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Posts posted by crp_dude

  1. Is it just me, or am I back in the vectoring business?

    I'M BACK IN BABY, and this time I know I've got it down! CHECK IT.


    My rendition of Appliance's OC, Lightshow, and the frame I'm using for her dress. Thought I'd be nice and make her a vector pic as a test first anyways.

    Tell me what you think! I mean, I'm super-crazy proud of it.

  2. Ornatia felt very assured with Chemise's response, as small as it was. Her response was very warm, calm, and nonthreatening. After all, if Chemise was anything like Ornatia was so many years ago, she'd know just how the nervous mare was feeling.

    "Oh, this is wonderful, dear. You know, I see much of myself in you at this very moment. When I made my first debut into fashion, I take no shame in saying that I was a nervous wreck. I was certain somepony would find my work atrocious! I'd never be able to show my face to the world again! This, I was sure, was way out of my league. However, I had a family to provide for, so I kept my head up high and refused to quit," Ornatia closed her eyes and made a slightly triumphant stance, remembering her first successful fashion show, "And though my first one was certainly not my best, I learned so much from it, and you know what? I never felt nervous about making a fool of myself ever again. The first time is always the worst, but it always gets better dear, yes."

    It was a moment or so before Ornatia realized that she had forgotten to introduce herself. "Aya, no! I've completely forgotten my manners! Must have left them in the carriage, no?" Ornatia gave a slight chuckle, and continued, "My name is Ornatia. Well known as the fashion idol of Itaily. If you want any advice, I'd be happy to answer, you know? After all, I'm really only here to help out, despite the fact that I'm competing." A quick wink accented the end of her sentence. Despite her confidence in her abilities, Ornatia recognized it well when somepony else needed a bit of council, and who better than her?

  3. Yes, this qualifies as singing. Why? Because I did the Find a Pet song from the episode May the Best Pet win! Since the purchase of my new mic, I've been fiddling around, but this is my first serious bit, so please judge it honestly, but don't be too harsh. There is a slight delay in some of the lines, but that's due to recording inconsistencies and I really can't fix that. Sounds good otherwise though. Depending on how people like it, I may record more songs.


    Tell me what you think!

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  4. Crp_dude: Double posting before it was cool.


    Ponies, meet Oddball, a peculiar pony whose special talent is being able to stay on his hind legs for a very, very long time. He doesn't even fall over that often.


    Apis thought that since the mares got to wear socks, why couldn't he? Looks like you caught him in his little spot of fun, though.

  5. "Uh-oh... Looks like if you try to hide from attention in a gathering of fashionistas, you end up in attention's way..." Ornatia muttered to herself. She had hoped that the other ponies didn't notice that most of those plates of snacks were half-empty, since the stuff was just too small. Feeling refreshed and appropriately satisfied, Ornatia slowly shuffled her way from behind the table, likely to a few fellow partygoers's surprise. Though her little shuffle was fairly cute and casual, the moment she saw the colt drawing what she could only assume to be the scene, Ornatia suddenly scurried out of the area, saying "Oh, sorry if I'm breaking your concentration, sir, I'll just, you know, err, move over here!" Safely at a distance, she observed the group a bit. She was almost certain she had seen the red stallion at the entrance before. He didn't look like he was part of the competition to her, though. Some part of the staff, perhaps? The nervous mare next to him, though, had to be a designer. After all, no fashion model could ever bear to go outside and in public with that genuine case of the nerves. Although, Ornatia sympathized, perhaps even empathized with her. After all, Ornatia acted very much like that when she made her debut into fashion.

    "She'll do fine, Natie." She said to herself.

    She began to trot over to another section of the party, when she suddenly felt like she had to talk to the mare. What was it that made her do it? Compassion? Kindness? Empathy? Ornatia couldn't fish out her feelings, but nonetheless made a steady trot over to the conversing pair. Something about that pony just reminded her too much of herself. "Again, please excuse me," she called over to the artist, hoping he wouldn't be too irate at the sudden intrusion, but made sure not to get in the way of the group or the statue. Clearing her throat to get the attention of the designer, she looked over and asked "Er-- greatest apologies if I'm interrupting," she said, looking at Douglas, then turning to Chemise, "but, you are a designer, young lady, if my guess is correct? You look nervous. Is this your first time at a fashion show?"

  6. hi hi

    So what is Coyota's special talent supposed to be? I'm not familiar with the name (assume the name has a meaning) and I can't tell what his cutie mark is.

    Both of their names are kinds of cookies! They're both bakers, and in fact run a sweets shop together, mostly doing small catering jobs. They're no experts when it comes to making cakes, pies, or pastries, but put them in front of a cookie tray, and they start pumping out sweet treats like wildfire!

    To answer your question though, Coyotas in particular are a Mexican cookie, which uses brown sugar as its main ingredient. I've never had them myself, but they look delicious. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zJTJj74ybfA/SvdZuSjzcmI/AAAAAAAAACA/91ZAlBeHuio/s1600/minicoyotas1.JPG

    Coyota's cutie mark is supposed to be a flat cookie with sugar sprinkling. I kind of had to make it up a little, since there's no noticeable way to depict sugar without piling it on.

  7. Ehee, thanks :3 Probably just because of Baby Cakes though. After all, that first baby pony in the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well was a little... stare-into-soul-y... Whatever sense that makes.

    Anyways, time to have people yell at me for posting a cuddling pose of male lovers. Of course, no yelling is good too.


    These guys are actually good enough to maybe qualify for RP character material... Once I find a use for them in that regard, anyways.

