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Posts posted by Xiee

  1. http://www.canterlot...age__hl__runner

    That's my app, I'll make a RP sample when I get home.

    (At school right now)

    Are you aiming for the security position on this app? It's a nicely done app but shows no relation to a pirate life. All of us who applied for positions on the ship at least have their story tied into being with the Freedom Wing's crew. Suggest that you at least try to make a real pirate app for this. If you read some of our apps, some of them are tied together like how GangPlank (Quicklime) rescued an outcast Diamond Dog, Gravy (Corsair), who became the ship's cook, or how the first mate, Grandya (My OC) was rescued by the crew when she plunged from the sky wounded.

  2. *BANG!*

    A gunshot rang through the air. The location of the sound seemed to be close to where she was. They might be raiders. Light readied her sniper rifle clutching it with her talons and made sure it was loaded. Or it might be somepony trying to defend themselves from these grotesque life sucking Bloodwings. The thoughts in her head began to swim around as she made a gentle hover towards the sound.

    "Hey! Over here!"

    There was somepony who called out from what looked like a wrecked maintenance locker. She couldn't see the pony clearly from behind all that rubble but what she did see on the road was at least four Bloodwings on the ground and two more circling overhead. They were rummaging through scattered supplies and sucking every bit of life out of those poor dead Brahmin. Not far from there were the bodies of two ponies.

    She thought of trying to go over to the side where she heard somepony call out to her but it would be risky since two bloodwings were flying overhead. She had no choice but to shoot them. There were a total of six bloodwings and her ammo clip had only 5 rounds in it. She could quickly dispatch the five without alerting the bloodwings to her presence, but of course that is if she had clear shots to their head. Then she had to reload. Maybe this isn't a good idea. She needed help.

    She peeked above the rubble where she was hiding and tried to get a glimpse of the Pony hiding in the rubble on the other side. It was too far for them to talk or hear each other so she had hoped that whoever was hiding there would follow her lead as she took shots at the bloodwings.

    The two bloodwings flying overhead provided her with an excellent and clear shot. They were hovering, scanning the area as their other companions were trashing what was left of the caravan. This was an opportunity and she took it.

    *Pffft* *Pffft*

    The muffled sounds of the sniper rifle let out as the first bloodwing fell to the ground flinching.

    *Pffft* *Pffft*

    Two more shots and the other fell but it let out a screech before it died. This got the attention of the other four not far away from them and they began to fly as well, sensing danger.

    This was not good.

  3. This is a regular thing. We have huge families like the Nut Family and GoLucky family with lots of joint OC apps. I myself have an OC of a member of the GoLucky Family, and a young colt who is my OC's son, played by Quicklime. It's just a matter of finiding interest. I'm sure you'd find someone out there. I wouldn't mind apping Ice's parents but I've got my hooves full at the moment. Perhaps I can when I'm freed up a bit. ;)

  4. 3bFsL.jpg

    The day turned to night as the rays of a fading sunlight that pierced the clouds seemed to wane. An eerie wind blew across the dusted pathway that was obviously used by numerous caravans. It was the road to Friendship City. Light had heard of rumors from the occasional passing trader that they've seen a few Griffons make their way into the city. It was a slim chance that this group of Griffons were those from Blackwing's Talons, but not many Talon groups were active in the wasteland so with that thought her chances rose, so she thought.

    Passing by an odd faded pre-war billboard about rockets and bananas, she had wondered how ponies seemed to come up with the craziest past times. Wasn't that a picture of their own God-Princess who was mockingly portrayed as some sort of robot? Maybe such foolish things lead to the whole nation blasted in a balefire winter. Then again she couldn't complain about the Zebras and their odd traditions. In the end, both sides saw foolishness in each other and in their own way, blew each other to the moon. Perhaps that was the main reason for this war after all?

    Light was forced to tough it on the dirt rather than fly. There were too many Bloodwings in the area and she didn't want to alert them to her presence. It was tough to take on the little evil flutterers alone. Not to mention a waste of precious ammo. The last time she looked, she had about 4 clips of bullets left and her supplies of food and fresh water were dangerously close to depletion.

    She could barely see Friendship City in the distance and from her current position it would only take about an hour's flight to get to it, but as she was stuck on the ground, she figured that it would take at least 3 or 4 hours. She cursed at the Bloodwings as she stealthily made herself scarce, not to closely following the main road but well within its sight just in case an abomination from the wild decides to make a quick snack of her. She winced at the thought as her grip on her sniper rifle tightened. It was the worst possible thing.

  5. The Mayor noticed that the new Pony who walked in was a bit nervous and shy. She seemed to almost said nothing until she ordered and said thanks. It was cute. The Ponies in this town were surely different. Knowing Trottingham to be a tourist spot, the Mayor would have figured that everypony would have been more lively, yet there were these two quiet ponies who seemed to get on just fine. She had wondered if there were such other Ponies who she hadn't met in her own town that mimiced theses two (except Fluttershy of course).

    As the new pony made her order, the Mayor smiled at her. This was turning out to be a swell first day. She'd only be here for at least 3 days mostly enjoying the sights and the possible tour around the Nimbusgait Lake. With her bread finished, she continued to enjoy her warm cup of freshly brewed coffee. She would want another refill soon, it was too delicious to pass up.

