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Posts posted by FIM Fan

  1. I really loved this episode. I guess they wanted to focus on sisters. And since none of the others have sister's it kinda makes sense how Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Dash, and Fluttershy weren't in there. Either way I really liked this episode. I will get my filling of Rainbow Dash in that episode where Dash looks for a pet. Is that next week or the week after? I forgot. All in all good episode.

    BTW I am quite sure that Sweetie Belle is a better cook then I am. LOL!

  2. Favourite pizza is a Papa John all meat topped with Zaxby's Chicken, Crinckle Fries, Zax sauce, Bacon, more fries, more zax sauce, and finally another All Meat pizza on top. It's amazing.


    WOW! That does look Amazing! Very original concept there! Hmmm.... my favorite Pizza places are Sansones and King's(Very, VERY, VERYYYYYY, good pizza places by me) Mostly I get Sausage or Pepperoni pie. I don't really load my pizza with a lot of stuff. To me like one topping is best.

    But, if I am in the mood for like Stuffed Crust I will go to Pizza Hut.

    BTW has anyone ever been to Cici's? There really aren't any by me and would like to know what you guys thought.

  3. Dude, Yankees have had a TON of years. Let it be someone else's year /yankeehate Like the Twins ;_;

    Hey, I am cool with giving teams a chance to win. I seriously don't really mind much if the Yankees don't win for the next ten years in the World Series. I just have 2 circumstances. It Can't be the Red Sox and it Can't be the Phillies that win the World Series. (I can't stand either team for obvious reasons. The Red Sox have been my enemy since day fricken one. And the Phillies, let's just say I had a bad experience with the fans when I went to their ball park).

    And I do agree more money doesn't always mean more championships. But, I think they have been doing a lot less money spending then they really used to. I'm just happy their farm is so full of talented young pitchers. I think you and the rest of the people are gonna see the Yankees actually spend a little less money then they did before.

  4. No, I love the baseball playoff system. it's better than playing a one and done game like some sports do. The sport of the American pasttime knows that one game can't decide the better team. St. Louis won it fair and square, I don't think anyone would argue that. And the Yankees are usually the best team in the American League every year as they were this year, but they got eliminated early. It's their own fault for not getting it done in playoff contention.

    I would agree that some sports have questionable playoff formats though. The NHL allows more than half the league to go into postseason play, which means that a team could easily end the season with a losing record and still have a chance to win the Stanley Cup. Usually, though, the better teams end on top anyway.

    I am a big Yankees fan so I agree with you. Their hitting was pretty good. They had the opportunity and they blew it. I really hope they get Sabathia back they really do need him. I seriously believe 2012 will be our year.

  5. Was it just me, or did this episode feel just a little rushed? I don't know why, no rarity (Or even a line in the show that showed where Rarity might be. For example she had a big order of Outfits to make and a deadline. That would at least have given us a reason why she wasn't there) To me it just felt kinda rushed. But, all in all I really liked the episode.

  6. If you're going to watch just one James Bond movie, I recommend From Russia With Love. I have seen every single film, and that is my favorite.

    Anyway, movies I need to see off the top of my head:

    The Godfather trilogy

    Jacob's Ladder

    The Devil's Backbone

    Once Upon A Time in China and America


    True Grit (the original)

    How could I forget about this John Wayne classic? That was John Wayne who was in the original right?

  7. Did someone say spoilers? How about costume spoilers!


    Holy cow Dash is a Shadowbolt!!



    I see Spike is going as his overweight older brother.. Bubba.



    Well first there was Scootaloo and now this, oh the fanart and fanfics this will create... :D



    AJ you know you'll always be my #1, but what are you wearing!

    From where I am sitting it looks like Apple Jack could be dressed as a scare crow. At least that's what it looks like to me That yellow stuff coming out of her shirt looks like Hay to me. Let's see, farmers hat patched clothing stuff coming out of the clothing that looks like Hay. I could be wrong but it looks like it could be scarecrow.

    I for one can't wait for this show. Can anyone tell me how soon the episode comes online after it airs. Because I'm at a friend's house from today till Sunday night and would like to watch it off my laptop or I-pod touch if at all possible.

  8. Yeah, I just wasn't so sure when. Could have happened over the weekend for all I know. I'm not to sure how they could make it happen but I will tell you this, something like this is making other race car drivers think about retiring. I really can't say I blame them after something like this.

  9. Okay please no one laugh at my list. I have a bunch of movies that I love that everyone else seems to hate. Okay here it goes I have a lot of favorites.

    1. The Lion King

    2. Aladdin

    3. Alpha and Omega

    4. Despicable Me

    5. Balto

    6. Hall Pass

    7. Rio

    8. Alvin and The Chipmunks (Both of them)

    9. The Little Mermaid

    10. Kung Fu Panda

    11. National Lampoon: Christmas Vacation

    12. Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure

    13. All of the Final Destinations

    14. Nightmare on Elm Street (Both)

    15. A Chipmunk Adventure

    I'll think of more at some point

  10. i have 2 part time jobs actually.

    1. I work at a Wawa as a Coffee host which basically means make coffee etc.for customers. (It's a regional convenience Store think of like a 7-11 or Quik Check and that's Wawa for you)

    2. I work at a local movie theater as a ticket taker.

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