  8. Shortly after entering the party area, Ornatia, still messy but nonetheless determined to make an impression, decided that she ought to first get something back into her stomach before she could even consider talking to anypony. As she walked over to the refreshment table, Ornatia slowed her pace and put a bit of her magic to work, immediately fixing her mask back onto her face properly. After all, she never went anywhere without it. Even in the privacy of her own studio, she keeps the mask on, out of plain habit if nothing else. Suddenly, Ornatia was put to wondering how long it’s been since she’s seen her own face in the mirror. Shaking off the slightly dreary thought, she fixed up her dress as well, tightened her favorite bow, and fixed one of her fishnets, which was sagging. She had no idea that she looked like such a wreck, rather than just a bit messy. Glad that she was at least for the most part fixed up, Ornatia resumed her trot to the table. Though she was very hungry and eager to get a certain disgusting taste out of her mouth, she could not help but stare at the exquisite ice statue. The wonderfully ornate dress seemed like something out of a fairy tale. Not because of its beauty, Ornatia thought, but rather because it probably would only look good in a fairy tale. Though she kept her reasons why silent, she secretly took note of the design and how she might improve it. Perhaps she could use it later. She immediately jolted back to reality when she took notice of the two ponies on the front side of the table. Though she knew she would be noticed by the sudden movement, Ornatia sped over to the other side of the table, behind the ice sculpture, hoping to at least recuperate from her intense fear of heights without making a fool of herself in front of all of the other designers and models. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Ornatia used her magic once again to bring a plate or two to her, grab a few fruit slices (particularly the mangoes), and get a cup of punch, which she quickly downed. Happy to have that taste out of her mouth, she silently snacked on the fruits and such from behind the statue, so that she could actually stomach talking to anypony later.

  9. Saluto! Gotta say, the general videogame, computer-type interests aren't a lot to go on, signore! All the same, Welcome to the Canterlot forums! If you need any help, asking just about anypony is a fantastic way to start, but have fun no matter what you do!

    Hopefully seeing you around,


  10. Soon after, a tall, lavender mare rode in on the red carpet... or rather, hobbled in. Ornatia, truthfully, could not have been more embarrassed. Exiting her carriage, she turned and graciously thanked the Imperial Guards who were kind enough to serve as escort. Then she turned and slowly walked to the party itself, hoping that nopony would misjudge her as she entered. Her mane was a mess, she was trembling all over, and she had just washed her face off, since she was crying all the way, and was almost certain she had thrown up at least once on the flight there. She was not at all nervous about the party though. Quite the opposite, Ornatia was thrilled to be there. However, she had completely forgotten just how fearful of heights she was, up until the carriage had taken her up in the air. For the hours that she was flying, she was dizzy with fear and clung tightly to her seat the whole time, not daring to look outside. Suddenly, she napped herself back to reality. She had already set up shop, and had her dress for the show prepared almost as soon as she found a model worthy for it. Checking over again, She pulled the sketch she had drawn for the piece of clothing almost a week ago, just to assure herself it was good.


    "Y-yes, I'm sure I'll do fine..." Her confidence in her abilities was of course unwavering, but she was less than sure that anypony would have an incredibly high opinion of her looking like the mess that she did. So, preparing to swallow her pride and put on a show, Ornatia, for the first time in her life, walked into a fashion show in another country, and never before had she been more determined to prove herself worthy to the world twice over.

  11. Saluto! It is lovely to see another member who shares a passion for hiking and nature as I do. Of course, it's easy for me to say, living in the middle of the Eastern Coast of the US, but that doesn't change the fact that I've seen many beautiful workings of the world.

    Anyways, welcome to the Canterlot Forums! My name is Alec, and I would be more than happy to talk to you sometime soon, or perhaps give you some artistic pointers! See you in the future, with any manner of luck.

  12. I have no idea what happened in my life to lead to it, but I am psychologically diagnosed with algophobia, or, an unnatural fear of pain, for those who don't know what it is. The idea of getting a scrape gives me the willies, and papercuts will be the death of me, I'm sure. Don't even get me started on all those cut-em-up horror films, I don't like horror for a reason. I have been working for a very long time to fix up this issue, with some success, but I still have a ways to go.

  13. Alright, time for some inexcusable stuff. You know what that means? That means Alicorns.


    This is intended to be a picture of Apis's father Emperor Mondo, when he was around Apis's age. The two do share a likeness, no?

    Of course, now I need to run like crazy before Faust breaks into my room and starts wooping me silly. This is a serious offense, yo. Bronies have been locked up for this kind of stuff.

  14. hi hi

    Wow.. I step away for a couple of weeks and when I come back your artwork has made leaps and bounds. The latest Apis and Ornatia are real slick. :) I think my favorite of the fashionistas is Bareedina, though I've recently discovered that I apparently have a bias towards Zebra character designs... so take that with a grain of salt.

    I kind of imagine the Fashionistas as some kind of fashion oriented super hero team, appearing in times of terrible unfashionableness, before disappearing as mysteriously as they arrived. :P

    Well, thanks much for the compliments! Be sure to take a look at Ornatia's profile, it's still a WIP! Though I expected the group to barely know eachother, I can totally see them being the official fashion police. Fashion vigilantes, even :lol:

  15. While I'm trying to get my computer back from practically being flipped out the window, I decided to perhaps start on a few of these so-called Desktop Ponies.

    So, to start out, here's Ornatia, v.1!


    Probably going to need to customize a sprite, since this is a little cluttered. Gave me a good idea, though.

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