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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. Silverswords' wings ached like she had never felt before, but she did not mind. She was here. In the clouds. Testing her weight on one carefully, she crouched and leapt, falling onto her flank. Her ears twitched, and she came closer to him, looking at him with a curious look upon her face. "I would never have made it to the first cloud had it not been for your help." she said solemnly, then graced him with a smile and continued her foalish playing amongst the clouds. She nudged them with her muzzle, giving a delighted squeal as she felt it. But she knew he would probably feel guilty, although it wasn't his fault, so she trotted back to him, unfurling her wings painfully, but quickly. They seemed battered, and a couple feathers were missing, but she would be all right. "New feathers will come. But the knowledge of flying is not something so easily fixed as ruffled wings can be." she explained, tucking her wings back against her body, wincing slightly.
  2. Silversword had stopped plummeting. She landed heavily on Quasar, and, too dazed to do much else, laid upon him limply until he deposited her on the clouds. Her eyes had been closed. Tentatively, she opened them. And stared. Clouds.. everywhere! She grinned foalishly, and suddenly remembered that Quasar had brought him here. "I apologize! I did not mean to make you carry me.. I could have simply fallen into that lake instead.." she mumbled.
  3. I haven't gotten into Warhammer, but I've heard the soundtrack, thanks to my brother, and I like it.. Does that count? XD Magic: The Gathering? I have the new one. I like that you can create your own spells to suit your needs. What about tf2?
  4. Salutations! What kind of games are you into?
  5. SHAMZOW. I'm planning to dress up as Fionna someday, and get my friend to be Finn, and we'll just walk around the mall or somethin' like that.
  6. Silversword was still panting from exertion. "I feel.. tired. My wings hurt." she said, although that was an understatement. The tendons in her wings ached, but she would not let her friend down. "I am weak because I never learned in the first place." she said simply, head down. She lifted it, her muzzle pointed defiantly at the sky, as the sun rose sleepily. Somewhere, Celestia was performing her daily magic. She looked at the cloud, and went slightly pale. "I.. um. Okay." she agreed reluctantly, and attempted flying. She made it halfway before her wings snapped shut, and she began to spiral down. She seemed dazed, remembering her dreams, and aimed to land on the cloud, hopefully landing ON it and not going through it.
  7. "Greetings." The Pegasus pony murmured, looking at the drinks and all the different food. She'd never eaten here before, and she didn't eat out much, but recently, she'd started getting very hungry, and very, very tired after training, and so, she decided to eat something other than her own creations. She watched a stallion scribble something down in her notebook, but averted her eyes so he wouldn't think she was watching. Her tail twitched, and she got up off her flank. "I do not like sweets. But I am hungry. What can you offer me..?" her voice trailed off, as she realized it sounded stiff and formal.
  8. "My mother said that grace was the most important element in a good flight.. She was crushed when she learned that her only foal was not like her." Silversword muttered quietly, half to herself, and laughed. "But I suppose.. One could be a good flier.. even without grace. I never went to flight school." she added, eyes narrowed in concentration as she watched him. After a moment of serious thought, she went back to her curious examination of the cloud, attempting flapping her wings and grabbing it as if to steer it. Her long feathers brushed the cloud, and she stopped, suddenly aware of how much of a foal she must look like. Her ears pressed back against her skull, and she seemed bashful, as if ashamed she was being so free with herself. "You want me to fly to that cloud?" she shook her head, and looked away, uncooperative, unwilling to learn. But for a friend.. Silversword hesitantly unfurled her wings slowly, with a tentative look upon her face as she hopped up and gently beat her fragile wings as she flew to the cloud. It seemed to take an eternity. Her face seemed to be in pain, and beads of sweat collected on her face, as she strained her wings, even at this short distance. Her wings nearly gave up, but with an unexpected burst of energy, she reached the cloud, dragging herself over the edge with her hooves. She panted, chest heaving. Flying took quite a lot out of her. "I.. I am sorry I am so weak," she said, between pants.
