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Posts posted by ExtraSoap

  1. I would suggest, my good pony. That you supply a complimentry link to your story or a synopsis in your request so people have a better idea of what drawings may fit exactly then,

    Obviously cover tends to reflect something off the story of the actual arua when reading it. Poeple may not agree due to feeling blnid to what they may have to produce. Just a suggestion.

    Well that's a bit of an issue, because I havent started writing it yet. I'm still planning it and such. I can start writing it so a potential artist can get a good feel for it though, if you so wish.

  2. I'm not sure which forum this goes in, requests or writing discussion, but here goes.

    So the discordantly comics (look them up on youtube if you havent seen them, theyre pretty awesome) inspired me to write a fanfic that chronicles Discord's path to complete chaos. Email me (fvpsummit@gmail.com) or PM me if you're interested.

  3. Seeing the ponies step out of the darkness, Darcmoun figured he might as well show himself as well, and make sure everypony was all right. He stepped through the bushes and into the artificial bonfire's magical glow. Strolling up to the three ponies in front of him, he announced his presence:

    "Hi! My name's Darcmoun! I heard some calling while I was flying over the forest, and I thought someone might be in trouble. Do you need any he-"

    Darcmoun caught sight of one of the pony's features. A horn and wings? An Alicorn? in the forest? "Wait a second..." he though to himself, dark pelt, beautiful, flowing mane, that distinctive cute mark...

    The realization hit him like the wind of a sudden gale.

    "P-P-P- Princess Luna!? I-"

    He realized how rude he must seem to the princess, and bowed immediately, inwardly cursing himself for not doing it sooner.

  4. Darcmoun heard two sets of voices, both apparently calling out to the other. He figured they must have gotten separated while exploring, and set out to find the nearest one. peering through the darkness, the night-loving stallion could pick out an obviously magical source of light. Getting a bit nervous, he skirted around the magical bonfire, looking for potential threats. He might not spend much time in the Everfree Forest, but he was no idiot, he knew the potential dangers that came with strolling through the forest, especially at night. Seeing nothing too out of the ordinary, save for the magical bonfire, he called out:

    "Hello? Anyone there? Are you lost?" He perked his ears to make sure he heard a response if there was any.

  5. DarcMoun looked incredulously at his friend, marveling at his ability to come up with terrible excuses for things like this.

    "You know, If you're going to make excuses, you could at least make them believable, that was just sad."

    He said it with a smile though, to make sure Fanfair didn't misinterpret his sarcasm.

    "I'll go check it out, you stay here, so you don't get a blown out eardrum."

    He rocketed skyward, heading in the direction of ponyville. He flew directly over the town square, and, looking down, saw nothing out of order. After a second look to confirm that nothing was amiss, he flew back to his friend waiting on the bridge and landed.

    "Everything's fine. Let's go."

  6. Hi

    I've seen a lot of people with really cool looking pictures of their Rp characters. Did they make them themselves? if so, what programs did they use to do it (I'm assuming they used an imaging program :P). I guess what I'm trying to say is how do I go about making a cool picture for my Rp character DarcMoun.

  7. DarcMoun was yet again on another nighttime pleasure flight. He skimmed above the trees of the Everfree forest, relishing Princess Luna's beautiful creation. Night was always this peaceful, which was the way he liked it. All of the sudden, he saw a series of bright green flashes through the tree limbs. He stopped in mid-air, and hovered in place, peering into the inky darkness beneath the canopy. After a few moments, he heard muffled yelling. He couldn't make out the words, but whoever was saying it, they weren't happy.

    "Hello?" He called.

    After a long pause, he decided to go check it out. After all, somepony might need help. He folded his wings and landed on a branch, and hopped down from branch to branch until he reached the ground.

    "Hello? Is anyone there?"

  8. (DarcMoun to the rescue! :kissy: )

    Having recently arrived in Ponyville also, but for different reasons, DarcMoun was looking for a place to lay low until that night. He saw a colt standing around, seemingly looking for something. Looking for directions to an inn, he approached the pony. "Hey, um, excuse me? Do you have any idea where an inn is? I'm new in town." He hoped his appearance didn't put the pony off, he had had bad experiences in the past with that.

  9. "Of course! and you wont mess up as long as you follow my advice, trust me." As DarcMoun finished his sentence, he looked up and saw what looked like a town in the distance. "Hey! I think I see Ponyville! Lemme fly up and get a better view!" He launched himself skyward, stopped at around 400 feet, and shaded his eyes from the sun as he looked toward the town. "Yep! It's there all right! Just a couple more miles!" He called down.