  6. "Hey...you're the Penny Arcade owner's daughter, right? I just wanted to thank you and your dad for helping me put this little festival together. I would've been willing to sink as many bits into it as I had to, but you made it a lot easier on me and the guys."

    Penny was surprised to see the lead singer of the band who just performed walk up to her. He looked odd for a Unicorn with that huge bulky messy mane. Normally, the Unicorns that she talked to in her business meetings were all refined, dignified and stuck up. This was a change of pace and scenery for once.

    "Why yes Iron Rainbow. That I am." She nodded at his greeting in return. "Please, just call me Penny."


    Out of nowhere the next performer started to sing something she hadn't heard before. It sounded so lively that everypony at the stands began to jump in unison. The tune was catchy and everypony was digging it. Not to mention the sweet little thing behind the fedora hat was a fine Stallion. He both had talent and looks. She turned her attention back to the Unicorn.

    "Yes, Dad has always made it a point to help everypony. It's just part of his character I guess. And don't worry about a thing. We're doing this not because of the advertising... well it was a bonus... but helping Ponies has always been the mantra of my family's business through the years."

    The commotion on the stage became more lively as the crowd started swaying their hands.

    "Wow... that Stallion's got class." Penny said as she downed the last of her carrot smoothie.

  7. dfSu6.jpg

    The Mayor was out for one of her regular strolls around the town. Today seemed like a wonderful day to just stop doing endless paperwork at Town Hall and go out to talk to Ponies. Perhaps she would meet someone new and welcome them officially to the town or she would bump into some ponies she already knew and have a lovely conversation with them.

    Strolling down the streets she eye a familiar mare. It was Screw Loose. The Mayor hadn't had the chance to thank her for painting the whole front of Town Hall the other day and this was her chance. She seemed to be with a colt she hadn't seen before. Perhaps someone new moved to town and Screw was the first to greet them.

    "Screw Loose!" She waved her hoof happily. "Good day to you! I never got a chance to thank you for painting Town Hall. I'm glad that I've bumped into you today."

    She then turned to the little colt and Introduced herself.

    "Hello there child. Are you new to Ponyville?" She smiled. "As the Mayor, I'd like to officially welcome you and your family to town!"

  8. Yes, yes he does :I

    Edit: This is just what I have for a character, his character summary will come tomorrow when I'm not so tired and can piece together an interesting backstory

    Roleplay Type:

    Crossover - Fallout: Equestria












    Cutie Mark:

    A red cross with an explosion behind it.


    Lived his whole life on the wastes, only settled down once and tried to farm, but had to keep traveling after slavers attacked.


    He does odd jobs and random tasks for ponies around the wastes, usually staying somewhere near Tenpony Tower and the Manehattan ruins since there is always somepony at the tower wanting something done.


    Helping everypony he can and being generally charitable, keeping the attitude that if you’re generous to somepny then they’ll be more generous to others in the future


    Strength- 10

    Perception- 5


    Charisma- 2

    Intelligence- 8 (+1)

    Agility- 4

    Luck- 1


    Big Guns-100


    Explosives - 80

    Lockpicking - 36

    Repair - 67

    Speech - 14

    Barter - 10

    Science - 25

    Medicine - 92

    Unarmed – 68

    Melee - 89

    Perks (Individual):

    Organizer - You are efficient at arranging your inventory in general. This makes it much easier to carry that little extra you’ve always needed. Items with a weight of two or less are considered to weigh half as much for you.

    Tough Hide (3) - The brutal experiences of the Equestrian Wasteland have hardened you. You gain +3 to Damage Threshold for each level of this perk you take.

    Intense Training – Your experience in the wastes has added 1 to your intelligence.

    Doctor’s Orders – Gives unique dialogue options when talking to an injured pony. Allows you to replace speech skill with medicine skill in these special situations, using you’re medical knowledge to your advantage in the conversation.

    Overkill – Explosions and large caliber bullets deal 20% more damage and cripple enemies easier.

    Battlefield Medic – You’re experiences on the battlefield have greatly improved your medical skills. 10 bonus to medicine and it’s easier to heal teammates while under fire.

    Perks (Party):

    Endure – Hang in there! Whenever a part member drops below 5% health they’re able to hold out longer, giving you more of an opportunity to heal them.


    Heavy Combat Armor (custom)

    Minigun, sledgehammer, various grenades and mines

    health poultices, healing bandages, painkillers, anesthetics, thread and needle

    Random but useful scrap, he usually has some with him because he needs it to sell, something along the lines of electrical components and machine parts.

    Did I do the format right?

    Looks good.

  9. The Mayor noticed that Semolina had hurriedly scuffled back behind the counter. She was eager to please another customer so she let the two alone. She held the warm cup of coffee between her hooves as she gingerly sipped its contents. She had to ask Semolina where she got her coffee beans, they were quite a delight to the senses. As she laid down the cup, she slathered another helping of jam on her freshly baked bread and began to nibble it little by little savoring the taste. The whole experience has led her to a relaxed state that she made another mental note to take another vacation here in Trottingham again.

    The other customer began to eye the shop admiring its simple cozy design and roomy feel. As their glances met, the Mayor gave her a simple smile and a nod.

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