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Posts posted by Xiee

  1. pretty much ALL enemies fight in groups, Tyler :/

    And besides, I haven't played through F:NV, so I don't know a lot about the backstory of the Super Mutants

    The background of how the super mutants were made and how the unity alicorns were made are similar.


    "The Master" in the fallout series fell into a vat of FEV (the thing that was supposed to create super soldiers). He mutated into a giant blob of something who later discovered that by "absorbing" other bodies into his own expanded his psionic abilities. With his collective knowledge, he then created super mutants to serve him.

    In Fallout Equestria "The Goddess" (The Great and Powerful Trixie) fell into a vat in the Maripony institute before the bombs fell. Twilight Sparkle had asked her to volunteer to become the first genetically enhanced Alicorn to aid in the war effort. Unfortunately when the megaspells hit (the nuclear bomb equivalent in FoE) she fell into a vat and mutated into a blob fleshy thing. She later absorbed Twilight Sparkle and other ponies gaining their collective intelligence. Then she created the Unity Alicorns which she can indirectly control or "possess".

    Oh and I love your OC TotalEclipse! Finally a fellow Griffon. My other FoE OC is a female griffon who's with Blackwing's Talons (FoE equivalent of Reilly's Rangers).

  2. Perhaps you could start one? I currently have a few OCs that aren't active and was thinking of starting an RP in Canterlot. What sort of RP would you like? I have an OC who's from Canterlot, but travels around searching for magical relics, scrolls and etc. You might want to take a look at him. His name is Insight. If you have any RP suggestions I'm open to them.

  3. "I'm glad your little store is finally opening." She said with a smile. "I look forward to it!"

    Another pony apologized for interrupting. This was another new pony. Her ears perked up and she smiled. The Mayor always made it a point to know every new pony in town and this was another chance.

    "Oh not at all, you weren't interrupting." She said. "I'm the Mayor of Ponyville, and you are?"

    The Mayor sat down on one of the comfy couches in the store. She was ready to give her speech but there needed to be more guests to attend the opening. So far only a few have arrived, but she wasn't in a hurry. She kept her schedule open particularly for this day. She also made it a point to stay a while and perhaps browse, read and buy a few books. The store had an excellent selection. It could probably rival Twilight's library if it had more "sciencey" books.

  4. Blackjack was dumbfounded. He sat on his haunches trying to make sense of what just happened. He just witnessed his son earn his cutie mark. A tear almost fell out of his eye as he remembered how he got his, and how his father was not there for that moment. At least now, he was being a father by being there for his son.

    He immediately threw his forehooves around his son in a tight embrace.

    "I'm proud of you son!" He said with a huge smile on his face as he ruffled Reno's mane.

    Turning towards Applejack, Applebloom and Granny smith he bowed in respect and thanked them.

    "I'm honored for you kind folk to help bring out the potential in my son, for helping him discover his special talent. For a while there I thought he would never get to discover his cutie mark, but thanks to all of you, he's finally found it."

    From that moment on, Blackjack had to become more serious as a father, he thought. He needed to stop fooling around and just look for a decent paying job for his son and himself.

  5. Penny wasn't choosy at what places the band met. However borrowing a garage just didn't seem right to her. It was clear they needed a place where the band could rest, practice and just hang out. She made a mental note to ask her father if he could spare one of the vacant supply rooms in their store and convert it into sort of a small studio for the band.

    She trotted in to the garage deep in thought. Calculating expenses for supplies, food, equipment and other things was something she did proudly and right now she was in deep thought as she plopped right next to a table with her notebook open. Receipts, notes and other papers piled right in front of her. She sighed as she gestured swinging her hooves in the air mimicking hitting a golf ball with a club. It's been a while since she'd hit the Manehattan greens. She missed playing golf but business needed to come first.

    She scratched her mane as she sat on her haunches slumping on the table.

  6. I can see how we could start off the RP in port in order to introduce characters who aren't signed on to the crew in their bios (like mine) but I wouldn't want to see an intro RP turn into a contest over a certain position.

    Also, is this RP going to move forward? I mean, I understand that Xiee was in Singapore, but no updates for a few days... oh, nevermind, I just need to be patient :blush:

    We're still missing a few other apps, but as QL prefers, we wait a little longer for all the positions to be filled.

  7. Okay, we're still missing a ship's engineer and a security officer. I would like to somehow start the RP even with the missing crew members. Perhaps we're still stuck at port, gathering supplies or scouting for other officers? Maybe we can make an RP thread and use it to recruit our last 2 remaining slots?

    What do you guys think?

  8. Well, technically there's a real working band here, minus the extra guitar and the synth. We can prolly pick them up later if someone else is willing to join. Also, maybe Penny can temporarily take on an extra role as the manager. It's not that far off from being a producer anyways.

    What do you guys think?

  9. The super mutant counterpart in Fallout Equestria are the Unity Alicorns (Artificially created alicorns made by the "Goddess", an entity of several consciousnesses but one dominant consciousness controlling all of them, think of the Borg in Star Trek, but unlike the borg queen who controls everything some alicorns retain their individuality).

    Other creatures of note:

    Bloodwings - giant mutated life sucking bats

    Bloat Sprites - mutated parasprites

    Radgators - think of Gummy, now think Gummy increased to a size of a car to a bus, now think of Gummy with teeth

    Radhogs - mutated pigs, nuff said

    Brahmin - same as the Fallout 3/NV ones, some of them can talk too

    Radscorpions - same as the Fallout 3/NV ones

  10. Blackjack had never seen his son this lively and so intent on doing something. He was still surprised when he caught the little filly in the ropes. After seeing his son jump around in excitement calling out to him, Blackjack couldn't help but let out a smile.