  10. I personally think it was pretty damn good. Admittedly, Celsestia's voice is a bit monotone, and the animation isn't as good as the actual show, but it's a great start and I like the idea a lot! And Luna shouldn't feel bad, DarcMoun (my RP pony) loves her beautiful night!

    I'm more impressed with the amount of effort put into it than I am with the production values. The voice of Celestia needs serious work. Not only does she fail to sound like Nicole Oliver, she formalizes the conversation too much, attempting to use words entirely to convey meaning instead of her inflection. Part of the fault also falls upon the writer for Celestia's lines. Luna's performance was much better from a voice acting standpoint.

    Editing and camerawork could also have used a lot of work. Some of the cuts and transitions were way too fast or were very awkwardly framed.

    Basically there is no reason to say this piece is "awesome," save for one: the bronies at bronytoons took the time and effort to even bother MAKING a short complete with music, full animation, and voice acting. The motivation to do good work is clearly there. This wasn't damaged by laziness, rather they need some good people to guide them. They clearly have the resources and desire to make something awesome.

    and not a single hate was given that day...

  11. "But it always goes well! Besides, you need a mare to hang out with every once in a while, and this is a great time to meet some." DarcMoun flew off of his perch and hovered over his friend. "You gotta put yourself out there more, that way you might actually find one you will want to spend a lot of time with. Don't look approach her thinking she's a potential marefriend, that'll make you nervous. Just think about a regular friend first." He smiled at him assuringly, hoping it would boost his confidence enough to actually go through with it.

  12. DarcMoun grumbled something incomprehensible and went on walking. He couldn't help but wonder why he should "improve himself" if evolution in all it's glory gave him wings to fly with. Besides, his hooves were really hurting! You know what, he thought to himself, screw it. And with that, he looked over to FanFair. "Be right back!" He said, and took off towards the sky. He did a few tight flips, and dove back down to earth where FanFair was, landed gracefully on a tree limb and looked down towards his musical buddy. "You know, I think I'll just hover over you and rest my hooves." He mused with a lopsided grin on his face.

  13. DarcMoun didn't like walking too much, after all, he had wings and could use them, so what was the point of walking? The main reason he didn't like walking, however, is because it was so slow. DarcMoun was not a fan of going slow at all.

    "So, remind me again as to why I cant fly ahead every once in a while?" He asked Fanfair with a touch of annoyance to his voice. "I mean, I know you cant fly, but come on, just let me do a few tricks of just fly above? My hooves are killing me!"

  14. (OOC: Thought I would jump in, hope you dont mind. Its my first time RPing, so I would appreciate any constructive criticism. And my pony's name is pronounced Darkmoon.)

    about 400 feet above the two ponies, DarcMoun watched what was going on below him from a cloud he had decided to rest on. From what he could see, the two ponies were in love. This observation made him want to go bash his head into something, half from jealousy and half from the fact that it was an obscene hour of the night, even for him, and the argument before had woken him up. The other pony, though, the black and red one. There was something about her. He couldn't quite put his hoof on it. But the filly reminded DarcMoun of himself. Brash at times, but in reality, a gentle pony. Of course, he had no idea that it was actually two alter-egos that made that impression, not just one personality. He rolled over in his cloud, grateful that he could rest once again, but he couldn't get that black and red filly out of his mind. After some time laying awake, pondering what had happened over the course of the night, he finally let the welcome calm of sleep embrace him, and in the back of his mind, he hoped he would meet the filly sometime, they might get along, after all.

    ((just realized that i may have mistaken the "filly" for a mare. I often get the two confused. let me know if i did.))

  15. well i just couldnt figure out what else I could use to show individualism. In my opinion the crimson moon represents individualism, and i also couldnt think of another way to show it. I can change it to make more sense if you give me something to also represent individualism.

    I could also change his cutie mark to represent his love for crazy stunts and adrenaline rushes, if that would be better.

  16. Just browsing through here, I thought I'd mention something--I don't fully get how his cutie mark is relayed in his 'cutie mark story.' It's not really mentioned what the cutie mark represents, and what each part of the cutie mark plays into his personality.

    Well I couldnt think of a way to say it before, but the crimson moon (the way I see it) represents a lot of individuality because theres really nothing else like it. It's totally unique, and I feel that that ties in with DarcMoun's personality because of his sense of individualism he is also totally unique, and feels that every pony has the right to be unique and not made fun of it for it. I can change it if you want me to, though

  17. Well, unlike us humans, who name our children any way we see fit, Ponies tend to name their children based on their personality, or their colours, or sometimes in some kind of family tradition. I don't see that in this name.

    Oh, now i get where your coming from. To be honest, I picked the cutie mark first, and couldnt come up with a name, so my friend mentioned darkmoon, and i like it. Do you want me to change it?

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