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Posts posted by Appliance

  1. I meant the saying, though.

    Machiavelli was wrong, one could suppose.

    With fear, there is rebellion. Opression

    When a leader is loved, however, the subjects may be complacent and peaceful.

    I read the strip before, having searched up the saying because it struck me as odd.


    At first, Winston Smith seemed like a good character, for me. He still is, but now I think I'm finding more similarities between Bernard Marx and Winston rather than John "Savage".

    I fear Winston shall come to a horrible end. Perhaps not death or vaporization, but something much more terrible

    to become accepting, tolerant, even supportive of his society, the one which he so vehemently refused

    Possibly something similar to the fate of Bernard Marx himself

    but much more serious and probably painful.

  2. *grabs face

    I can see.

    The puns in your eyes.


    I can show you dese puns.

    Shining, shimmering, pundom



    Relevant :I

    I feel like reading Russian dystopian fiction.

    Except, you know, the English translation.

    Huxley was right

    Huxley was right

    Huxley was right

    you catch more flies with honey

    entertain the masses

    Huxley was right

    Huxley was right

    Huxley was right

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