Silversword was fluffing a cloud, slowly, carefully. When she heard him speak, her ears twitched, and she turned around. "Do I? Was I really meant to be one that could dart in and out of clouds? Maybe I'm meant to stay close to the ground," she said, rolling in the clouds, excitement still there, despite her new thought. She looked down at the small, dark cloud, and up at him. Suddenly, she leaned forward and embraced him, careful to not let her hooves touch his wings, which must be sore. "Thank you, Quasar." she said, giving him a small smile, as she bucked the cloud gently and made it rain. She stood under it, letting her wings soak. "I feel all right. I've had worse pain in training. You?" she responded casually, lifting her wings.
  19. Fillydelphia. Not as busy as Manehatten, but she liked it. It was.. happening. The place to be if you were into fun. So far, as Lightshow could see, the ponies loved to party: she'd passed two busy parties so far. She turned a corner, and there.. Another party! She heard smooth beats and lively chatter. She tugged on the sleeve of her cyan sweater, and decided that the third party was the charm. Gently nosing the door open, she ambled into the building, looking around. So many ponies! And the music.. her tail swung to either side in time with the music, and she walked in, emboldened by the beat-heavy music. Grinning to herself, she went in further, wondering what kind of ponies came to parties like this.
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