  9. Hit it with snowballs and hope for the best. :3
  10. "I don't know. My mother always wanted me to be graceful like her." Silversword said, ears back for a moment. She stared at him, bringing the cloud closer. "Hold it?" she reached out, expecting her hoof to go through it.. and it didn't. She held onto it, then clambered onto it, soaking wet. She stared at in wonder. "It's like.. a cushion!" she said in amazement, her eyes wide, like a foal discovering her special talent. She tested her hooves against it, then pressed her muzzle on it and rubbed her cheek on it. Oh, wait. She lifted her head, and blushed in embarrassment. "I.. ah.. well.. Okay," she stammered, her heart pounding. She would practice flying again! It would be safe, over the lakes, if her wings snapped shut as they usually did when they could fly no more.
  11. Me gusta. :I And now, now, children. Did you really think you could beat me? .. FOALS.
  12. I hope everything turns out okay. Don't worry, we can be patient. Just don't stress it.
  13. Tf2 runs beautifully on my computer. :I And aw ;-; There's some videocards that make the game lag like hell, like mine did, but then it came with a free online driver that made it look BEEYYYUUUTIFUL. And hmmph. That is FALSE.
  14. That's actually what my idea was! XD We.. we must be telepathically linked! :I Um.. ahem. But yes, that was my idea! I'll include it in the app, and hope that this gets approved today so I can use her later ;^;
  15. Using my own engie against me?! *shakes head* Shameful.
  16. Hooray for Hipster Luna! As for the appearance of my ponies... XD http://www.dropbox.c...oodles?h=606499 the one with the curly mane and the one with the straight mane are my mares Silversword and Lightshow XD I'll put both, so you can choose which one you'd like to do c: OC name: Silversword Gender: Mare Type of pony: Pegasus Pose/action: Fighting? She uses a sword, or kicks. Coat Color: Silver with a gooseberry green tinge. Eye color: Orange/yellow Mane Color: Er.. I forgot. Whatever goes good with her pelt! Mane style: Check reference image. Cutie-Mark: Two swords crossed. Misc/Acessories: Armor? Anything, really. Maybe even a cloak? Reference Images:http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/3175-just-some-doodles/ or the first link I sent. XD OC name: Lightshow/Haute Couture Gender: Mare Type of pony: Earth pony Pose/action: Reading? Standing? Taking care of plants? Modeling? Up to you c: Coat Color: Cream/off-white Eye color: Purple Mane Color: Pale green. Mane style: straight: check ref. images Cutie-Mark: A burst of light, perhaps in a spiral? It's not a final thing, really. Misc/Acessories: Tends to wear sweaters/scarves. Modelpony, so, anything, really. Reference Images: Same as above. (As a model, she's much more elegant. Wears fake cutie mark of a spot-light.. XD) Thanks again c: Also, I love the cloaks and color schemes you give them c: And balloon gummy.. SQUEE
  17. :I I remember the basement/attic WHATEVER from the movie Insidious.. OH CELESTIA. That movie. Freaked me out.
  18. GET BACK IN THE BASEMENT. NOW. *pushes you into basement* Actually.. I've never seen a basement. e.e
  19. "It's.. I tried! I tried to fly when I was younger! My mother was a Pegasus.. and she tried to teach me how to sky-dance. It was terrible. I fell," she said, cringing and treading water. Silversword felt useless. She wondered why she would be born a pegasus, and watched as he began flying, wrestling a cloud down. He brought a cloud to her. A cloud! "I.. touch one?" she asked, staring at it, eyes wide and ears back. "I.. um.. Okay," she agreed quickly, tentatively reaching out a hoof. "Like this?" Silversword reached out, and gently touched the cloud. It felt strange.. but.. Soft.
  20. "You should try that more often. It was impressive." she said, submerging her head in the water, and rising up again. Her ears perked at his words. "..fly with you?" Her eyes widened and she snorted in surprise, as she treaded water, nearly slipping for a second. "Oh.. I.. Well.." She looked down, submerged herself completely, then got up and looked away from him. "I would enjoy that, but..My wings.. my wings are weak. I cannot fly very well. I've never touched a cloud. I can only hover, only go a dozen or so feet in height." she said apologetically. "I apologize." she was embarrassed. This was one thing she couldn't help him with.
  21. ME GUSTA. Mind if I ask ya to draw my two mares? Or just one? C:
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