    "That was amazing Reno!" He trotted over giving him a pat in the head.

    An elder mare came towards him saying how polite and helpful Reno was. He always managed to get somepony's attention and sometimes Blackjack feared that his curiosity and eager to help others might have caused a few problems given his reputation, but he was just glad that he stumbled upon such good ponyfolk.

    "I'm glad to hear he's been helpful to you ma'am. I'm Blackjack, pleased to meet you. Thank you for taking care of him while I was busy around the town. I was worried where he ran off to when I told him to stay put. I sure hope that little filly of yours is okay." He said as he looked at Applebloom who was getting up from the dirt. "I'm just glad he found a friend his age to play with. Sometimes I wish we settled down in one place instead of moving around like this. He could use some friends."

    Come to think of it, Blackjack didn't have too many friends either due to his "problem". He somehow wished that one day he would settle down to bring up Reno the proper way and give him all the attention that every young colt needed. He let out a sigh.

  11. The Mayor gladly gulped down the stew as she waited for Zecora to procure some herbal tea bags from the shelf behind her. She was so caught up with the taste that she barely heard Zecora's suggestion about adding a few drops of lemon to the tea.

    "Two drops... okay..." she said distractedly as she gulped down her stew.

    More ponies were coming in and the place started to crowd a bit. It was time for her to leave. She still had to complete a few more hours of work at Town Hall anyway.

    "Thank you for the tea Zecora. I'm sure this would help me a lot." She said as she picked up the small bag of tea on the table. "And thank you for the stew. It was delicious! You must tell me the recipe sometime!"

    Nodding her head to Applebloom, Fluttershy and the few newcomers, she went her way and trotted out of the hut making her way back to Ponyville.

  12. A small smile formed on her faced as Iron suggested to go to him. Not waiting for the rocker pony, she made her way behind the stage. The security ponies recognized her as one of the major sponsors and let her through as she showed her ID. She made a B-line towards the scat singing pony and promptly introduced herself.

    "Hi I'm Lucky Penny. One of the major sponsors for this event." She reached out her hoof in the hopes of shaking his. "I loved your style up there. It's something refreshing and new."

    Penny possibly wanted to discuss something about maybe securing a recording contract for the unique scat pony singer. She knew a few producers that might be interested in him. This was all just an excuse though, an excuse just to be able to talk to him.

    "So, ever thought of signing up for a recording?"

  13. As others have said, shipping for the sake of shipping is strange. However, some of my characters, like Muggo' Ale and Timbre Swing, are both looking for companions but for different reasons...Muggo' wants to keep his family business going and he's getting old, while Timbre Swing just has swag (or so he thinks).

    Lol my mare OC has the hots for Timbre Swing if you haven't noticed. :D

  14. Well, someone tried to (literally) court one of my OCs before. He jumped into almost all the RPs that my mare OC was in. And like IRL, you need to impress her. She's got standards! In the end, he failed. About character shipping. I'm okay with it, but like I said. There needs to be a courting period, and if I think your OC deserves the love and affection of mine, then its fine with me.

    With that said, here's a list of some of my OCs that can prolly do a shipping RP:

    1. Insight - A young unicorn stallion "egghead" Magic Researcher (Canterlot)

    2. Argenta - A middle aged earth pony mare VSS Patrolmare and Military Career Pony (Stalliongrad)

    3. Penny - A young pegasus business mare (Manehattan)

    Take your pick. :D

  15. Light wanted didn't know what it felt loosing a loved one. She never knew her parents so she didn't know what it felt like. It was clear though that they needed to leave and there was no time for this drama. She just kept to herself when the one-winged Pegasus scolded the young mare.

    "It would be a sound idea to wait this out until morning. I have one bullet left in this clip. But I have 3 more clips on me. I'd rather not waste it on these Bloodwings. Let's move together, slowly. Grab what you can from what's left of the caravan. Healing potions, water, ammo, anything. And lets get out of here!"

    [ Stealth Specialist: Companion perk the group gets this ability as long as they are close to Light. You're experienced with blending into environments. You can literally become one with the shadows and are invisible when hiding in dark areas and make less sound in general. ]

    [ Perception 8 ] Oddly enough, a strange pony was watching in the distance. She could have sworn that she saw a Steel Ranger, but later realized he didn't have the intimidating armor that the Steel Rangers wore. But he did seem to be packing. Was that a gatling gun?

    "We've got company." Light said while she started walking to the direction the one-winged pegasus pointed earlier. "He doesn't look like a raider, but I'd rather we don't pick up other stragglers right now. If he follows, I'll keep an eye on him. If he does anything stupid, leave it to me."

    The wasteland was sure getting crowded today. Normally it wasn't this rowdy. What were the chances she'd met with others in such an odd predicament as this. She kept her thoughts under wraps for now and concentrated on the task at hoof. The Bloodwings were closing.

  16. A minty green pegasus dashed out of the door and flew as Zecora began to greet her. What was that all about? She mumbled to herself. Zecora's rhyming had always intrigued the Mayor. It was an odd way of talking but she found it relaxing to be in the company with the striped Zebra mare.

    "Mmmm..." She took in a satisfying breath as the aroma greeted her enticingly. "That stew smells so... so divine."

    She was walking towards the cauldron noticing Apple Bloom for the first time. The little filly poured a bowl and gave it to the shy yellow pegasus in the corner of the hut. Oh, Fluttershy was here too. Zecora must be having a really busy day.

    "Hello Zecora! I'd love to have some of this stew, what is it? Oh by the way, Twilight Sparkle and I had a talk the other day and she told me you had some Herbal Tea to calm the nerves? Given my work, sometimes I get stressed out.|

    The Mayor sat on her haunches anticipating some of the stew.

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