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Diss Order

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Posts posted by Diss Order

  1. I know, it's a good filter. I also don't mind introducing myself, but it feels kinda weird when you're obliged to do it you know... It's like something you have to get over with to be able to start doing things rather than just doing it because you want to.

    Also, I'm not at all annoyed or upset or angry about it, I'm just messing around. Please take what I say with a grain of salt. :P

  2. There are a few show songs and pieces of background music I would like to base productions on. I'm not sure about the whole tracklist yet, but I'll give away the first and last track (aside from the bonus track). The first track will be My Little Club (my take on the MLP main theme in the same style as the Luna track in the strartpost) and the last track will be My Little Rave (again my take on the main theme, but then in the hardstyle genre).

    The album won't be 1 genre, it will be building up from soft club music to rave/hardstyle in the end. I might even try some DNB and Dubstep around the end, but I'm not promising anything as I'm not sure how that will turn out for me. :P Expect the biggest part of the album to be Electro House. :)

  3. One of my friends is a cartoonist, so you'd say I'd take his opinion about cartoons in general quite seriously. The opposite is true though. Last year he tried to get me into Panty & Stocking which was the moment when I stopped taking him seriously. At some point in january/february he approached me with ponies and I... well... I still frequented his streams and met up with him but as soon as he started talking about ponies I was like "okay, stop it :l". Apparently my ignorance amused him, as from that moment on I was known as his 'faithful student'.

    So, when I was co-hosting one of his streams and he went out to do groceries or eat a pizza or something (I don't remember) I was telling his watchers I was going to check out what the fuss was about, and see how stupid that show is so I could laugh at them. I watched the pilot and was still "meh, ponies..." but I had to admit that I was impressed. So in the next few weeks I started watching a few more episodes at random intervals when I was bored and around episode 9 I was like "You know what? Screw it, this show is nice". And then I registered an account on Ponygoons, frequented the brandnew Ponychan (at the time) and subscribed to Equestria Daily's blog.

    This summer I had a euro-brony meetup in Hamburg from August 12th til August 15th. It was a great experience, and I'm grateful to be part of this amazing community. But seriously... Artrix, don't ever introduce me to random crap like this again! :scream:

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  4. That's the name of the (free) pony album I'm working on. I will release 2 versions: the first one will feature the complete productions from start to finish and the second one will have all the tracks in 1 big mix.

    I'm currently working on an album cover too, so you should be seeing that within the next week or so.

    One of the tracks is released already, the bonus track of the album. It's a remix of Eurobeat Brony's track Luna, the rest of the album will be 'original' (as in: still based on MLP while not using materials from other producers). The track below is the first thing I ever finished in the 3 months I've been producing, I've learned a lot along the way though so expect future productions to be even better. :)



    I'll keep you guys updated! :D

    EDIT: Btw, if you guys have any ideas for an exclusive Canterlot.com track, give me a shout! :P Especially if any of you guys would like to be a vocalist for it. ;-)

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  5. @Manestream: I've been composing for quite a while, but I only started composing digitally a short while ago (that Luna track is actually the first thing I've made). I've made piano arrangements for a few years and last year I made an arrangement for the orchestra I play in. I play several instruments (piano, clarinet, oboe) but I'm pretty much interested in all sorts of music. From symfonies to hardcore house, as long as they're well done of course. :)

    About the vocals: The track I linked in the startpost is a remix. The vocals were done by Eurobeat Brony and he sent me the acapella so I could use it for a remix. ;-)

    @Phil: Thanks. :)

    @MyLittlePonyTales: Hey man, thanks for the copy/paste intro! :D I've heard about Canterlot.com on several occasions, but it sparked my interest again when you guys got linked on Celestia Radio yesterday.

  6. Emmm hi. This site requires me to make a thread and post in it 3 times until I can talk anywhere else, so here I go!

    I'm Wessel, and among online bronies known as producer Diss Order (or Snakebite if you're also on Ponygoons). I'm currently in the process of making a free album for the brony community. The bonus track of the album (a remix of EBB's track Luna) is already released. Here, give it a listen:



    If any of you have any questions, just give a shout! (Please do, I don't feel like spamming my own thread until I can post elsewhere xD)

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