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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. Poor, little misunderstood baby. Come here. I want to give you a little... hug.
  2. That's what I was getting at. Oh, you clever pony, you.
  3. Feels good, bro. Next time you'd like to whine about me, please file your complaints directly into the complaint box. 8D *feels successful* Maybe it's because I don't baby people. :U I look pretty scary. Like, "eat this toast, or I'll destroy you." I like it. :U Thanks you very mucho~
  4. *flaps harder* D8 Anyway, I need to go for the night. Time to find some pencils :U
  5. Loving that plant-pony vibe. The colors are great :"D
  6. *puffs up* >:T Also, I wonder what a DreamNotes pony would look like :U
  7. It all started with a little star. I crushed it. Meh. A statement demonstrating apathy.
  8. Begin the Beguine We had different references. shhh. Also. I baked.
  9. *swoons* Is this a reference to "Do you like it better with the mustache on, or off?" XD Then drink something warm.
  10. Dance? *twirls cane and lifts hat* Drink warm milk, and play Tchaikovsky's original compositions for Swan Lake.
  11. I don't see why you'd be afraid of me, but continue to do so. :U *pats*
  12. I don't like to be touched by people. It annoys me if I don't really know them >_> I can tolerate DreamNote's hugs, though
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